Chapter 4

My Only Chushine

NOTE: i'm going to use this symbol (^0^) everytime
chae or ji puffs their cheeks followed by a
kissing pout, in short this ---> (^0^) is now
their chu face!***

cl: let's continue learning the song, your aunt
might decide to go soon.
they both nodded.

gd: hun-hun-hunchae?!? (^0^)
cl: yes jingyo?
gd: uhmm.. can we say chu-chu-chushine instead
of sunshine?
cl: wae?
gd: to make it our own song..(^0^)
he's already hooked on chae's chu face habit,
it's also becoming his habit, most specially
when nervous. know, to make it cuter? hehe
cl: hmmm.. is chushine really cuter than
gd: but of course! see, when we say chushine
instead of sunshine, we get to do our chu faces
without being nervous. and chu faces are cute!
very cute. :)

in his head, he's thinking of the warm sweet
feeling he felt when their lips met earlier. and
this would only be the way for it to ever happen
again, accidentally or not.

after much consideration, chae agreed. they
continued becoming versed with the song, while
altering some parts of it, still for the sake of
making the song their own, as would jiyong put

after a couple of minutes trying and what seems
to be an endless debate, they finally decided on
their own version of the song. chaerin and
jiyong's name, especially ji, written all over
it. in the end they were both pleased with their
modifications and smiled widely at each other.


their aunts are laughing at each other's
stories. but they stopped and heard something
real charming.. they got captivated right away,
put down their cup of coffee, and head straight
to where the harmonious melody was coming from.

the kids were vivaciously swaying side by side,
ji's arms across chae's back and vice versa.
they were sitting on top of the table, legs
dangling pendulously.

together they sang with full spirit..

"you are my chushine! my only chushine! you make
me happy when skies are..
gd: gay
cl: grey
they looked at each other giggled a bit, nodded,
then continued never know dear, how much i love..
gd: chu
cl: you, i mean chu
gd looked at her and her crescent shaped eyes,
smiling like there's no tomorrow.
.. please don't take my chushine awaaaaay..
they both yelled: AGAIN!

their aunts can't help but be touched with what
they're seeing. they watched them silently with
smiles etched in their faces, careful not to
interrupt the two. right then and there, they
knew these two would be friends forever.

after they're done singing, gd's aunt excused
themselves to leave and go home.
gd's aunt bowing: thank you so much for having
us. you guys should visit our house next time.
and thanks for the coffe and baked goods, they
were so delicious. let's bake them together
someday, i'd love to learn.
cl's aunt: it's not that hard, i'd teach you
anytime we're free. it was a pleasure having you
guys. i'm pretty sure we'd visit you too, looks
like these two are getting closer by the minute,
it can't be helped.
they shook hands.

while their aunts were bidding farewell, the two
kids were a little bit saddened that it's time

to part...
gd: (^0^) i guess were going now?
cl: (^0^) neh.. don't be sad though.. we'd be
seeing each other everyday at school. we're even
seatmates. :)
gd: you're right! :) thanks hunchae for teaching
me today, i'd return the favor when i can.
cl: don't mention it. you already did, you
entertained me so much today. i enjoyed your
company so much. and you being my friend is more
than enough to return the favor.
she gave him a high five.

chaerin and her aunt saw gd and his aunt out.
they were about to come back in when gd called..
gd: hunchae!
cl looked back and saw gd blowing kisses her
gd: chuuu!
he yelled, instead of the sound mwuah..
cl: chuuu!
doing the same thing back, smiling as she walks
back in.

cl's aunt sighing: these two!
she shook her head while smiling.
so cute.. :)


A/N: i hope you guys are enjoying their story :)

thanks for reading!

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Chapter 11: much SKYDRANGON-NESS!!! *falls over from cuteness overload* XD
Sweet lil kids. I'm jealous~hahaha :p now,i miss my bestfriend *sighs*
queenchaerin #3
@alien-leader actually it started with teddy, seungri's hyung, who pranked him, but the poor naive seungri believed, just like how lil bros and sis believe their elders whatever they say hehe ;)
Hahaha,so it's all started from seungri.
queenchaerin #5
Yep yep im super duper sorry bout the real short chap, im having difficulties with lappy internet, and i can't use my cp to post.. i posted that shorty thinking i'd follow it up with a long one, but my puter broke, so sorry! Pls be patient w/ me :'(
queenchaerin #6
Dear readers, thanks so much for your comments =) truly appreciate it!