Chapter 4- Miracle Blood

Hundred n twenty 120

Today the students all

very tired bcuz of yesterday sports day.


YT: Wang Zi, help me to pass up the book for Ms.Xun in the office, tq.
WZ: ....... OK!


While he bring the book to the office, he din't saw xx. After a wild, he found her in the resting room slept.


WZ: (pov: Wow...her sleep face is as pretty as usual, the eye brown, eye, nose n the mouth is all so perfect...... Hey! Wat happen to me? I already gt Gui Gui. Stop thinking!!!)


Then, wz wrote a note a put it beside her n went out.


GG: Where did u went, take so long time.
Ermm, i juz helping other teacher to do things.
Wat teacher? (cheeky face)
WZ: Busy body...


XX waked up n saw the note, a weird feeling came to her, sweet. Is her time to go into the class, then she went. While she's teaching, wz is down there not listening but staring at her n start to imagine.


XX: U all looks like not ready for class. How about tonight i invite all of u go the Passion (pub) n play. Tomorrow is a holiday.


The whole class went cheering n shouting.

At night, most of the student came, include wz, gg, aw n yt.
Tonight xx wear a black
short night dress, the image is totally not the same in school.


XX: Hi, everybody! Tonight u guys juz relax n play! Party time!!!

DJ: The song for now is a Latin dance song. (XX lend the bf from gg for a dance.)

WZ: Wei, how can u be like tat? I need to accompany Gui Gui.
juz quitely company me finish the dance.
AW: Wei! This dance is so difficult. I dun wan to dance already! (frustrated)
YT: U dare to! Shut n
juz dance!


While wz n xx dance til half, xx suddenly felt a pain on the chest n wz bring her out of the pub to a small path near the pub.


WZ: Wat happen to u?
Juz don't let anyone come in. (looks suffering)
GG: (appear in a sudden) Wang
Zi? Wat happen to teacher?
Ermmm,...nothing. U go bck in first. (push her away)
XX: Wang
Zi, come in a while!!! (WZ rush in)
WZ: (shock) Y u r freezing
juz like ice!!!
XX: I will explain to u later. Now i
nd a bit of ur blood, but...


Without thinking, wz juz bite his finger n put at .
The warm blood of
wz make the pain disappear n she is bck to normal temperature.


WZ: Better now?
XX: Thx. U
muz be shock. (weak)
WZ: Is ok...
XX: Come lets go
bck in.
muz let Wang Zi save u everytime?! (say softly in a corner)


When xx went bck home, she's thinking of the incident happened juz now. Bcuz wat can heal her painfulness is the blood of a guy who loves her truely.


Wat will explain all this? Waiting for next.

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