Prologue 02

SM Entertainment's New Girl Group :: CH4RM's Story



Still six months ago...


Winny and Sungjoo were lying on the floor, flipping through the grey folder together. A large white fan was standing towards the side of the room, sending waves of cold air at the two.


"Oppa, why are we doing this again?" She asked as she sighed deeply. She didn't like having the responsibility to choose the members of the group she would debut in. Truthfully, she didn't like to have any responsibility at all. She wasn't a very responsible person. 


"Because the chairman Lee Soo Man said so." Sungjoo replied with the same irritated attitude. He also didn't like being put on the spot and having to choose the members of SM Entertainment's newest girl group, which everyone was having high hopes for.


"Ugh! He's so annoying." Winny said as she adverted her eyes back to the profiles in the folder. 


Another minute of boring silence later, Winny let out a frustrated sigh. "This is impossible! There are so many freaking trainees here who have so much potential. How in the world am I supposed to choose just four?!" 


Sungjoo smiled a little, amused by the fact that Winny could get so frustrated in such little time. "Don't you know all-" He was cut off when Winny's phone started ringing. She looked at the caller's ID and immediately smiled. 


"Boyfriend calling." She said, noticing Sungjoo's questioning look. She turned her attention back to her phone and answered the call.


"WINNY!" A hyperactive voice shouted over the phone. 


"Shut up, Sehun. I'm going to go deaf." She scolded him, but a smile was evident on her face. 


"You're always so mean." She could almost hear Sehun's pout. "Where are you right now?"


Winny looked around and sighed. "In one of the practice rooms as the SM building. Where I always am. Why?" Sungjoo rolled his eyes when he heard her emphasizing the word "always." *More like never around.* He thought as he continued looking through the folder.


"Because I'm bored. Winny~ Buy me some ice cream." Sehun whined into the phone. 


"Stop being a baby. If you want ice cream, get it yourself. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm busy." She said impatiently, waiting for Sehun to hang up so she could get the task Lee Soo Man gave her and Sungjoo over with.


"Yah~ You always say you're busy, but you're actually not." He complained as Winny ruffled her hair in frustration. She has a temper problem, really.


Taking a deep breath, she tried to sound as calm as possible. "Sehun, I'm busy okay? I'm hanging up. Bye." And with that, she quickly turned her phone off and stuffed it in her pocket. She heard a chuckle and whipped around to face Sungjoo. 


"Yah it's not funny. Do you know how annoying he can be?" She asked with an annoyed expression. Sungjoo just laughed in response and shook his head. 


"Okay whatever. Let's just get this stupid thing done with, okay?" She said as she started looking through the folder from the very beginning. 




An hour later, Winny and Sungjoo had three girls picked out already, and was deciding between two equally talented girls. 


"Well she's prettier." Winny said, stating the obvious. 


"But this one can sing and dance better." Sungjoo argued, holding up a piece of paper. Winny leaned over and inspected her face. It was decent, but just decent and nothing else.


"I just don't think she'll make it with that face. She needs plastic surgery for her nose and eyes. Her nose is too big and her eyes are too small. It doesn't look right." She said professionally, being the appearance critique she is.


"You know, you should be one of the judges of those beauty pageants. So picky." A voice said from the doorway. Winny looked up and smiled. 


"SEHUN!" She got up and ran over to him, giving him a big hug. "Hi Kai oppa." She greeted the person standing behind Sehun.


"Calm down, babe. Now you're going to make me go deaf." Sehun said, poking her cheeks. 


"Yah. That hurt." She pouted, as she rubbed her face. 


"You guys are so strange. It's like your relationship is bi-polar or something. One minute, Winny's all cold and mean, and the next, she's all sweet and cute. And when Winny's not nice, you try to be cute and end up being whiny. And when Winny is showing her nice side, you're..." He pointed at Sehun, who was just blinking at him. "...all sarcastic and mean."


Winny started clapping her hands as Sehun smirked. "Cool story, bro." 


Sungjoo narrowed his eyes and sighed, knowing he wasn't wanted there at the moment. He met eyes with Kai, who nodded at him. "Thanks for saying my story is cool. I really appreciate it." He said before getting up and leaving with Kai.




author's note. 

Hopefully you liked this teaser? >< I feel like my writing is getting worse and worse. *sighhh* Oh well! I'll try my best!

Oh and how do you like Sehun's relationship with Winny so far? XD It seems a bit odd but whatever. LOL. ^^

What about Sungjoo's relationship with Winny and Sehun?

Aheemm... This was written before I took my long hiatus.. So my writing might have changed since then... >.<



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oh . i didn't know i couldn't press enter.... okay anyway, i've been extremely busy with tons of tests and all, but i promise i'll update this weekend. c:


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Chapter 28: I can't wait for the story to start~ Oh and don't worry, take your time in updating~ O u O
Chapter 30: ohmygosh I hope you're all better now D:
Chapter 30: Hope that you feel better soon~ I'm sick too ><
Chapter 30: I'm sure everyone will agree, that just take your time and we'll wait patiently for you ^-^d
Chapter 28: Congratulations to the members!!!!! :))
Chapter 28: omg yay all the memebers has been revealed!!I wonder how the personalities of the members will mash up with each other... xD
Update soon! <3
Chapter 27: How do you make everything look so real srsly. ;U;