Hello Again~!

SM Entertainment's New Girl Group :: CH4RM's Story

Hello guys~!

In 6 minutes, it'll officially be September 18, which means I will no longer be accepting applications! By the time I type this up and post it though, it will probably be way past 12am. 

Anyway, I've been quite busy these days but I promise I'll find time to update. ^^ Besides, I already have some of the chapters and teasers written... Just waiting for the right time to release them (meaning after I write another chapter to replace the one I'm about to release). Okay. Ya, I have a complicated way of writing fanfics, but hey. If I'm ever unable to update for a long time, I can release the drafts of the future chapters, right?

I already have in mind who the other two characters are going to be. I just have to get to know those characters before I can begin writing teasers and stuff for them... (I don't want to have to refer to the applications every second I'm writing =~=)






Did you guys hear? (You probably did... It's just that I'm a bad fan who's behind on everything right now... T T)

Exo-M won "Most Popular Group of the Year" award at Mengniu Annual Billboard Music Festival~!!

I was literally crying tears of joy when I found out this afternoon.... (Yes, sadly I didn't know until a good 12 hours after they won..... I feel like a horrible fan...)

AND (I'm not finished yet...)

EXO won "Best Outfits" award too~!! 

I'm so ing happy for them right now... *sobs* But I don't get it.... Best Outfits award? LOFL.... But I guess it's still an award, and Exo really does look y and hot in their clothing.... c; Gotta give credit to the coordi noonas~ They know what we fans like. ^^

Oh and another thing!! 

Once I have everything settled and organized, I'm going to delete Chapter 1, 2 and 3 since they're not really relevant to the story once it starts anyway.... If you don't want me doing that for any reason, please tell me before I delete them... ^^ Just a heads up for you all!



And again, some updates of my interesting not interesting life...

The following "journal entry" like thingy isn't relevant to the story or anything... So feel free to skip it and just go to the GIFs. ^^


Today I was so ing pissed because my English teacher made seating arrangements in class... And I ended up sitting with two popular Asian people (my school is weird.... There's the popular caucasian group and the popular Asian group and the rest just fall in between or join one of those groups... I'm one of the loners with my friends...) and they were so annoying. 

One of them was Korean and the other was Japanese. (They are both ing hot. I'm not kidding.) But besides that point, they got separated from their friends who were at another table and throughout the entire class, they were shouting at each other. 

Not that bad, huh?

Well guess what. It's terribly awkward when the things they were shouting at each other were all erted jokes and disgusting talk about ion and what not. It's sad how everyone is like so gross now.... So I was sitting in the middle while awkwardly listening to them talk...... It was so gross and I'm still so pissed at my teacher for changing the desk arrangements. 

Well..... Ya. So if I don't seem to be happy during the next few days, blame those two erted freaks... =~=


Well bai~ 

See you the next time I update. Which will be pretty soon (either tomorrow or the day after)


....And I was right. It's 12:18am right now....

Bai~!! *loves you all*


Wooow Se Hun.... Nice confession much??

*sobbing because I don't want Se Hun to be gay* HUN HAN FOREVER.




OMFG... Why the hell are you so adorable, my little (or big 0.0) SeHunnie??

Can I pleeease just keep you in my pocket? 

It's now 12:24am and counting.......

It took me so long to write this.... =~= 


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oh . i didn't know i couldn't press enter.... okay anyway, i've been extremely busy with tons of tests and all, but i promise i'll update this weekend. c:


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Chapter 28: I can't wait for the story to start~ Oh and don't worry, take your time in updating~ O u O
Chapter 30: ohmygosh I hope you're all better now D:
Chapter 30: Hope that you feel better soon~ I'm sick too ><
Chapter 30: I'm sure everyone will agree, that just take your time and we'll wait patiently for you ^-^d
Chapter 28: Congratulations to the members!!!!! :))
Chapter 28: omg yay all the memebers has been revealed!!I wonder how the personalities of the members will mash up with each other... xD
Update soon! <3
Chapter 27: How do you make everything look so real srsly. ;U;