Prologue 03

SM Entertainment's New Girl Group :: CH4RM's Story


"Me. Lee, here are my top four choices." Sungjoo said as he handed Lee Soo Man the folder. He flipped it open and took out the four profiles, which were clipped together with a paper clip. 


"Thank you. You may take your leave now." He said as he waved Sungjoo off. Sungjoo bowed and scurried out the door. 


"Hmmm... These four girls, huh?" Lee Soo Man mumbled, as he sat down on his desk, thinking deeply. "Is Sungjoo-shi psychic or something? I was thinking of debuting the exact four girls along with Minhee." 


He read the profiles a few times, and placed them down on his desk, in a neat, organized pile. He couldn't stand having a messy desk, therefore everything was neat and tidy. 


"So these four girls, it is!" He nodded as he called his secretary. "Please prepare four contracts for debuting the four girls I told you about earlier right away." 


He heard a rustle of paper over the line as a voice, dripping with business replied. "Yes, Mr. Lee."


Lee Soo Man smiled in content and hung up, leaning back on his chair. *I wonder how successful CH4RM will get. And what will happen if they don't suceed? No. They will succeed. This is SM Entertainment we're talking about here. CH4RM will lead the music industry, along with Exo from now on.* 



An hour later, a soft knock was sounded on Lee Soo Man's office door. "Come in." He said, not bothering to look up from his paper work. 


"Mr. Lee, here are the four contracts you wanted." His secretary walked towards him and placed four files on his desk. He shifted his attention over to the files and picked one up, skimming through it. 


"Okay. Looks good. Please tell these four girls to come tomorrow at noon so we can discuss about the contract and their debut." He ordered, as his secretary nodded, mentalling writing down his requests.


"Thank you. You are now dismissed." She bowed with a smile and left the room. 



author's note.

Hello again, guys! Are you getting annoyed with me? I'm sorry... Please tell me how I'm doing with the writing and things! 

Again, this chapter was also written before my hiatus...... So don't get too used to this style of writing... I think it's changed~ >.< Not sure if it's a good thing or not, but whatever!!

Until next update... See you! 



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oh . i didn't know i couldn't press enter.... okay anyway, i've been extremely busy with tons of tests and all, but i promise i'll update this weekend. c:


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Chapter 28: I can't wait for the story to start~ Oh and don't worry, take your time in updating~ O u O
Chapter 30: ohmygosh I hope you're all better now D:
Chapter 30: Hope that you feel better soon~ I'm sick too ><
Chapter 30: I'm sure everyone will agree, that just take your time and we'll wait patiently for you ^-^d
Chapter 28: Congratulations to the members!!!!! :))
Chapter 28: omg yay all the memebers has been revealed!!I wonder how the personalities of the members will mash up with each other... xD
Update soon! <3
Chapter 27: How do you make everything look so real srsly. ;U;