Chapter 2

My Only Chushine

back in her seat. she felt somebody poke her
cheek with a pencil eraser.

cl: neh?
gd: are those really the words to that song?
cl: neh :)
gd: it's also my favorite song! but i didn't
know the right words to it. i just sing as i
hear it.
he said pouting.
cl: you want me to teach you the right words?
she incited.
gd: you will? you'll do that for me?
his pout suddenly turning into a smile.
cl: of course! as our favorite song, we should
know the right lyrics, so we can sing it
properly, neh?
gd: kamsamnida! let's sing it together!
his tone gradually rising with excitement.
teacher: kwon jiyong, what's the commotion?
gd: a-aniyo teacher, mianhe..
bowing continuously, they both laughed as
quietly as they can.
gd: jiyong imnida :)
cl: anyeong jingyo :) chaerin imnida :)
gd: anyeong chaerin :)

lunch time.
carrying her lunch box, cl was walking towards a
bench to eat when a hand held her wrist.

gd: chaerin-ah..
gasping for air. deep sigh.
you walk fast!
cl giggling: mianhe jingyo, i guess i walk fast
when im nervous.
she puffed her cheeks followed by a kissing
pout. gd poked her cheeks and did the same
kissing pout. they laughed at each other.
gd: do you always do that when you're nervous?
what's making you nervous?
cl: yep! it's a habit :)
she did her kissing pout again.
i'm nervous cause it's my first day and i don't
have any friends. i really hate eating alone.
she puffed her cheeks.
gd: i'm your friend! :) i promise i wouldn't let
you eat alone, i'd always eat lunch with you.
they smiled at each other and started walking
together towards the bench. he took his new
friend's hand and swung it happily.
gd: your hands are so soft, and and.. chubby!
he playfully stuck his tongue out.
cl: bwo?
she said surprisingly.
well yours is like holding a bunch of sticks!
she stuck her tongue out as well.
gd: it's really warm though, i love it!
he put her palm against his cheek.
cl giggling: you're so funny! and sweet :)
gd: and you're my hunchae :)
let's eat! they recited.

chae pulled out a sandwich from her lunch box, so does ji.
cl: what's your stuffing?
gd biting on his: blech! tuna :( i told my mom i
don't like tuna anymore.. she probably forgot :(
cl: if you want we can exchange? i have chicken
:) do you like chicken sandwich?
gd: yep! :) are you sure you want to exchange?
cl: sure! here you go..
passing the sandwich to jiyong.
gd: thanks hunchae! :D um, but, i already bit
mine, it's not gonna be fair for you..
cl biting her sandwich.
cl: there you go, happy now jingyo?
gd: neh! thanks again hunchae, you're the best!
cl: no prob!
after finishing their sandwiches, chae pulled
out a strawberry shortcake.
cl cheered: dessert!
gd teased: no wonder you're hands are like paws.
cl: hul! you're not getting any. =p
gd: i'm just kidding hunchae, mianhe. that looks
good. you like strawberry cakes?
cl: i like anything strawberry! strawberry's my
favorite. :)
gd took the fork while cl was chatting. before
she can even protest, gd took a bite already.
gd: woooow! delicious!
cl: omo! youuu.. told you so!
they feasted on cl's cake.

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Chapter 11: much SKYDRANGON-NESS!!! *falls over from cuteness overload* XD
Sweet lil kids. I'm jealous~hahaha :p now,i miss my bestfriend *sighs*
queenchaerin #3
@alien-leader actually it started with teddy, seungri's hyung, who pranked him, but the poor naive seungri believed, just like how lil bros and sis believe their elders whatever they say hehe ;)
Hahaha,so it's all started from seungri.
queenchaerin #5
Yep yep im super duper sorry bout the real short chap, im having difficulties with lappy internet, and i can't use my cp to post.. i posted that shorty thinking i'd follow it up with a long one, but my puter broke, so sorry! Pls be patient w/ me :'(
queenchaerin #6
Dear readers, thanks so much for your comments =) truly appreciate it!