Today,Tomorrow and Forever - First Day at School

Today,Tomorrow and Forever I'll Love you

"Hello my name is Lee lyanna,you can call me anna for short.I'm from London,I was race in korea.I came here to Know more about korean Culture,Language,food.. Everything and On the other hand , I came to visit my uncle too.So I hope we all can be yeaah~ "   *Bow*   You end your Introduction with a big warming smile while the whole class treats you welcomely. " Alright ~ Thank you Anna,now you can pick your own seat,there's an empty seat at the middle and at the back But I prefer you sit at the middle so you can hang out with the girls " Misses Joanna Ordered you " Nee ~~" You Chuckle as you walk to your seat and greet the girl who you share table with


As you sat down , a group of girl rushing towards you with full of welcoming smile and excitement " Haii Anna "  " Hello Annaa ~~ "  " Heii Ann ~"  " Annaa " They were so loud,can't wait to be friend with you.Each of them introduce them self "Haii , I'm Jessica " said the girl with assist.monitor badge on her shirt."I'm Hyuna , Welcome To our class Anna " Said the girl with grey contact lens and baby pink  lipstick on her lips.You thought " she really know how to be fashionable" as you look at her strictly from toe to the head.*Bow* " I'm Min ha" Greet the girl with inonncent baby face."New friends , Yeay ! I'm Sunyoon" Said the girl with the black eyeliner. You thought " They're very friendly,May be soon I can hangout with them" You smile at them and greet back. " ookay girls , class about to start now, back to your seat" Miss joanna Teaching spirit came around to start the class. Before you can start your class You thought to yourself again "....And may be they can help me find Taemin ... " you knew he study at the same school, it would be luckier if his class just next door "


*DOK DOK DOK* "knock knock , am I in trouble ? " A boy lean at the door muttered. " Again Mr.Kim ?? " misses joanna look seriously at him . " Sorry ~ ... Can't help it " He blurted out " As misses glared at him , He just walk to his seat.You Stared at him,you keep wondering about that guy " He look familiar ,,,is he taemin ? but misses joanna just call him Mr.Kim, that guy couldn't be him " you were staring at him suddenly he turn back and look straight to you curiously , You Pretend that you weren't looking at him,He smirk at you . " Oh jerk , I almost got caught ! .. Feeyuuh~ " you look down as if you were reading your books.

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Frahvinceshe #1
You find some of words arent understandable ? which chaptet and which part, I'm a really sorry , I'm new here and This is my first story ever :) I hope enjoy reading :) I'll update soon ≧﹏≦
DdazzlingZYX #2
its good.. u really have a good line of story, though i found few sentences that i cant understand what you really trying to say. but its ok.. keep up the good work n pls update soon. . :-)
Frahvinceshe #3
wow , you're the only one who comments here , just you :) thank you okay :D
Frahvinceshe #4
I know right ! Watching it over and over again makes me melt ><
Wow. That baby face? More like that y face that ameks fans go crazy. Like me.. >.<
Frahvinceshe #6
Wow !!! Thank you so much !! I'm feel good hearing that, hope you enjoy reading , I hope I didn't write in to many mistake ;3 Thank you so much ,♥
First comment!! <33 Hehe.. Your story is really good!