Chapter 1- New Teacher

Hundred n twenty 120

Ring......Ring...the bell rings, a boy walked into a university, he walked to the science lab. There's a student doing experiment.


BOY : Hi! I'm new here. Wat's ur name n wat u're doing?
(asking question non-stop)

STUDENT: I'm Wang Zi,doing experiment.(replied coldly)
BOY : Oh!!! Ur the one who is the "prince" which is the most handsome n smartest in the school?!! WOW!!!


WZ din't say anything, straight away stand up n ready to go, the boy followed him. Suddenly, a student run in n accidentally bang on the boy. He fall into wz's bosom, long black hair fall out from the wig. They stand at d original place gyrate. WZ feel out tat the boy actually is a girl. They stunned and hug together for 120 seconds. A voice waked them up.


HEADMASTER: Ms.Xun u're here?! Is time to get ready the things for the class later.(conscious of
wz's exist) Wang Zi? U should go bck to class.
WZ : Yes, headmaster! (
pov: Oh! A new teacher, acted so childish, please dun be teaching me.)


Each of them went bck to their own respective place. After a while, a high-heels sound came from the passage, it slowly went into wz's class. The whole class stunned bcuz a pretty n y girl stand in front the class.


GIRL : Hi,everyone! My name is Xiao Xun, I'm ur class teacher tis year. (The whole class laugh.)

CLASS MONITOR: Miss, i'm the class monitor. U look younger than us, impossible u r our teacher .
Tis time the headmaster walk in.)

HEADMASTER : I bet u all hv known who is she, u all should listen to her.
WZ : (
pov: Wat?! She is my teacher?! Seroiusly NO WAY!!)
CM : Yes, headmaster! (the headmaster went out)
XX : Now
i want all of u to introduce urself 1 by 1.
CM : My name is
Ya Tou, class monitor.
AM : I'm Ah Wei, assistant monitor.
GG : I'm
Gui Gui,...wz' *blush*
WZ : Wang


After tat the students continue to introduce themself. While finish, she started to teach.
After school, AW n WZ plan tonight go to a pub which new
opened near WZ's
But at night WZ receive AW's phone call

AW: Wang
Zi,sry i got things to do,I cant go d,u go alone la, bye!!
WZ: WEI!!! Like
tis also can?

Nothing to do, WZ went to the pub alone. In the pub, music telecast loudly...colorful lights overspread. The ppl inside dancing, singing, drinking. WZ sat down n he saw an unexpected person. Through the bar tender, he know tat the girl is popularity in the bar circles. While she's taking a drink, she saw WZ.


GIRL: Eh, Wang Zi! Come dance with me. (pulled WZ to the middle of the dancing pit)
Ms.Xun, y r u here?
XX: Teacher can't come to this place
? N after school time call my name.(dancing highly)


The music change into a soft music, XX lead WZ danced the gentle waltz. Juz like cinderella n her prince. They dance and they drink, XX drunk n WZ force to bring her bck home bcuz she can't say where she lived under the drunk condition.


XX: AH!!! (vomit)
WZ: Wei!!! My sofa! OMG!!
Haih... (bring her to his room) Good thing I live alone.


He help her to clean up n put a warm towel on her forehead. Then he go n clean up the living room n sleep in the guest room. While he's going to sleep, his mind suddenly appear the sleep face of XX, so sweet like an angel. Thinking... thinking...til fall asleep.


Wan to know wat happen while the next morning? Stay tune...

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