Teaser 03

SM Entertainment's New Girl Group :: CH4RM's Story



Secluded in a corner inside a popular Korean BBQ restaurant in the prestigious area of Gangnam were four good-looking people. They were seated around a large circular table, which was quite the odd sight since the table was for groups of at least 15 people. However, contrary to their skinny looks, the table was filled with plates of food. 

Exclusive Korean beef was laid out in one large area while the other food was scattered around the spaces on the large table. When the waitress placed one last plate of the table and left, four tongs were raised into the air and they all began picking food up and placing it onto the hot metal plate in the middle of the table.

"Yah! Jong In, stop poking the beef." Winny complained and whacked his tong away from the beef with her own metal instrument. Shooting his best friend a look, Kai frowned and put his pair of tongs back down onto the table and sat, watching the other three prepare the food. The eldest of the table looked up with his stern eyes and stared straight at Kai. Feeling the piercing look, Kai cautiously lifted his head and smiled sheepishly as the other raised an eyebrow.

"Well? Aren't you going to help?" Kris asked and gestured towards the metal plate which was slowly being filled with different kinds of meat. Mostly beef, though. The girl sitting next to Kris, who had features of a cat drawn onto her face, sat up in shock as Kai clumsily picked up his tongs only to have them drop into his cup of water which in turn fell over and soaked the remaining pieces of beef. Kris slapped his hand onto his face while Winny nodded. "Good job, Kai." She said sarcastically. How typical of Kai to mess everything up.

"KIM JONG IN! MY BEEF!" The girl next to Kris shouted in horror at the scene as Kai yanked Winny's tongs out of her hands and quickly began throwing the wet pieces of beef onto the sizzling metal plate. "Calm down, Jinnie. It's safe to eat. It's only Kai germs." He said in Chinese to the girl who was pouting. Winny, who understood Chinese as she was in fact, half Chinese and half Korean, let out a loud laugh. The only person at the table who didn't understand Chinese was Kai. He was used to being the only one unable to understand Chinese since the four of them went out a lot.

"What's so funny?" He nudged Winny who shrugged with a wide smile. "Wish you could understand Chinese now, huh?" She asked while poking his arm. "You wish." He retorted, although inside, he felt the completely opposite. 

"Oh! Beef is ready!" The girl sitting next to Kris, Jin Hae, said excitedly as Kris took charge of splitting the food into four equal (not really) portions. The largest quarter, which seemed more like a third, went to Jin Hae since Kris decided that she would get the largest portion. The second largest was given to Winny since she practically begged Kris for that quarter. Kris placed the third largest quarter onto his own plate and passed Kai the tongs.

"Wow... You help everyone else but not me." He grumbled as he moodily dropped the pieces of beef onto his own plate. "Not to mention I get the least." He said as Winny rolled her eyes. She scraped a few slices of beef off her plate and onto Kai's. "Quit complaining and just enjoy the food, okay?" She requested to which he obeyed.

"Oh right, Winny. How come Se Hun didn't come today?" Jin Hae questioned after swallowing the food. Kris stopped eating also and curiously glanced at Winny. He was wondering the same thing. In fact, everyone at the table was wondering the same thing. 

"It's best friend's day out." She simply replied with a nod and continued chewing on her food. Jin Hae, Kai and Kris all nodded knowingly. As much as Winny loved Se Hun, she didn't like taking him along with her when the four of them played together. She had explained that because it was a day only for her best friends, she'd rather not let Se Hun tag along. The concept was along the lines of "girls day out" or "guys day out".

"Jinnie unnie, did you have a lot of beef back at the farm?" Winny asked with large, wondering eyes. Jin Hae ran her hand through her hair before answering. "Not really. We usually sell the cows but occasionally, we would keep one for ourselves and eat it." She said. "But we had beef more often than normal people in Seoul." She added and picked up her metal spoon delicately. 

After a while of eating, socializing and making fun of Kai, Kai and Kris had to leave to practice for their anticipated comeback. 

As Kai, who was voted by the other three to pay, paid for the expensive meal, Kris, Jin Hae and Winny stood by the entrance, waiting. Since it was already 1am in the morning, and the streets were empty, neither Kris nor Kai felt the need to wear their disguises. Besides, fans still managed to spot them even when they had their disguises on.

"Bye, Jong In. Bye, Kris oppa. Hwaiting!" The two girls shouted their farewells and waved dramatically upon arriving at the SM Entertainment building.


author's note.

Ugh. This chapter really gets on my nerves for some reason, which is why I didn't post it until now.... I made so many changes but it still seems like a horrible chapter. 

I am honestly really, really unsatisfied and dissapointed with this chapter.... I don't know why but I just don't like it.

I've been really busy for the past few days, but I promise to update at least once a week~! ^^

Oh and also, what do you think of my new style of writing? Is it different from before? Haha... I think I just got more descriptive... >.<

Please leave your comments~!

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oh . i didn't know i couldn't press enter.... okay anyway, i've been extremely busy with tons of tests and all, but i promise i'll update this weekend. c:


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Chapter 28: I can't wait for the story to start~ Oh and don't worry, take your time in updating~ O u O
Chapter 30: ohmygosh I hope you're all better now D:
Chapter 30: Hope that you feel better soon~ I'm sick too ><
Chapter 30: I'm sure everyone will agree, that just take your time and we'll wait patiently for you ^-^d
Chapter 28: Congratulations to the members!!!!! :))
Chapter 28: omg yay all the memebers has been revealed!!I wonder how the personalities of the members will mash up with each other... xD
Update soon! <3
Chapter 27: How do you make everything look so real srsly. ;U;