Chapter 11- Power Of Love

Hundred n twenty 120

Finally, summer holiday had come to the end. Xiao Xun n Wang Zi went back to school. When they were back, they found out that Gui Gui was admitted into the hospital because was hurt while play at the beach.


GG: Where had you gone the whole month?
WZ: I got some things to do so not at town. How are you?
GG: Doctor said need to stay on the bed for 1 more week. You will come see me everyday rite?
WZ: ...ok. ( I think Xiao
Xun will understand me.)
GG: You are so sweet! (kissed him)
XX: (a "pop" sound heard, a bunch of flower fell on the floor n she ran out)
WZ: (chased out
til outside the hospital) Xiao Xun!!! Stop n listen to me!
XX: What you want to say? You need to take care her everyday
i don't mind, but how could you...
WZ: I'm...


Suddenly someone shouted "That's a girl standing on the top looks like want to jump down!" Wang Zi take a look up there, it's Gui Gui! He quickly ran up, Xiao Xun followed behind.


WZ: Gui Gui!!! Come down! Please, don't be silly!
GG: You had no more feel in me, what's the meaning of life now?! Without you
i can't even live!
WZ: Come back down first,
i promise i'll love you only til forever! Please, come down first, ok?
GG: (
pov: Xiao Xun, you lose.)


Gui Gui believe in him n come back down. For the next second, Wang Zi want to explain, but...


WZ: Xiao Xun, I...
XX: Stop! Don't say anything,
i understand. Through this i know how much you love Gui Gui, i think i can forget you soon. Don't worry of me. (tears start to drop but still force to smile)
WZ: No, you...
XX: Nothing! Really,
i'm not so sad. (turn her face away so tat wang zi won't see her crying) See you in school! (walk away without turning back)


Actually Xiao Xun misunderstand everything, Wang Zi just go n calm down a friend, just a friend, nothing more. In this month, Xiao Xun always keep away from Wang Zi. To avoid from upset Gui Gui, Wang Zi too can't even go near Xiao Xun to explain. Until 1 day, Wang Zi really can't stand already.
When he met her in the school canteen...


GG: Hi, Ms.Xun!
XX: (
pov: Must bear it all!) So sweet you 2. Had recess together.
GG: Ok, bye
Ms.Xun. (pulled Wang Zi away)
WZ: (swing off
Gui Gui's hand n walk to Xiao Xun n pulled her away)
XX: What you doing?! What will
Gui Gui think?! Are you crazy?!
WZ: I don't care!!! What
i noe is I love you! That day i just go n care for a friend that's all! I don't know why you'll think that way?! Please don't leave me again! (hug her tightly)


They dint know that Gui Gui saw everything n want to revenge. She ask her out to the wharf.


XX: Ask me out anything? Y you met me here?
GG: You come closer!


When Xiao Xun went closer, Gui Gui blew some powder type thing to her face n she fainted. After that Gui Gui pushed her into the sea. She confirm Xiao Xun had no more response only walk away. Wang Zi sense something happened on Xiao Xun. He followed the feeling n went to wharf n saw her drown. He quickly bring her back to his house- The Black Evil castle.


AQ: Prince, what are you doing?! Why bring our enemy's princess here?!
WZ: Quiet! I need to use magic to save her!
AQ: No use prince!!! 2 of yours magic is total different type, you did this only will hurt her more!
WZ: How? Then how?!
Ao Quan, you tell me how!!!
AQ: Where had all your calmness gone?! If now we use her to change the Magic Kingdom we will sure get it!
Ya...ya! Bring her back maybe can save her! (carry her n fly to the Magic Kingdom)
AQ: PRINCE! Are you listening to me?! You are doomed, fully finished!


Wang Zi can't care so much, what he want to do is save her.
He straight away bring her to the Queen, Xiao Yu's there too.


XY: What had you did to her?
WZ: I did nothing! Quickly save her!
DY: Calm down you 2. Wang
Zi, pass Xiao Xun to Xiao Yu, he know how to do with it.
WZ: Please!
XY: Thx! ( carry her into the room)
DY: Xiao
Xun from small can't touch water, so...but don't worry. I want to confirm who you are.
WZ: Everything you guess is true. I'm from the Black Evil Family,
i come near Xiao Xun is to revenge.
DY: But you still can't escape from the word LOVE.
XY: Queen, Xiao
Xun stay in the water for too long time, we need the flower of the Iron Tree.
WZ: Is my family plant,
i think i can get it. Leave it to me. In the mean time please take good care of her. Thx.


Finished his word n he fly back to his castle. But...


Iron Tree: Prince, you know that we never bloom.
WZ: I need it for saving! Please!
IT: Give me a reason that can touched me.
WZ: I need it to save a girl. A girl that melts my froozen heart, a girl that take away all the revenge feeling in me, n she is the princess of my enemy state.


Suddenly,the tree bloom with beautiful white flowers.


IT: Even the Prince of the Black Evil also can fall in love, you let me know what is true love. Come take the flower you want.
Tq! (ready to leave)
AQ: Prince, you had break the rules.
Ya, i know, i need to be under house arrest. But can you give me 2 months time to see her get well.
AQ: ......ok...


He quickly bring the flower back. And Xiao Yu used it to saved Xiao Xun n she's get well soon.

What will happen in this 2 month time? To be continue......

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