Chapter 3

My Only Chushine

class ended. the kids' guardians are by the gate
waiting for the kids to go. amongst these adults
were gd and cl's aunts.

gd and cl walking towards the gate.

gd: imo, this is chaerin my new friend.
gd's aunt extended her arm to cl, which she shook
while bowing.
cl: nice to meet you auntie :)
she faced her own aunt and intoduced them as
imo, this is jiyong and his aunt.
they exchanged pleasantries.

they discovered they only lived a block away
from each other. gd begged his aunt to let him
stay at cl's house for a while since she needs
to teach him something real important but he
won't say what.

gd: imo please please please?
he pleaded, rubbing his palms together.
cl tugging on her aunt's dress, puffing her
cheeks and brandishing a kissing pout followed
by her cutest pout.
cl's aunt sighing: i guess it won't hurt to give
this two more time to spend with each other.
afterall, they just met and it would buy us time
to know each other more too. just let him stay
for a couple minutes, while we chit chat and
have some snacks.
she winked at the kids.
gd's aunt: aigoo! how can i say no to that cute
face and that nifty offer.

jiyong you better
behave when we're at cl's house, alright?
gd and cl: puffing their cheeks followed by the
kissing pout, then faced each other before
yelling... YAAAAAY!

at cl's backyard.
gd: yuwar me chushine..
cl interrupted.
cl: jingyo, it's
she exclaimed emphasizing each word.
gd: neh, neh, neh, ehem, youuu, areee, me-myyyy,
cl: ani, ani, suuuun not chuuuu
gd: ahahaha you're doing that thing you usually
do after blowing on your cheeks.
he pointed at cl's lips.
cl pointing at her own lips: neh! i was eh?
they both laughed.
gd: we should call it... *thinking*... chu lips
cl: chu lips? isn't that a flower? :)
gd: you're my chu lips flower hunchae. :)
cl blushed.
but why do you call it chu lips?
gd: coz it looks like you're saying chuuu when
you do it. try..
cl: chuuu..
gd: chuuu..
they were standing right next to each other.
eager to see what they look like, both turned to
see each other's face, still making chu faces,
their lips brushed with each other's. with such
innocence, their lips met as they wondered why
their cheeks are burning, but nevertheless feels
good and warm. they parted after 3 seconds of
thought, both blushing like crazy. jiyong's eyes
widen like saucers, so does chae's..
gd: whoooaaa! what was that hunchae? it made me
feel good and warm at the same time thou.
cl: me too! me too! but i dont know what that is
either. maybe if we do chu lips with each other,
that's just what happens?
her finger on her lips, tilting her head in

jiyong chuckled.
gd: ahahaha you're sooo cute hunchae, your
cheeks are bright red! you're like an apple! a
hunchae a day, keeps the doctor away!
he touched chae's cheeks.
oooohhh it's warm too! you're definitely
his smiles were radiant.
cl: thanks jingyo, you really are too sweet! and
oh, you are red too! soo cute!
she squeezed his cheeks.
gd: yah! not too hard, that hurts.. :(
he pouted.
cl: awww :( mianhe! i didn't mean too..
she was thinking quick on how to make up for it.
since she's getting nervous she puffed her cheek
before doing her chu lips. gd saw and placed his
cheeks against her lips.
gd: there all better! :)
they both laughed.

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Chapter 11: much SKYDRANGON-NESS!!! *falls over from cuteness overload* XD
Sweet lil kids. I'm jealous~hahaha :p now,i miss my bestfriend *sighs*
queenchaerin #3
@alien-leader actually it started with teddy, seungri's hyung, who pranked him, but the poor naive seungri believed, just like how lil bros and sis believe their elders whatever they say hehe ;)
Hahaha,so it's all started from seungri.
queenchaerin #5
Yep yep im super duper sorry bout the real short chap, im having difficulties with lappy internet, and i can't use my cp to post.. i posted that shorty thinking i'd follow it up with a long one, but my puter broke, so sorry! Pls be patient w/ me :'(
queenchaerin #6
Dear readers, thanks so much for your comments =) truly appreciate it!