Today,Tomorrow and Forever - What happen ?

Today,Tomorrow and Forever I'll Love you

" Jerk ... Really ?? wanna do that ? ... But Why do I feel this way ? .....ANYIA ! ANYIA ! I Don't Like it, I don't want to do that ,! Bad Girl !! " You Whispered to yourself while puting on some lipstick on. " I'm Done~ *look at you as he open the bathroom door* yaaaahh~ don't put too much ! I dont want to kiss on them Yaakk Eyeeww" Kai Blurted with his funny face " arraseo" you replied yet you put on more. Soon you two left the house safely and went out to the Small market near by."Grab the basket Please miss ~ " Kai Making Anna as his slave. " Eh ? I Thought We're only buying for drinks ... What is this basket for?" "Quit The talk " Kai stop your words. You two walk around the rows, Kai Keep grabing sneaks and candies and drinks,He also garb a big cloth."Haiish this jerk, ...Where is he taking me after this?" At the counter,paying and going out."Anna-ah,I need to tie this around to cover your eye" Kai immediately tie his small scarf around your eye. "yyaaah !? what is this ? are you going to give me present ?" you blurted out. " Just a small suprice, now Hold me tightly" you two ride on your bike, you hold your hand around kai.While kai whose smiling while cycling.soon ... "Okay were here ~ Come with me , slowly ~ Slowly ~" As kai lead you. "Where are we ?"  You wondered " Stay here, Don't peak!" Kai prepare his plan. " Chaaa !Alright * he pollitely untie the scarf* . "Waaaaah ~ no wonder its so noisy here ! I love it here , the park , i love it !" You immediately Hug Him . " Hey , Okay okay your welcome Hahaa ..  Lelts sitt down okay? " You two sitt togethere." Why are you wearing those sunglasses? I can't see you eyes dummy ~ take it off ~ " You goof around " ya ya yaa ~ Don't ~ people will see me and take some picture of me ... with .... yeaaah~ then its going to be show all over the news ~" , "aaaissh ~ ! chinja ! Why didnt I think of that ? " You hit your head. "yaaah ~ Stop hitting your head dummy~ Palii mogo ! " He stuff your mouth with sneaks and laugh out. You two enjoy your day goofying around , tickle here and there . you two chase with each other...

Togethere 'till sunset :)


 " Kaaaaaiii Oppaaa ! ~~ I'm so breathless stop ! stop chasing me and tickling me ! " you begged him. " No way , hahahaa, I'm make you laugh 'till you kiss me and say that youre mine completely ! hahaa * keep chasing*" Stubborned kai. " Please ... I mean it ... please stop .. please ...plea ..... * fainted* ..." "Annaa ! Anna !! .... AAANNNNNAAA ~ wake up ! Lyannnnaaa !!!! " Kai went out panic, He grab you and  try to find a cap.He immediately  take you to the hospital. As soon you two arrived , you were took to the emergency room while kai call your uncle jae. " Excuse me sir , Are you her brother ? or youre her boyfriend ? I just want to talk about her condition " The doctor finally came out with the result. " aaaaah , I'm her ... aaaaahh BOyfriend ! ,H-how is she ? is she alright ??" Kai boomed out. " Well She's Fine but' mmm ,, she have loww blood pressure, very low ... mm she need blood donation,..Did you call her parents or gardian ?" The doctor blurted. " I did call her gardian, Can I Donate my blood for her ?" Kai persuade the doctor, " Well, YOu can but you need to have the same blood type just like her's, What is your blood type young man?" - " I'm an A" - " I'm sorry son , but she's a B " Kai look down " Can I see her ? " "She's in the room there, " Kai bow and went straight to your room and sitt beside you. " Annaa , I'm sorry I made you felt so tired, Annaa , ... I put on alot of pressure on you, I'm just trying to love you more and prove you and.. make sure you love me , not that sissy .." Kai talk to you while you're unconcious , without knowing, uncle jae had already arrived. *Sigh* , "Aaiggoo ,Kai , hmpt, I don't know you're such a loving person , how's is she? " Kai pretend not to shock, " Hhh... Hey, sorry, She's fine, She need some rest, The doctor said that she had a low blood pressure.... VERY ~ I'm sorry , I didnt took really care of her, ... " Kai stood up and bow ~ . Uncle jae just nodded. " Are you her gardian ? " The doctor came ." Yes ,  How's she ? " - She's Need to be blood donate , Same Blood type. She need some rest , She's really Exhausted, As soon she wake up , you can collect her tablet and bring her home then she continue to take her rest. " -"Naae, Thank you . " Uncle jae bow .

While Waiting you to wake, Uncle jae and kai had they're chit chat . " So ~ ... How's Work kai ? I mean How's EXO's Lately ? " - " We're good Hyung .... How bout yoou ? " - " Me ?? BUSY !~ haha , That's why ... I'm worried, Anna came here , To be accompanied because her parents never spend time with her, but now turn out to be ... Me tooo ... Arggh , But you're always for her.Oh and thank you for sending her home earlier " - " Earlier?? Actually, I didn't really sent her home , Its not me ,It's Taemin ..." Kai look down - " Taemin ? That guy, Wow ! thats great ~ she always talk about him when she arrived here, So do you think theyre in love ? taemin is your friend right ? you should know " - " W-What ? They ? in love ??NO!! , aaah She's not in love with him, but i think his in love with her ... I know ... that woulld work ... you ..know~ " - "Wait , why ....are you in love with her ..?? ... " - " Yeah , I'm in love with her, before I even met her,Taemin Always tell us, EXO, about her, ... I know I know I know ... Its wrong , But I like her  I really do  ..." - " Son~ ... Kai, You have to listen to your heart , but you might act honestly to taemin , he might accept youur confession to anna , so there will be not war between you two... "-" But ,Its different Hyung ~ We both really try to get her, that mean, WAR ..., can I just let them know themself, with out telling them , .." - " hmmm, I dont know kai, I'm not an expert in love, Just do the right thing okay ..." - You woke up " Kaaaaaaaii .....??? ~ " - " Anna ~ ,I'm here... How are you feeling ?? " Kai blurted out his good feeling knowing that annaalready awake, *uncle jae chuckle"this kids"* - " I'm good *turn to uncle* " Dad ! Youre here ! " - "Yes how are you dear ? hmm , I'll be back , i need to collect your tablet , then we can go home okay sweetheart " - you nodded and smile , " Kaaii , * grab his hand* What happened ?"- "anna you fainted, you really scared me, I'm so worried you know ,  I dont know what I'm going to do if I loose you ... " He talk out and caress you .Soon , everyone went home at uncle jae's house.


AT HOME. " Hyunng , Anna is in her room ,I'm going now" - " Wait ,Kai , Thank you for taking care of anna ,How bout to sleep over ?" -"Me ? I loved too , but... I cann't, My Bro at dorm telling me to come home now... You know I really love to , but... got to go ~ " He bow and left.

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Frahvinceshe #1
You find some of words arent understandable ? which chaptet and which part, I'm a really sorry , I'm new here and This is my first story ever :) I hope enjoy reading :) I'll update soon ≧﹏≦
DdazzlingZYX #2
its good.. u really have a good line of story, though i found few sentences that i cant understand what you really trying to say. but its ok.. keep up the good work n pls update soon. . :-)
Frahvinceshe #3
wow , you're the only one who comments here , just you :) thank you okay :D
Frahvinceshe #4
I know right ! Watching it over and over again makes me melt ><
Wow. That baby face? More like that y face that ameks fans go crazy. Like me.. >.<
Frahvinceshe #6
Wow !!! Thank you so much !! I'm feel good hearing that, hope you enjoy reading , I hope I didn't write in to many mistake ;3 Thank you so much ,♥
First comment!! <33 Hehe.. Your story is really good!