Chapter 8- Count Down Starts

Hundred n twenty 120

After tat day, Wang Zi n Xiao Xun be together secretly but happily. Happy time won't stay long. Xiao Xun asked Wang Zi to meet her in the place they first met (the school science lab).


WZ: You ask me here got anyhting?
XX: I miss you, cannot
Oic. How about we go to the garden for a walk?
XX: (felt someone following them) How about you go down first,
i'll follow you after wards.
Erm...ok. Be careful.
Ya.(wait til Wang Zi went far) Who's there?!!!
Magic Apprentice: Princess!
XX: Oh, you two! Master, is there anything?
MA: The Queen command us to bring you
bck. You have spoil the rules.
XX: Love someone is nothing wrong?!!
Ya. But the one you love is a human, you two cnt be together! So, sorry!
XX: Don't force me!
MA: Your magic cant hurt us.
XX: I don't care! *say magic spell*
MA: *say defend spell* Princess, follow us
XX: I won't *say freezer spell* (ran towards Wang
Zi) Wang Zi, run! (pull him n run)
Wat happen?!
MA: (block in front) Princess, follow us
bck! If not he'll get hurt!
XX: How dare you!!!
MA: Let's see.
XX: OK! Fine!... I'll follow you
WZ: Xiao
Xun, wat's going on?!
XX: Wait for me 120 hours. Then
i'll explain everything to you.
MA: Let's go, princess.


Wang Zi is so confused about everything happened just now. Wat he can do is just sit there n wait til Xiao Xun come bck. N Xiao Xun also have reach her home in the magic kingdom.


XX: Why you did this to me?!
DY: You two go out first,
i got thing to talk to Xiao Xun.
MA: Yes, Queen.
DY: Dear, you should have know why
i sent you to the human world. But now you have messed all the rules, i'm forced to bring you bck. You should sure tat you two cant be together. Let go my dear.
XX: NO! I just can't...I love him very much,
pls mom...
DY: You two for sure can't be together, but
i can give you 120 days to done with the mess you did n you cant went bck again.
XX: Only 4 months?! You are so cruel.
DY: Tat the most
i can do.
XX: Fine!


After tat, she went bck n saw Wang Zi fainted at the place they separate. She bring him bck to her house wait til he waked up.


WZ: Wat happened?
XX: Don't you remember?
Nvm, how about i bring you go visit my hometown, i got something to tell you.
WZ: ???
XX: 2mr we'll go.
WZ: ... ok?


Wat will happen when she bring him to the magic kingdom?...

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