Chapter 10

My Only Chushine

lunch time.

cl: so yeah, that's what happened. (^0^)
gd: in short, it was all bom's fault?
seungri shouted: HIV!
which earned him a slap on different parts of his body from taeyang and seunghyun, to which daesung just laughed.
bom: hul! why me? i didn't know! it's not like i purposely gave it to chaerin so she'll get sick! i have no idea!
she explained, eyes glassy and lips shaking. dara ran beside her to comfort her.
seunghyun: jiyong-ah! don't blame bommie, like she said, she didn't know! it's not her fault!
dara shot at taeyang, eyes pleading for him to defend her friend as well, to which he replied: yah! jiyong, seunghyun's right, don't be like that!
dara beamed at him, he returned with a grin.
gd: okay okay, i'm sorry bom, i didn't mean to say that.

bom: hmpfs! you know that chaerin's like a sister to me, i would never hurt her intentionally! if anything, i'd try to protect her as much as i can.
she bowed her head before continuing..
that's why i tried to warn her about the stupid thing i thought was real.
she seem like, once again, about to cry, when minzy presented her a corn in a cob. she smirked a little then went back to being somber.
seunghyun: don't worry bommie, it wasn't just you who was misinformed. seungri told all of us the same thing. we were misled as well.
bom raised her head, swallowed the rest of the corn she bit then glared in disbelief: but seungri is the one that told me about it!
everyone yelled in chorus: SEUNGRI!!!

seungri ran as fast as the wind, screaming: somebody save me! in their hallway. but it was futile, for 8 other pairs of legs were after him. when they cornered him, he got on his knees, pleading for them to spare him, telling them: it's not my fault! i'm just relaying a message my hyung told me! HIV! i'm totally HIV!
he was about to be beaten by his friends, when the teacher caught his ears, telling him: seungri!?! what did we tell you about HIV?!? you never learn don't you?!? detention for you! and this time, we're calling your guardian!
he was mostly relieved that his friends can't kill him anymore, for he's protected by the teacher now. but he's still nervous about his parents being called by the school. he doesn't know if he got into bigger trouble or not.

end of classes.

teddy: i'm really sorry ms. kim, i know my brother here is really a rascal, hopefully he'll grow out of it. we'd make sure to discipline him at home.
seungri was about to contradict his hyung, but teddy was fast to kick seungri at his shin. it didn't go unnoticed from the teacher.
ms. kim: okay mr. lee, i'd trust you to be responsible for seingri's actions since your parents are out of the country. we hope this won't happen again. usually kids learn stuff from home, so as adults be cautious on what you say, for your brother seem to pick up fast with everything people around him say.
she eyed both seungri and teddy. seungri tried to hide his smile from his hyung. ms. kim caught him but stayed mum for she has an idea what's really going on. with that she dismissed both of them.

seungri looked triumphant, thinking he surpassed everything, without noticing a storm was brewing just outside ms. kim's office. his friends were all waiting for him to go out, for they're not done with him. they're determined to teach him a lesson so he doesn't spread stupid gossip, that might deceive everyone again.

when he caught sight of the group, he hid behind his hyung, feeling confident that teddy was there with him. in his mind, he'd protect him and take the fall, for he's the one that told him about it anyway.

teddy: whoa! i didn't know you were such an outcast ri! i guess, i'd leave you to deal with your problems..
before he can walk away, seungri grasped his wrist like his dear life depended on it, in a way it did.
seungri: it's his fault! he's the one who told me all about it! from HIV to crazy girl sickness! hyung tell them!
teddy: i don't know what you're talking about!
seungri: hul! you definitely know what i'm talking about! you're the mastermind of everything. i'm HIV! oops, sorry ms. kim..
he whispered even if the teacher wasn't around.

seungri: explain to them about the sickness boys get from girls when they come in contact!
teddy: oh, you mean cooties?!? i was just joking! it's obvious that it's jibberish talk! stop taking everything so seriously, geesh!
seungri: ms. kim is right! you're a disgrace to adulthood!
teddy hit him on the back of his head.
teddy: why you!
he apologized to seungri's friends, and told them never to believe his stories.

his friends pitied seungri. by the look of his hyung, he's the one who's not trustworthy. they hoped seungri would learn his lesson not to believe his hyung's non-sense. and, not wear his sweater, jacket and hat like him. (note: pun intended)

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Chapter 11: much SKYDRANGON-NESS!!! *falls over from cuteness overload* XD
Sweet lil kids. I'm jealous~hahaha :p now,i miss my bestfriend *sighs*
queenchaerin #3
@alien-leader actually it started with teddy, seungri's hyung, who pranked him, but the poor naive seungri believed, just like how lil bros and sis believe their elders whatever they say hehe ;)
Hahaha,so it's all started from seungri.
queenchaerin #5
Yep yep im super duper sorry bout the real short chap, im having difficulties with lappy internet, and i can't use my cp to post.. i posted that shorty thinking i'd follow it up with a long one, but my puter broke, so sorry! Pls be patient w/ me :'(
queenchaerin #6
Dear readers, thanks so much for your comments =) truly appreciate it!