Let Me Love You

Where Love Should Be (Completed)
As Ella left Starbucks, she immediately called Aaron.

“Aaron, I told Gui Gui everything already.”

“Thank you very much, Ella. Take care and bye.”


Aaron then lay down on his bed.


Three years ago…

“Aaron, I have a bad news to tell you.”

“What is it Ella?”

“Gui Gui found out that Chun is the secret admirer. And another thing, they are now together.”

*End of Flashback*

“I failed three years ago. I tried to forget her. But now, how can I love her again?” He said to himself.


Three years ago…

“Chun, do you like Gui Gui?”


“Can I ask you a favor?”


“Can you help me leave this letter on Gui Gui’s locker?”


“Thanks, bro.”


“Chun, I plan to reveal myself to Gui Gui. I hope it would work.”

“It would work Aaron. 加油!”

“加油 to me!”

*End of Flashback*


The next day…

“Um…Chun, I want this relationship to end. I need space.”

“Is there a chance that we’ll get back together again?”

“Let’s say that I need a break first.”

“Oh, okay.”

Gui Gui then left Starbucks after talking to Chun.

As she was walking down the road, she saw Aaron.


Aaron stopped and turned around to face Gui Gui. Gui Gui went to him and said, “Can I talk to you for a while?”

They went to a park and sat down at the bench.

“I knew about everything.” Gui Gui said.

Then she continued, “I don’t know why these things happened. I decided to take a break from my relationship with Chun. I want to ask something from you. Do you still like me?”

“I — I don’t know. I tried to forget about my feelings for you.”

“Hmm…actually I kept all the letters that you gave to me. If it’s okay for you, you can go to my house this time and read it all over again, just to refresh your memory, and mine also. I don’t want to live in a world of lies. And if it’s okay for you, I would want to start, no, not start, continue my life with you. I want to remove all the pain in your heart. Even though you may have not realized that you still love me, let me make it up for the lost three years; let me love you just once and for all.”

Aaron nodded and said, “Let’s go to your house.”

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jiroholic20 #6
hi! i really enjoyed all the fanfics you write. :)) hope you'll still continue to write and write! and more rated please? haha. :))