Cass's Brother

Just For Her


Your POV

When my friend Cass wakes up I look at her and sigh in relief.

She sees me and looks around her, “Oh I must have hit my head hard enough I though we met the people of B.A.P.”

I try to think of a way to explain it wasn’t so I decide to be blunt wit her,  “Cass it wasn’t a dream we did meet B.A.P and they were the ones that brought us here. Guys can you come in now?”

I hear the door open and 6 members of my favorite kpop band walk in.

Hello,” Cass says as she tries to sit up right only to wince in pain.

Hello Tay told us a lot about you,” Yongguk says to her and I wince.

Cass looks up at me and gives me a good glare that makes me wish I was dead.

Zelo starts speaking to her in a rushed tone probably trying to save me from dealing with a pissed off Cass, not that he’d know that he’s freaking scary.

Still she gives me a glare that she has never given me in all my time being her friend.

Still after awhile she stops and looks up at the members who didn't’ seem to notice her silent threat.

“Who helped carry me?”

Zelo jumps up too look her straight in the eye, “I did, noona,” he pointed to Jongup, “but after awhile he was the only one carrying you.”

Jongup gives Zelo a glare but Cass ends up chuckling, “You don’t have to call me noona and thank you especially you Jongup for carrying me.”

Jongup looks away from my friend and I sit with Zelo on 2 chairs that was set up in one of the corners of the room.

I feel eyes on me, but I ignore them and sit there and talk with Zelo.

Hey Zelo did you know,” I race over and cover .

Know what?

That my friend here Tay has had the biggest crush on you. I swear she got annoyed when I nicknamed her fangirl.”

Oh but Baby would have been funnier a bit.”

Yeah but that’s what all your fans are called so what would be a point of that. So I nicknamed her fangirl.

I mutter hoping that no one heard, “At least she didn’t tell them my other nickname.

What’s your other nickname?”

I look away blushing because 1 of the 3 is far more embarrassing than the other.

Before I can answer Cass answers, “Well there’s lil robot and Zelo’s…

She shuts up when she sees someone at the door.

Hi,” she glares at the person at the door.

We should...”

Before they can turn around I grab their hands and smile at them, “ye, Oppas come over here.”

They walked over to the corner where Zelo and I are still sitting.

Hyung, what are you doing here?” I hear Cass ask annoyed.

I came with two teenagers in some kpop group here. I was picked out of a bunch of teachers but I think it’s also because I lived in the area before I moved over there.” He looks over at me and the 6 taller guys that I’m talking to all hush hush. “Hey, Tay how are you doing?”

I simply nod to him and try to make sure the guys don’t look over and give Cass a look.

I’m doing well thank you for asking. Oh how are you and your girlfriend?”

We’re doing well. Her brother hasn’t warmed up to me yet he kept glaring at me the entire plane ride here.”

Is he 1 of the people in the group?” you ask curious to hear if it was.

No, he’s 1 of the people that work with the group though. I think he’s also the reason why I ended up getting picked out of how many teachers.

My guess is he’s an older brother. Remember when you took my ex in the middle of no-where and kicked him out of the car two or three miles from where he’s supposed to go in the middle of summer on a 90 degree day,” Cass said laughing.

Ya, the guy was a creep and I told you that to and who was right?”

She sighs and points at him as if too answer him, but not really answering him.  

Ya, guys you know they’ve been looking for you all day right?

They turned around looking surprised that he knew it was them, “How did you know?

Oh I heard Zelo,” he turns to Cass, “So when I go back are you coming with?”

Ye, Hyung oh but Tay is coming along since I want to spend more time with my sis.”

He laughs and looks back at me, “Of course she’ll love Seoul and this time we can try to see everything unlike when we tries to with all the winter breaks you came to see me or the few times you came when it was summer.”

She nods and looks at me, “Yup she’ll love it we know the best places to go to anyways so it’ll be great for her plus she’s been saving up for this much like me.”

Yup I worked a lot for this trip I just never thought it’d come this early.”

He laughs and pats his sister’s shoulder, “Yup, my sis has a specialty to do things like that.

She growls and tries to get up to hit him better but she only falls out of the bed.

Jongup runs over to her and helps her up and Zelo goes over to help him.

I walk over and smile over at her, “How about I get you your favorite tea and bring it back for you?”

Cass winced when she jumped up but this time she made it into my arms sending me back into Zelo.

She laughs, “Please get it for me plus a muffin.”

I nod and smile over at her, “Oh and they said that once you wake up they’re sending you home. Mostly because I threw a fit for you cause I know your hatred for hospitals.

Thank you,” she said as Jongup, Zelo, and I help her back into the bed.

Alright I’ll be right back with the tea and muffin. So you need to change and then we’ll eat at our favorite ramen shop.”

She laughs as I leave, “You mean the only ramen shop.”

I look back at her and make a face, “Shut up.”

No,” she sticks her tongue out.

As I leave I wave to Shawn and didn’t notice the ramen haired boy that following me out.

Alright so I wrote Cass kind of like the girl from Panda and Hedgehog who says Hyung instead of oppa mostly cause my own brother who grew up here in the states gets mad when I call him oppa so I only use it to piss him off and tht's how Cass is.
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Chapter 11: Please continue the story, it's so nice.
Chapter 7: Unnie new subscriber
Waiting soooooo badly for the update ^^
This is really good!
I hope u update!
I like this! :)