Teaser 05

SM Entertainment's New Girl Group :: CH4RM's Story


Roaming around Seoul Forest on a sunny, but slightly cold autumn morning was a young, model-like girl. The leaves had changed from being their summer colors to their fall colors; from different shades of green to red, yellow and orange. The girl had a large woolen scarf wrapped around her neck. with a camera in her hands. She was dressed in a warm yellow jacket. Overall, she looked as if she was dressed for a cold Winter day. 

She seemed to be in her own world, enjoying the presence and company of her camera. Occasionally, during her walk through the park, she would raise her camera towards her eyes and take a snapshot of the moment. 

"Oh. This picture is good." She said in approval with a smile on her face as she made her way towards a lonely bench by the side of the road and sat down. She breathed in the scent of fresh autumn air and sighed in content. It really was peaceful with barely anyone around. After the silent appreciation of the quietness and peacefulness, she looked down at her camera once again. 

Brushing her hair back with her hands, she took her time to inspect each and every one of the pictures she had taken that morning. Photography was one of her favourite things to do. Often times, she would find herself into the world of photography and photoshop for hours on end. 

"Woah. This is really pretty." She gasped in surprise at a picture she didn't even remember taking. She continued admiring the details of the flower until she caught sight of the watch wrapped around her tiny wrist. 

"Oh my gosh! I'm late!" dropped open in shock as she turned off her camera and gathered her things. Firmly holding onto her camera, she sprinted down the morning path, which was littered with fallen leaves which had turned slightly brown. 

Ten minutes later, she was standing in front of a brightly lit cafe which had a nice yellow glow to it. Pushing the door open, which caused the bells to jingle, she stepped into the warmth of the cafe. Her eyes brightened when she saw someone sitting in one of the corners.

"JiEun!" She shouted across the almost empty cafe to the girl, who looked up. The girl had large eyes and a petit nose, her long, curly brown hair flowing past her shoulder. From where she was standing, she could see that the girl had on a beige wool cardigan. Her brown bag was placed on the table while a phone was in her hands.

Waving once more, the girl with the camera quickly made her way towards the girl she called JiEun.

"Yah! What took you so long?" JiEun asked the girl who had slipped onto the chair situated across from her. She carefully placed the expensive camera in her hands, careful not to leave any scratch marks onto the surface of the device. 

"Photography can't be rushed, you know." The girl replied. After fixing her hair, she picked up her camera again with a bright smile. "JIEUN UNNIE! Do you want to see my photos?" Excitedly, she shoved the white electronic into her friend's face, to which the other raised her hands as if trying to say 'woah there, calm down.'

After a while of looking through pictures and eating a few small snacks, both JiEun and the girl prepared to leave. "Unnie, I need to go back to SM now..." The girl said with slightly depressing eyes as her camera was taken back from JiEun. JiEun sighed and held up a fist. "Hwaiting, Eunnie! By the way, say hi to (other members names here) for me." 

With a nod, both girls left the cafe only to be bombarded by JiEun's fans, mostly fanboys, but there were a few fangirls.





The screams continued as the girl was pushed around due to the large amount of fans who had started crowding around JiEun. In the end, the girl was successfully shoved out of the large crowd by the hyperactive fans and almost tripped on one of the fanboy's leg. "HEY! WATCH IT." He shouted in her face angrily and focussed on trying to get closer to JiEun again. One of the fanboys turned around due to the commotion and was surprised to see such a pretty girl getting yelled at. 

"How rude..." She muttered before taking one last glance at the group and at the boy, swearing to remember his face. Keying in a quick text to JiEun telling her that she would leave first, she started her journey back to the SM building. 




Author's Note

Hey guys~!!
I lied.... I didn't end up updating over the weekend. I've been super busy every single day for a while now.... T T

But I woke up early this morning just to update for you guys~!! Sorry about the few weeks without updates.

A new school year just started, and I had so much homework and tests....But hope you enjoy this update. ^^ 

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oh . i didn't know i couldn't press enter.... okay anyway, i've been extremely busy with tons of tests and all, but i promise i'll update this weekend. c:


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Chapter 28: I can't wait for the story to start~ Oh and don't worry, take your time in updating~ O u O
Chapter 30: ohmygosh I hope you're all better now D:
Chapter 30: Hope that you feel better soon~ I'm sick too ><
Chapter 30: I'm sure everyone will agree, that just take your time and we'll wait patiently for you ^-^d
Chapter 28: Congratulations to the members!!!!! :))
Chapter 28: omg yay all the memebers has been revealed!!I wonder how the personalities of the members will mash up with each other... xD
Update soon! <3
Chapter 27: How do you make everything look so real srsly. ;U;