You Left Me HeartBroken

here is the real update :)



Chapter 09-



                The day of the fan signing event finally came and it's time for ____ to start her plan.. the passed few days aside for preparing for the fansigning event she takes time to research more informations about them..

                    It's been how many days since she didn't saw EXO, even if they treated her badly she still can't hide the fact that somehow she miss them especially Luhan.


"weird.. do I miss them or the pranks they are doing to me?" ___ mumbled.


(A/N: your outfit)


While you are inside the cab your phone vibrated, it was a call from Mr.SooMan. He is the only one who knew about your plan.


"hello Ms.Lee?"

"yes sir, this is ____ speaking.."

"okay.. where are you?"
"I'm on my way to their fansigning event, sir.."

"okay good good.. make sure they won't recognize you. how's your disguise?"

"by my disguise I'm sure they'll no longer recognize me sir.."

"I trust you. Good luck on your plan Ms.Lee.."

"thanks sir.. have a good day" and the call ended.


    /FLASHBACK\ when ___ confess to Mr.Sooman about her plan.

"so what are you trying to say Ms. Lee? you're quitting this job now?" Mr.SooMan asked

"no sir. it's just that.. EXO is so hard to please whenever I asked them to have a formal discussion with me about their outfits for their next album they'll just ignored me and my presence and because of that I came up with this plan.." you explained

"what plan?" Mr.SooMan asked.

"I don't know if this will work sir but I want to give it a try.."

"okay. go on continue.."
"well, I've watched and read some fan accounts about their experiences when there is a EXO fansigning and press conference held and there are some lucky fans who gets the chance to ask any kind of questions to each EXO member well ofcourse when the question is very private they are not allowed to asked it.."

"and you want to be one of those fan?"Mr.SooMan asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"yes sir..I decided not to show up infront of EXO for some couple of days but whenever they've a fan signing event and press conference I'll always be there I'll disguise myself as one of their fans and with that I'll have the chance to ask anything.. but ofcourse I'll only ask questions which concerns my work."

"eh? but are you sure they'll answer all your questions honestly?"

"I have my ways to find it out sir.." you said

"hmm sounds okay to me.. well I guess you'll be needing this.." Mr.SooMan and he handed you a card

"what is this sir?" you asked and examined the card

"that is a VIP access card.. whenever there is a press conference, all you need to do is show that card to the staffs and they'll let you in.. and you can do what you want now. just make sure EXO will not notice you okay?"

"yes sir.. thank you for all your help.." you replied and smiled widely.




[at the fansigning event]



                             The fans are already there when you arrived but EXO is stilll on their way to the event. You lined up with the rest of the fans, you can't deny the irritation you are feeling. The fans are very noisy, they keep talking non-stop even if they don't know you personally they'll just ask you questions like who is your bias/ why do you like him or EXO and all you can answer is "I like LuHan because he is cute..hehehe..", they keep squealing and shouting, they even brought some banners and light stick with them. woah! lightstick? err this is not yet a concert -.- Almost an hour passed and the staffs announced that EXO have arrived, the fans started to chant EXO's name louder and louder but you didn't join them instead you covered your ears with your palms.. ugh! why are you so noisy >///<

                               EXO members appeared on the stage one by one they all looked so handsome and hot, you thought but immediately shook your head. The fans begins to squeal their bias names and the boys did a heart shape sign to show their love for their fans. You eyed LuHan and he seems very happy then you automatically smile seeing how happy he is, you miss those smile. When will you smile like that again for me, gege? you thought.









                         EXO introduced and they bowed. then the fansigning event started. The staffs roam around the crowd, they gave some lucky fans a pad of sticky notes. If you are given that sticky note, all you need to do is to write your questions there for each of the members. Good thing you were one of the lucky fans who gets to have the sticky note. You immediately write your questions on each of the sticky notes while you were waiting for your turn to walked up in the stage. Once you were finished you handed it to the staff and she read your questions then she returned it to you, she signalled you that your questions are all okay.

                           You waited for 20 more minutes, finally it's now your turn. You walked up the stairs of the stage and you immediately saw those owls eyes looking at you, it's D.O and he is smiling? what? he is smiling at me?? oh yes, I forgot I disguised myself so they don't recognized me.. good!



"annyeong!" D.O greeted you and he smiled.

"an--anyeong D.O-ssi.." you stuttered.

"drop the formalities you should call me oppa okay?" he smiled again and he reached for the album that you we're holding. You looked at him while he is signing your album. You also handed him one of the sticky note *oppa? wow! if you knew that I am your designer, will you still allow me to call you oppa?* you thought. He returned your album and the sticky note, you thanked him and you gave him a bottle of water.

"err you should drink that. you have more albums to sign you might get thirsty.." D.O nodded and thanked you.. you walked up to the next member and he is also smiling at you. It's the chubby cheeks guy, XiuMin.


"hello! how are you?" XiuMin asked

"I'm fine.." you tried to smile back at him

"good.. hehe.." You gaved him your album, the sticky note and the bottle of water. Next is the creepy Chanyeol and ofcourse he is wearing that creepy smile of him.


"annyeong!" He greeted you and he playfully waved his hand infront of you. You chuckled at his playfulness

"annyeong CHanYeol-ssi" you greeted back"

"oh! are you my noona?" he asked. you shook your head

"then you should call me...." he paused and he waited for you to respond"Chanyeol oppa?" you sounded awkward. He nodded happily. You walked up to the rest of the members Lay, SuHo, Kris, Baekhyun, Tao, Kai, Chen.. (A/N: sorry if I need to cut it short D: )


                                           After Chen, you walked up to the next member and was suprised to see LuHan and he gave you that OH-SO-AWESOME smile. He didn't greet you instead he lightly bowed his head. You greet him first and you handed him your album, sticky note and you handed him a bottle of his favorite drink. He smiled while looking at the drink you had given to him

"how'd you know?" he asked but he is not looking at you. You were startled because he suddenly talked to you. you looked calm but inside your heart is jumping non-stop. HE TALKED TO ME, LUHAN TALKED TO ME!

"uhh the what?" you asked back. he pointed at the drink you gave to him.

"uhh I researched it in the internet.." you excused but honestly you didn't even read it in the internet. You just remembered it because he used to tell it to you back then. Luhan chuckled and returned your album. that was close.. The last one was Sehun.

"hello..." he said but you didn't respond, you were busy looking at Luhan that you didn't notice Sehun is talking to you already.

"ah! I see you like my bestfriend.." Sehun teased you, you immediately looked at him and shot him a death glare but ofcourse he can't see it because of the sungglass you are wearing.. You tossed the album infront of him.

"woah! easy there girly.. haha" Sehun said.

"aish just sign it you devil!" you hissed


"huh?" you asked, puzzled

"did you just call me devil?" Sehun asked and furrowed his eyebrows

*gulped* "why would I? hehe.." you laugh

"okay.. maybe just in mind.." he replied and signed your album.. You thanked him and gave him the last bottle of water you have in your bag.



*wwaah!! atlast it ended! it's really weird because they're all so nice to me.. should I disguise myself as their fan more often? so that they'll always be nice to me?* you thought and headed back to the hotel.




/EXO's Dorm\


                      As soon as the fan signing event is done they went back to their dorm and immediately they slumped on the couch their tired body..

"by the way guys. I called JinRi noona.." Sehun started

Once they heared JinRi's name they started to be hyper again..

"really? oh! what did she said?" Tao asked

"she said she missed us already... and..."Sehun paused

"and what?!"

"WHAT? DON'T TEASE US MAKNAE" the members started to overreact.

"aish! don't shout. okay.. I asked her to comeback to us and she yes!" Sehun smiled proudly

"jinjja??!" D.O asked. "oy! Luhan what is your reaction?" Lay shook Luhan.. Luhan looked at them and smiled.. "well that's good" LuHan replied.



                              You gathered the sticky note and started to analyzed their answers but still it's not yet enough. You still need more informations about them, so you checked again their schedules..


"what a hectic shedule for me.." you sighed  as you rubbed your sleepy eyes. You drink a cup of coffee to keep you awake, you started to work and work and work until you finally fell asleep with your head rested on top of your working table..





A/N: I updated ^^~ thanks for waiting and sorry if I took years to update.. hehe... thanks for commenting&subscribing :D

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Mybeau #1
Chapter 13: Update soon!!!!!
KookIeLoveYou #2
Chapter 13: NiCe StoRy UpdaTe SooN
Chapter 13: Cliffhanger truth to be told but in my opinion i dont really like tiffany for sehun or luhan for that jinri girl its not that im disagreeing your plan but its just sad because luhan dont recognize you and sehun likes tiffany actually Im a diehard fan of sehun or should I say hunhan
iLoveExo12 #4
Chapter 13: Go sehun! HAHAHA!
Maddie1234 #5
Chapter 12: Update soon
Caitlynn2013 #6
Chapter 12: Please update! I really love your fanfic! Make more chapters please!!!
kpop_addict00 #7
Chapter 12: Update soon!!!!!!!! YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN 987668688788999 YEARS!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!
iLoveExo12 #8
Chapter 12: hahaha. . poor Sehun,
i wish Luhan remember her soon.
update soon :)
Gotcha Oh Se Hun... wahahaha! xD
i really love long chapter updates,,
but pls update soonnnnnn:D