Chapter 3- Romantic Practice

Hundred n twenty 120

The next mrg the headmaster announced tat the school sports day will starts in 2 weeks time. Everyone is discussing about wat they r going to do. Not long, xx came into the class


XX: I think u all hv known about the sports day. Juz now headmaster had called me for a meeting. The result is our girl in class do the cheering. Then for Wang Zi, he muz join all the activity. And for the guys, u can choose urself.
AW: Of course, Wang
Zi is the athlete of our class.
WZ: Looks like I need to practice hard.
XX: Relax,
i will accompany u, bcuz i'm forced to take part in every activity too.
Wow! Ms.Xun u know so many things?
XX: Dun look down upon me,
i'm also an athlete in school past time....OK,OK. Now start the class.


After the school time, xx walk to the swimming pool ready to practice swimming for the sports day. While she's there, she saw a person. She swim to the person's side.


XX: Hi! Practice too?
XX: We
hv a competition ok?
WZ: Ok!


Then they went to the starting line n start the race. But while wz reached the end,he dint saw xx. Later, he found out tat xx was drown. He quickly save her ashore.


WZ: Xiao Xun! Xiao Xun! Wake up!!


He see her no response, he help her to do CPR (人工呼)


XX: (cough n spit out all the water) Wat happened juz now?
U've drown juz now, is me who saved u.
XX: juz now
i felt someone...kiss me?
Ermmm, juz helping u to do CPR, dun misunderstand. *blush*
XX: ......Thx!
WZ: Oh,
nvm! Important is u r...fine (they look at each other eyeball to eyeball) They now in their own world without knowing tat gg is outside saw everything.

WZ: I sent u home?
XX: Ok, thx!


Time past fast 2 weeks have gone, and the most attractive is the competition between wz n xx. Their results nearly the same, is a close match. The competition come to the end, unexpected the winner is not as usual as past few years, tat is the teacher come new arrive- XX!!!


WZ: Congrats! (shake her hands)
XX: Welcome. Thx for giving me way.
WZ: But next yr
i will work harder! Haha...


Wat will happen between wz n xx? N wat will gg do seeing them tis way?

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