Vanilla Ice Cream

Doctor! Help! Something is Wrong With My Heart! [HIATUS]

"okay! I'll do it. Let see how famous you are MBLAQ magnae Mir" Jojo said while leaned closer to him. Cocky face, her elbows table while her hands links to support her chin. All eyes on her. Mir looked surprised to her. "Mwo?! do you know what are talking about?!" Mir annoyed. "yes! I do" Jojo folded her arms and put 'I dare you' face. Mir frowned and confused but he dosent wanna lose to her. "okay, let's go" Mir copied Jojo's act. The parents look confused while Hyo Jin try to hold her laugh. "okay let's go" Jojo stand up. Still with cocky face she asked for leaving with the elder then heading out. Mir is following with pout.

"Cih,what's wrong with her?! She think she can't beat me?! ha! in your dream Jojo!"  Mir thought.

"you the one who asking for it singer! let see what you can do!" Jojo talk to herself

Jojo POV

Who the hell he think he is?! Just because he famous he can say something like that?! Better have scandal with Taeyeon noona?! Arrgghhhh!! He was asking to marry me now he doing this to me?! okay..let's see what you can do Cheol Yong! So, I dare him to go to the amusement park. I know this is stupid but I can't lose to him. nononononono! "So, where is it?" I asked. "Uh?where what?" He confuse. Seriously, is he trying to make mad again? "Your car, ofcourse, duh!" I annoyed. "I don't have. I'm here with my company van" He replied casually. Aaarrrgghhh!! jinjja! "Fine, I'll drive" I said and heading to my car. I think my dad will going back home with Mr.Bang. "Are you sure you can drive?" He asked but put a cocky face. Grrrrrrr!! "Are you afraid, Mir?" I give cynical smile to him. He just pout then get into the car. Okay,easy can't drive with emotional..relax.

As soon as I start to driving, I can feel awkward atmosphere fill the car so I decided to turn the radio but that's a big mistake! why?because it's playing MBLAQ song. "You better run"  I recognize this song because I like the lyrics I admit it but when I remember who sang the rap parts, my heart start to boiling again. I take a glance at him I can see he smirk and start to move his head, following the rhythm. Cih, look like he's enjoying himself now. "Why are you doing this?" He suddenly asked. "uh?" what's he's talking about?!  " why? are mad at me because what I said before?" he turned his body and facing me. "Uh?what did you say?" I turned my head to him for seconds. "tsk.tsk..just admit it Jojo..You were jealous, you still like me,right?" He finished it with smirk. I almost lose my control so I decided to pull over. "MWO?! are out of your mind?!" I immediately turned my to him. "yah! Cheol Yong! Still like you?aaahh..jinjja!" I looked away and shook my head.


"Yah! Cheol Yong! Still like you?aaahh..jinjja!" Jojo scold Mir then looked away then shook her head. "Wae-eo?then why you agree to go to the amusement park?" Mir continued to ask. Jojo sigh then try to look cool. "Why are you talking non-sense like this?you are not afraid, don't you?" Jojo said with a cocky face. "Mwo?Ani! fine!let's go there!" Mir dare. "Okay" Jojo start to driving again. After 20 minutes driving, they arrived and that place is so crowded since it's weekend. 

"Aahhh...jinjja! See! it's so crowded! What is they taking picture of us?!" Mir said while his eyes exploring the park. "Tsk..tsk..we already here, get out" Jojo replied. She already open the door and ready to get out but then she saw Mir take her baseball cap in the backseat. "Yah! that's mine!" Jojo scold Mir. "Aissshh..let me wear it to diguise" Mir replied while wearing the cap and cheking himself in the mirror. "pwah!" Jojo lost her words. She just shook then get out from the car, Mir following her.

Mir keep holding the cap and hung his head while checking people around him. Jojo looked at him then looked away while rolled her eyes. Let's try that one!" Jojo point at the rollercoaster. "Mwo?we just arrived and you already wanna to try that?!" Mir replied. "Ne! Gaja" Jojo start to walking and leaving Mir. "Yah!wait for me!" Mir shout then start to running. After the rollercoaster, they try another rides. Mir and Jojo starting to enjoy this. They forget about their anger and why they came to the park until some girls recognize Mir. "it's that Mir?" One girl said while pointing to Mir. "Where?Ah, yeah! I think that's him" Another girl replied. "What he's doing here?is he doing a show?but no camera around him and who's with him?what's she's doing with him" the 3rd girl said while moving closer to Mir. Mir realize it. "Gaja, we have to go now" Mir said while lightly pushing Jojo to walk. "uh?why? you said that..." Jojo confused but it's too late for them. The girls already approach them.

"Annyeonghaseo, are you?OMO! that's right! you are Mir" One girl screamed when she looked at Mir. Following with another girls. People stopped when they heard them. They talking then moving closer to checking on him. "Oppa! can you sign this and take a picture with us?" Thr girls asked. Mir just smile and nodded but take a glance to Jojo. Jojo frowned and begin to move away because people began to crowd around. Mir signs and take pictures, he forget about Jojo for minutes until a girl asking about her. "Oppa, who's that girl, who was with you?" "Damn it! that's right! where's she?" Mir thought. "okay, thank you very much but I have to go" Mir said while trying to get out from the crowd. He immediately searching for her. 


I never thought I'm gonna enjoying this. I think I should thank to for taking me here,keke. We are about to try another ride until I heard some girls talking about me. I try to escape but I'm too late. They already regconize me. Well, I have to greet them, I thought it's okay since they just three girls but then people start to gather. Great! "okay, thank you very much but I have to go" I said and start to move away. Hmmmpphh..where's she?Tsk..Jojo where..Oh! that's her. She's sitting on chair, enjoying the view while swinging her legs. Keke, cute. Wait, what?! nonono..control yourself Cheol Yong-ah. But I feel guilty. Guilty?!What's wrong with you Cheol Yong?! you just prove it. You are famous! ahahahahahaha. "Yah.Gaja!" I surprised her. "yah! why you took it so long?!" She pout then stand up. "aaahh..I told you..I'm famous. Come on, we have to go now" I said with cocky face ofcourse,ahaha

She rolled her eyes then begin to walking. As we were walking toward the exit. I can see people taking picture of us. ! I have to get out now! I take her wrist and pulled her. Wait..what the hell I'm doing?arrrgghh! I just make it worse! I see she frowned but following my fast steps. "Yah! I'm not a baby, you don't have to pulled me like this!" She throw my hand as soon as we reach her car. She pout then get into the car. I following her. "yah..Jojo, I just save your life" we already in the car now. "mwo?! save my life?!ciisshh" She hissed while start the car and start to driving. "Well, that's a prove" I replied while leaned on the seat ,enjoying myself. "pwah! unbelieveable. don't you see?they just young people. ofcourse they know you" She replied but eyes keep straight forward. "what do you mean?" I really don't get it. "let's try another place" She smirk. "uh?another place?" "yes! another place" She take a glance to me then smirk again


"Yah! where is it?" Mir asked but Jojo remain silent. "yah!" Mir shout. He's getting upset. "Aahh..jinjja! just following me!" Jojo replied whith right hand rubbed her ear. after 15 minutes, Jojo pulled over. They are in a park now. It a small park. "Get out" Jojo order. Mir following her, still wearing the cap. That park full with elder. Jojo and Sang Hee always going here on Sunday morning to give a free chek up before they moving to hospital. "eeehh??only old people here???" Mir surprised. "You said you famous,right?" Jojo said while folding her arms and smirk to Mir. "What do you want?!" Mir pout. "Open that cap and walk with me, we will walking around this park and see how famous you are" Jojo begin to walk. "yah! you..aahh..jinjja! why you doing this?!" Mir nagging while following her. Jojo ignored him but smiling.

"hehe..look at that, young couple" An old lady talked to her husband. They walking passed Jojo and Mir. "Couple?!Ani, we are not" Mir stop then protest but Jojo take his arm and pulled him. "Yah! they are old people, behave!" Jojo leave Mir's arm then scold him. "Ani! I just.." Mir out of words. Jojo rolled her eyes and begin to walking again. "Yah! why you always leave me alone?!" Mir shout and running to catch her. After minutes walking they take a rest. They sitting at the seat under the tree. " legs hurts" Mir whinning. Jojo shook and suddenly stand up. "Yah! where are you going?!we just sit down!" Mir shout but he has no power to catch her. Mir leaned on the seat but suddenly Jojo give him a can of cola. "uh?gomawo" Mir take it.

Jojo sit down and enjoying the view. They silent for minutes. "Yah you.." Mir break the silent. He unconciously move his hand and nudging Jojo's can. Jojo wasn't hold it properly so it spill on her white dress. "Cheol Yong!!!!!" Jojo explode. "Omo"Mian..I didn't do it on purpose!" Mir about to touch the dress but then Jojo stoped him. "Don't touch it!" Jojo stand up. "I just wanna help you to clean it!" Mir said in defense. "I can do it myself" Jojo replied then going to the toliet. "Aiisshh..she really has bad temper. I didn't do it on purpose! cih!" Mir said while looking at Jojo's backk. "But that was myself. Hmm..what should I do? Whooaahh..that's good, every girl like that,haha"  Mir walking to buy something.

"Where's he?!" Jojo said while move her head to left and right. Trying to find Mir. Suddenly Mir offer her a cone of vanilla ice cream. Jojo froze for seconds. She just stare at the ice cream. "Wae-eo? take this" Mir is about put the ice cream on Jojo hand but suddenly. "I don't like it" Jojo said coldly. "Wae-eo?everybody likes ice cream" Mir offer the ice cream again. " I said I don't like it!" Jojo repulse his hand and make the ice cream felt. "Yah! you! why you have to act like this?!" Mir getting upset. Jojo remain silent. She just stare at the fallen ice cream. Mir is about to scold her again but he surprised with her expression. She looked so dark. "Let's go" Jojo said coldly. Mir wanna ask but he slightly afraid. He still confuse with her sudden change.

"We go to my home, I'll asked the driver to take you home." Jojo said and start to driving. Mir open his mouth but nothing is come out. He sigh. Finally they get home. Jojo remain silent. She didn't look at Mir at all. "Yah..Jojo, wait for me" Mir following her. "Oh, you already home." Mr Park greet them. "uh?Cheol Yong, you here to?come in" Mr.Park greet Mir. "Ne,annyeonghaseo" Mir bowed. "Appa, can you asked the driver to take him home?I'm tired" Jojo said but didn't looked at Mr. Park and Mir. "Uh?Jojo-ah why..?" Mr.Park asked but Jojo ignored him and rushed to her bedroom.

"What happend Cheol Yong?" Mr.Park asked Mir. "I don't know, she suddenly like that when I gave her ice cream" Mir said innocently. "Ice cream?!" Mr.Park surprised. " ice cream" Mir explain. "Vanilla?..hmm...okay, I'll asked the driver to take you home..wa.." "Why?" Mir. cut Mr.Park. "Tell me why sir" Mir added. Mr.Park sigh then asked Mir to come in. Now they are in living room. "She hates ice cream Cheol Yong. Especially vanilla ice cream" Mr.Park explain. "Mwo?wae-eo?" Mir confused. "She used to love it so much but everything changed. Since that day. The day her mother got that accident" Mr.Park said. Mir froze when he heard that. He feel like someone hit his head. 

"She was going back to home with her mother. Her mother just pick her up from school. The crossed an ice cream car. Jojo asked her mother to brought her vanilla ice cream. Then she got that accident. After that, Jojo hates vanilla ice cream not just vanilla but she never eat ice cream again" Mr.Park continued. Mir speechless, he just hung his head. "I'm sorry sir, I.." "It's okay Mir. I'll talk to her. Well it's getting late, you better going home now. I'll call my driver. Wait,okay" Mr.Park stand up then tapped Mir's shoulder. Mir just nodded. Guilty feeling fiil him up.

"thank you, sir" Mir thank the driver. He's back to the dorm. He's going inside with heavy steps. He's alone, another member still have schedule. Mir throw himself to the couch. "Jojo-ah..I'm sorry.."Mir said. He take his phone. "Should I text her?" Mir said while start to typing. "Im sorry" He typr it then erase it again. Type it and erase it again. He repeat it over and over again. "oh! Cheol Yong, you already home" Seungho voice surprised him. He accindently press send. "Hyung,why you surprise me?!" Mir pout then get into his room. "What's wrong with him?" G.O confused. Seungho just shrug.

"huaaaaaaaaaa!!! eottkhe?!!! I send it!!!!" Mir getting panic.

~at Jojo's room~

*beep beep* "Hmm..who is it?" Jojo wiped her tears and take her phone.

From : 0104460558 (random number :p)

"I'm sorry"

"uh?who is it?" Jojo confused.




sorry for the late update. I hope you guys like this chapter ^^ thank you and comment please ^^

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Dalily #1
Chapter 15: please keep on update...this is so cute..can't wait for your next update..
Chapter 15: Kya.... Cute ending for this chapt.... Please more scene jojo with mir hihihi.... Fighting.... *finally i can comment hihihi
mirae5 #3
Chapter 15: So cute!! So love this story <3 I want a lot of mir-jojo sweet moment!! They are so cute!! Update soon please~
elicia #4
Chapter 15: awws Mir is sooooo cute >.<
BlaqAngel #5
Chapter 14: Love it! Please update as soon as possible^^
Chapter 14: Kya....... Uhuy..... I love this chapt....... Hahahahahaha....... I love the ending of this chapter.... Mir will be happy..... Hahahahahah updte soon sist!!!! ^^
elicia #7
Chapter 13: please update >.<
dying to find out what happens next >.<
KellyKiller #8
Chapter 13: awesome fanfic upload soon :)
kpop_luv #9
Awwwwwww so cute Plz continue
Nami13 #10
Woaaah i'm glad to found this fanfic..i love it,hope u will update this fanfic very soon^^ fighting!!