Today,Tomorrow and Forever - OH NO !

Today,Tomorrow and Forever I'll Love you

" Ya ! Where you been !? Palie tell me ~ dont you know !!???...*Kai look down his exhausion* .. youu just missed David beckham shot !? Haiish Chinjaa~ " Baekhyun Blurted out. " Aii-Aii-Aiii !! ~ Quit Screaming ~ I'm tired ~ Aiigooo ~" kai blurted out." Yaah where have y...*Chanyeol words were cut off by kai , as he continue to sigh to escape and go straight to his room* ~ AIIIIIGOOO !!! Chinjaa~ " Quickly run to his room. " Aaarrgghh !~ Body is Aching ! " *wiggle Wiggle* " Hahahaa Hyung , You look so dumb ! Yaaah! Chinja ! hahahaa Lol! Hyung , Where have you been ? " Luhan Scared Kai. " YAAAA!!?? ... yyaaahh chinjaa, Dude you scared me!Jeezz~ hhhhaaaa .... Whatsup ? " Kai tries to calm down ." Hyung ,Really, you need to tell me , you can really trust me , You're acting strange lately , You look dumb , you always came home late,Something seems to bother you alot these days, is there any " Someone" in your life hyung, , cause you know... We guys sometime fall in love " Luhan blurted out . Kai glare at luhan and immediately lock the door." Can I really Trust you ? " Kai  Muttered out .Yet Luhan just nodded confidently thinking its just a simple small secret . So kai when and sitt next to Luhan. " hmm, that someone that you ask ... I had one ..." - " Waaah !! chinjayo ! No wonder ! " Luhan felt so excited." Don't be so excited ... She pretty , She's nice , She's the one , She's a friend of us ....."- " Hyung ... Chinja ?? Waah ~ who is she ? "  - "Anna ... Taemin Crush ... My own bestfriend crush ...*luhan shutted and glared curiously at kai* I know , Its wrong , But she's the first ever who make me feel So painful like this ... I really want to ignore this feeling , but i've tried ,I cann't .. What should I do Han ? " Kai turn his head to luhan " Hyung ... Wapucitaulaa ~ I've never been in this situation before, But I think , May be ... May be Its best if you tell Taemin about this ..... hau ? " Luhan try to suggest. " Why are you saying the same damn thing ? Manager Jae even told the same thing to me ? wae? wae yo wae ?? " Kai muttered louder -" What Manager Jae ? You talk ...You told ... Manager Jae about this ? He's anna uncle right ??  .... waahh " - Kai nodded " Hyuung, shouldnt we tell the others too ? " - Luhan blurted out. Kai immediately glared at Luhan " Do you want to Die han ? " - " AAAhhh ?? Wapuyaulaaa !! Puyaula puyaula !! " Luhan muttered out loud . " Kai boy ~ nae , Now teach me how to this homework .." Soon Kai and luhan work on their homework and went to bed.


[Anna's Home]

The Next Day :

 " Huuwaaah *jae's yawn* aiigoo aiigoo " - " Hey Dad goodmorning ~ " You blurted out - "you woke up early ..* uncle jae immediately turn to you  and exam you* youre going to school !? " Uncle boomed over. " Nae , Can i please please please ~ " - " Yeaaah okay okay okay ~ but before you go, you need to take you medicine first  and then, and thenn~ I can drive you to school okay sweetheart ?" The daddy blurted again.Soon you both had your breakfast and straight to school.- - - - - - - - SCHOOL - - - - - -  " Okay sweety , You takecare okay , Make sure you take a rest in the breaktiime okay,Calke~ " - " Nae Daddy~ calke " You wave at him as he drove away. " Okay , Now I need you see Kai ooppa ! yeaah ~ " You murmured. You look around " Ohh there he is! " you murmured again yet " Annaaa !! " Taemin Boomed out excitement. Kai who's walking towards you brightly suddenly stop and his motion darken." Aahh ~ Taemin ~ How are you today ? " - " Anna-aah , I feel very much alive , I've been thinking about the kiss from yesterday .. I'm so sorry ,I couldn't help it, I really miss you " Taemin blurted out.You glared to kai and gaze back to taemin and nodded.You can see Kai's Dark glaring taemin and turn that glare to you. " Yaaah you two ! hahaa , I heard that ~ What kiss was that ? lips ? cheek ? Forehead ? or .. you guys make out ?" Kai Walk towards and boomed to distract taemin. " Yaaah , its OUR kiss ofcourse , it could be anything ~ " Taemin try to joke around, yet Kai Turn his glare and complete darken to you , while you just nodded t o taemin's words and fake a smile."Hey ,Brats , What kiss is it ?"kai Asked and act as if he didn't care. " Its Just a kiss on the cheek Okay ! Jeez~ " You grump out. "aiigoo , yaa kim jongin, you just made MY anna mad ~*turn to you* are you okay Dear ? " Taemin Keep adoring you . Yet what actually happened is Anna made Kai mad , Thanks to Taemin. - " Nae ... Anna , shall we ? I'll walk to your class okay , *turn to kai* kai are you coming ? " -" No , I need to go to the bathroom " so he walks away . " Taemin-ah, Why did you say that? you just ruin my day .... who am I to you ? more than bestfriend ? " You murmured emosionally.You two walk togethere to your classroom, taemin grab your hand and swing back and forth .You feel cheers yet were mixed feeling.Suddenly A group of bullier gethered infornt of you , so you stop and reverse , in fornt of the coward " Lee Lyanna ,We are seaking for your forgiveness . We're really regret of what we've done to you, We as EXO also SM TOWN fans regret and sorry for being unprofessional as a fan and as aStudent. We Promise we wouldn't bully you ever Again. *BOW* WE PROMISE ! " The whole group bow and begged for your forgiveness . " Whatta ! ? What should you do anna ?? Everyone were looking at you ... Think anna , Think !! " So then you decided to forgive , bow and walk away. You Grab taemin hand and walk like a boss.Soon you two arrived." okay we're here ! thank you Taemin " * kai entered the class." Are you kidding me ?  you ran away and dragged me away  , it was fun ~ hehee , annaa ~ Today is your lucky day huh ? the bell will ring soon , so I better Go , Soo Bye * Kiss on your cheek yet very near to your lips*" The whole class were suprise , including sehoon and The four bestfriend. " Yaah ! I didn't know you two were couple ! a direct kiss on the cheek,next to your lips !! OMG !! " Sunyoon Goes Mad. Three of them non stop mumbling. Even sehoon start to ask you such question.He also mention that their meeting are totally cancel because he's busy with school work and performance and alot of things~ You never knew he would talk to you and being friendly.Soon the bell rang adn everyone start their lesson.and again, Kai won't turn back.


Breaktime- *Ring* Kai immediately Grab you and dragged you away. Everyone were blank , even sehoon."Kaaii -Shii ... " You were dragged roughly, yet you relly wanna come along.He dragged you to the roof , a place where nobody ever been , its like the roof is his. " Oppaa !! Stop it ! you're hurting me ! you've been draging me through hundred of stair steps ! " you yelled at him , Suddenly he slam you to the wall and caged you " WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME !? you keep doing this to me !? I hate you ! I hate you so much Anna ! Everytime I try to build a good relationship for us you always let him join my plans , Everytime I try to do Good thing for us , You Shoot me ! you give me pain  .... Why anna ?? " Kai yelled back.Suddenly You cried ,hearing the words 'HATE' , HIM , US and PAIN Hurt you so bad.You cried louder and louder , you couldn't say anything " You're cry ? huh! ,you're crying now ! ? Cry out loud !Yeah , Well Do that louder .. From now on, I will not  bothered you and taemin again okay ! Just pretend that you and I ,We never met each other.. and from now on annaa ~ I hate you ! " Kai Boomed and walk back to the class , leaving you behind. You wanted to chase him , but you thought to yourself, it's no use. You took your time alone on the roof to Cry as louder as you want. You lnew soon the bell rang, you knew you will run out time, so you rush down're thirsty and tired but you keep going down the stair . as soon you see the Exit , you walk through, suddenly , from the bright light , the noise , the people make you dizzy.Then soon , without realising anything ,you were black fainted ,evryone in the hall when panic. Starting today , There's no more kai , There's only Taemin as your hero now.Taemin Carry you to the medic room and you're immediately sent to the hospital.


He been taking care of you in the hospital.

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Frahvinceshe #1
You find some of words arent understandable ? which chaptet and which part, I'm a really sorry , I'm new here and This is my first story ever :) I hope enjoy reading :) I'll update soon ≧﹏≦
DdazzlingZYX #2
its good.. u really have a good line of story, though i found few sentences that i cant understand what you really trying to say. but its ok.. keep up the good work n pls update soon. . :-)
Frahvinceshe #3
wow , you're the only one who comments here , just you :) thank you okay :D
Frahvinceshe #4
I know right ! Watching it over and over again makes me melt ><
Wow. That baby face? More like that y face that ameks fans go crazy. Like me.. >.<
Frahvinceshe #6
Wow !!! Thank you so much !! I'm feel good hearing that, hope you enjoy reading , I hope I didn't write in to many mistake ;3 Thank you so much ,♥
First comment!! <33 Hehe.. Your story is really good!