
Where Love Should Be (Completed)
Chun’s complain of head ache woke Ella up. She immediately stood up and prepared a herbal tea for Chun. She went back to his room and gave it to Chun. He drank the tea and said, “Thanks, Ella.”

After drinking the tea, he wondered why he is . Then he felt one side of his cheeks is hurt. Ella was still there and she let Chun remember what had happened last night.


“Hey Chun! What are you doing? Stop it!” Then she began to hold both Chun’s hands.

“You said you love me right? Here’s your chance. Go and make love with me.”

Ella slapped him hard on his cheek. Then Chun forcefully locked his lips with Ella’s. Ella in the end kissed him back and hugged him. When he broke the kiss, Ella knocked him down.

Ella kissed his forehead and the tears told him that she’s crying.

*End of Flashback*

He looked at Ella and she is still looking at him. He stood up and hugged her. He said, “Ella, I’m so sorry for what I said last night. I realized that I stole a kiss from you.”

“My first kiss, Chun.” She hugged him back.

“Sorry, Ella.” Then he felt the urge to vomit. He broke the hug and immediately went to the toilet to vomit. Ella followed after him.

While he was vomiting, Ella patted his . After vomiting, he went to the sink to gargle his mouth.

Then Ella broke the silence.

“Chun, your hunk figure is killing my eyes!”

Chun teased back, “Aren’t you glad that you are the first one who sees me on the inside?”

Ella then went away. Chun chased after her. Before closing the bedroom’s door, she shouted, “Get dressed you god guy!”


Off she go.

Chun was smirking. He said to himself, “You barged into my unit at the right time.”

“I heard that!” Ella shouted back.


As Chun stepped out of his room, he saw Ella sitting at the sofa.

“Your breakfast is on the table.”

“Okay. Join me in eating breakfast.”

“No thanks. I’ll eat at my unit.”

“Oh, okay.”

As Ella is about to step out from his unit, Chun said, “Ella, thank you for taking care of me.”

“You’re welcome.”

A soft slam.


“Gui Gui, meet me at Starbucks at 3 PM. Bring Aaron with you.”

“What?! Chun… Chun?”

He hang up.

As he closed the door of his unit, he saw Ella closing the door of her unit also. Then he grabbed Ella’s hand and dragged her along with him.

“Wei! What are you doing? 放開我! (Let me go!)”


“我說你放開我! (I said let me go!)”

“你可不可以安靜一下, 好嗎? (Can you be quiet, okay?)”


Chun unconsciously interlocked his hand with Ella’s. As they arrived in Starbucks, they sat down while waiting for Gui Gui and Aaron.

“Mm… ehem!”

“What?” Chun asked.

“Are you holding someone’s hand?”

Chun released his hand from Ella’s.

“Who are we waiting for?”

“Gui Gui and Aaron.”


Ella thought, “After my first kiss and my eyes, it’s my hand! Is he sick or what?”

Few minutes later, Aaron and Gui Gui arrived. Then they sat down with Chun and Ella.

Chun spoke up.

“I want to say sorry to Gui Gui and Aaron. Most of the damage were given to Aaron and Gui Gui. I never thought that there would be a time that I like Gui Gui too. I never wanted Aaron to know that I liked Gui Gui because I want to assure him that he does not have any love rival. And at that time, I was really confused if I will pursue Gui Gui or not. My selfish side ruled over me when Gui Gui caught me, and selfishly took the chance to pursue her. With that, my friendship with Aaron was broken instantly without myself knowing it. I let Gui Gui go and move on with my life. What’s important for me now is to mend my broken friendship with Aaron.”

“So was it never intentional?” Ella asked.

“It never was. But for my selfish interest, I tried my luck.”

“Chun, past is past. You’re forgiven.” Aaron said.

“Friends?” Chun extended his hand out.


They shook hands.

“Chun, you’re also forgiven.” Gui Gui said.

“Thank you guys.” Chun said.

All smiles crept up on their faces.

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hi! i really enjoyed all the fanfics you write. :)) hope you'll still continue to write and write! and more rated please? haha. :))