Today,Tomorrow and Forever - You are my Hero

Today,Tomorrow and Forever I'll Love you

 "Hey , have a nice chat? " He came and pat your head.You gaze at him with a puppy 'You're-Back!- Eye'. He smile at you and you started to melt." Look * he show you a container filled with salad* I bought this for you , Let's eat okay" Kai muttered "And this is for you guys " Luhan also bought for the other members.You were getting along with , with kai also, you laugh and giggle, Murmured alot while munching your lunch and have fun knowing with them suddenly Kris started  you mind you and the other members " They, Guys, Remember the Crazy fan who attack us last year? They were targeting Anna and Kai... Now what? " " thats mean....* you're scared , kai cut  your words* " that's mean we have to go to class, Sehoon, coming? " Kai grab your hand and stand , walk to class, you were followed by sehoon.While walking to class, Kai was acting weird,trying to goof around with you and at the same time he flirt you.Sehoon was watching you two . as soon you arrived at the class, kai walk you to your table,Still sehoon watched him ." you sit properly young lady, watch your back ~~ " Kai tease you but so you turn , you were Startled ,It was sehoon who was sitting behind you all along~Soon The bell rang,We everyo-ne start their classes.Yet you can't even concerntrate on you topic cause Kai keep bothering you.You and him keep on Goofying around without being find out by the teachers.Till Class end , Jessica , Hyuna , min ha and Sunyoon Unnie went off early.they also cancel on 'going out togethere' Because Min ha and sunyoon got busy at home.



"Anna, I'm ganna pick you up abit sooner,because I have importances things to sort here , sorry ... Daddy will be there hehee" *uncle Jae text*


You pouted,Late ? you thought. without realising , Kai was secretly  read uncle Jae's text."Late ? I'm here " He smirk . "eeh ? Oppa ? come sit here" Now you  started to treat him welcomely  , " o-o-o-oo~ wait, I need to go to the toilet, don't go anywhere" Kai in rush. You giggle at how funny he is running rushly to the toilet.While waiting, Youu thought things freakily, " Kai is goodlooking ,bla,bla,bla" you keep complimenting him , *tak! tuk! Taak!* suddenly You were showered with rubbish paper and drinks and foods.You immediatedly turn, it's was that Crazy fan again " I worn you , Now you get to see what we work for you for flirting with Kai and the other members Now spill it out !! what is your relationship with Kai?"  You couldn't speak a word cause you were scared , " what have i've done ?? " Thought again and again , So you pick your stuff and Run to kai . One of them try to chase you but the other stop her.You cry louder and louder,Sitting outside the boys toilet.- "what the heck ? miss are you okay ? what happen ? " kai asked without realising that he was talking to you,So you looked up and called for his name " Kaaaaai ...`" you called softly with you sore throat crying out.Kai was shocked " Who did this to you!?" He Muttered softly and Faster get to you and Clean things up, "Here,take my cloth,They're huge, so you can take your skirt off." So you went to the girls room while Kai was guarding you outside. " Thanks Kai... "You cry silently. You're finished and ready to go out side." Kai Looked at you and suddenly he Cuddled you tightly." I will be with you and I will never live you alone again okay" he whispered, His whispered melt you and make you feel something that you never felt before makes you hugged him tighter.But he release you," This is school" He smile , He look at you from head to toe," Cute" He muttered.


You wear this but without the jeans, its y and cute <3


" Hey, Do you want me to walk you home? " Kai asked you out,but you insist.So you two sit at the beench at the 'waiting area' ,He keep looking at you " you thought why, " are you a hurry ert? " You boomed at him " no , I just wanna look at you " He blurted out ."Oh Gosh ! why did I say that!?" he mumured his self.Yet he still can took his eyes of you ." Thats it, I'm doing don't follow me ! " You went off to walk yourself home, without looking back.


"It's been an hour already , way am I still walking, I should be at home already and lay on my bed, I'm not  lost , i'm sure this is the right way" It was soon the night fall , the sun is setting,its getting dark."Where am I ?" You felt scared   " Help Me somebody, Help me.." You called out for helps,It was so cold you just keep walking then you see a guy infornt so you walk forward " Hello, sir , can you help me I'm cold and lost, can you help me find my way home " You asked for helps yet you thought its a wrong move to asked a ragged guy like him,"I'm sorry, I cann't help you find your way home,But I'm can warm you up and send you to the heaven if you want " He uttered creepily.So you run but He chased you and hold you tight ,He dragged to toward  the dark area infornt.You screamed so many times Then he covered you mouth, You cried out loud, Calling everyone for helps " TAEMIN ! JESSICA! HYUNA! MINHAA! SUNYOON! Help me ! KAAAAAAAAI !! "you screamed out* Suddenly someone came for you and helps,You look up " Kaaai ? KAAAAI !" Kai Immediately Punch the Criminal and kick until he passed out, He immediately call the polis and Carried you on the back and call out for a Taxi.He cuddle you tighter than he had before, You were shaking so does he, He was scared yet he still try to shoos you from crying.You buried your face on his chest and hold he tighter and tighter" You cried out " I'm so sorry" it was really clear but he understand it."Don't ever do that again,Please I begged you, I'm so worried as you walk out of the school gated, I'm so worried,your uncle text me , he's looking for you, youre not home, How can you not be at home? Why do you have to do this?"Kai feel guilty for letting to walk alone earlier.Soon you arrive home, Uncle Jae was waiting for you outside .kai carried you out of the car " Oh my gosh ,Where have you been? don't you know that I've been worried sick about you ? I'm so glad you were safe*uncle Jae hug you* Jongin-ah , Carried her to her room"Kai carried you to your room while uncle Jae downstair paying the taxi driver and making some drinks for everyone." I'll be going soon, but if you want me to stay here for a while , I'll stay longer" Kai suggest you,"Please stay here , Please don't go,I need you here....Please ~ i really need you " You wrapped your hand around him and lay your head on his shoulder

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Frahvinceshe #1
You find some of words arent understandable ? which chaptet and which part, I'm a really sorry , I'm new here and This is my first story ever :) I hope enjoy reading :) I'll update soon ≧﹏≦
DdazzlingZYX #2
its good.. u really have a good line of story, though i found few sentences that i cant understand what you really trying to say. but its ok.. keep up the good work n pls update soon. . :-)
Frahvinceshe #3
wow , you're the only one who comments here , just you :) thank you okay :D
Frahvinceshe #4
I know right ! Watching it over and over again makes me melt ><
Wow. That baby face? More like that y face that ameks fans go crazy. Like me.. >.<
Frahvinceshe #6
Wow !!! Thank you so much !! I'm feel good hearing that, hope you enjoy reading , I hope I didn't write in to many mistake ;3 Thank you so much ,♥
First comment!! <33 Hehe.. Your story is really good!