You're under my control Oh Sehun part2

You Left Me HeartBroken




*tap tap tap tap tap* my forefinger sounded as I tapped it loudly at the desk. I drank the cappucino infront of me.

"what took him so long?" I asked myself. I am now waiting for that stupidevil  Oh Sehun here at the cafe restaurant where he told me to meet him when I had a phonecall with him last night.


I continued tapping my finger on top of the table getting impatient. "gaaaaaaadddd it's been 2 hours!!! 2 long hours!!!!!" I halfshouted, then the customers flashed me their glaring eyes. I gulped, then I bowed while saying sorry. "ugh!" I slammed my forehead on top of the table. "did he forget?" I mumbled.






I grabbed my phone and dialled someone's number.





"hello" the guy on the other line said. ugh! by just hearing his voice even if we're not talking face to face it sends nightmares in me.


"I know you like Tiffany" out of nowhere I immediately replied. WTH! what am I doing? ><


I waited for him to reply, but there's a sudden silence on the other line. *endcall??* I was about to abort the call too when he suddenly spoke up.


"how'd you get my number." he asked in a cold voice.

"I--I------" but before I could even answer him. He ended the call. I looked at my phone's screen and CONFIRMED he ended the call.. WOW! just WOW! he wasn't even bothered that I might tell this to eonnie? I placed  my phone beside me and I grabbed my pillow to cover my face,"stupid devil Sehun" I mumbled then my phone vibrated which made me startled. I looked at my phone's screen and was even more startled to see Sehun's name flashing on the screen, 1new message from him.







From: stupidevil Sehun (A/N: lol. sorry for Sehun's name)

              "meet me at the ***** cafe restaurant after lunch!"













I slammed my hand on the desk and grabbed my bag, "if he doesn't want to show up, FINE! I'm gonna tell this to eonnie!" I said like a kid. I storm out of the cafe restaurant but someone grabbed my arm tightly I looked back and was suprise to see a guy wearing a black hoodie and black sunglasses.


"so where do you think your going?" the guy said and removed his sunglasses.

"Sehun??!!" I halfshouted. He immediately covered my mouth *yuck! why is he touching my face????!!!!!*

"would you please keep quiet? If someone notice me talking to a fan it'll be a big issue!" He boastfully said. I harshly removed his hand which covers my mouth.

"excuse me. I WASN'T YOUR FAN!" I said emphasizing the last 4words.

"oh really?? so that explains why you hug Luhan hyung last time?" He said and smirk. I glared at him, *wait how did he know I hugged Luhan??*

"so you're not our fan??" he added.

"I wasn't a fan of you but I never said I wasn't a fan of Luhan!" I defended.

"Luhan hyung was part of EXO, I am too.. so even if you're a Luhan hyung biased or what, you can still be called OUR fan because We are One..." He teased me.

"ugh! you're so full of yourself!!!!"

"hahaha.. you're face looks really hilarious when your mad that's why I am fond of teasing you!hahahahaha.." 

"whatever! I wasn't here to play with you. I was here to talk about Tiffany eonnie." I seriously said. He stopped laughing and looked at me seriously, he gulped.

"wha--what about noona??" He nervously asked. *why does he look so nervous? Aha! I knew it, he really likes my eonnie.*

"Let's not talk about it here." We both entered the cafe restaurant  and decided to take the vacant place in the corner of the restau..











"talk." he said. can he be any more nicer? -_-

"you like my eonnie right?"

"and so?" he sarcastically replied.

"hey! can you talk to me nicer than this?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"and why should I do that?" he asked back. I took a deep breath, getting irritated.

"HELL to the Oh Sehun! its because I just happen to know that you have this feeling with Tiffany eonnie and if I get any more stupid replies from you I might as well tell this to eonnie!" I threatened him.

"you are threatening me, aren't you?" *bingo* "well I'm not bothered." he kept his confidence. wow! he stands up and headed towards the exit when I started to talk again.












"wait. I can help you.." I said. He stopped but remained in his position, his back facing me.

I continued. "I can help you. you know, I can arrange your friendly date with my eonnie" I know I sounded like I'm selling Tiffany eonnie to this devil guy.. but I don't have any choice :( I'm desperate but ofcourse I wouldn't allow them to be together for real, I do have other plans. I wouldn't allow Tiffany to end up with this guy, never. I'm just sort of using them? Tiffany eonnie, jeongmal mianhe T_T












"what's the replacement of this?" he finally spoke again and he faced me.




















"I'll help you but you should help me to date Luhan too." He looked into my eyes and I immediately looked down.

"okay" he shortly replied. I looked up again, surprised.
















Sehun smirk. *let's get this game started.*







heylooooo :) I updated again :D I don't want to apologize for not updating for almost a year already because I'm afraid I might do this again :( I know some of you already forgot the flow of this story but just so you know, you can start reading again from chapter one :) hope you still support my story~ til my next update :D



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Mybeau #1
Chapter 13: Update soon!!!!!
KookIeLoveYou #2
Chapter 13: NiCe StoRy UpdaTe SooN
Chapter 13: Cliffhanger truth to be told but in my opinion i dont really like tiffany for sehun or luhan for that jinri girl its not that im disagreeing your plan but its just sad because luhan dont recognize you and sehun likes tiffany actually Im a diehard fan of sehun or should I say hunhan
iLoveExo12 #4
Chapter 13: Go sehun! HAHAHA!
Maddie1234 #5
Chapter 12: Update soon
Caitlynn2013 #6
Chapter 12: Please update! I really love your fanfic! Make more chapters please!!!
kpop_addict00 #7
Chapter 12: Update soon!!!!!!!! YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN 987668688788999 YEARS!!!!! PLEASE UPDATE!!!
iLoveExo12 #8
Chapter 12: hahaha. . poor Sehun,
i wish Luhan remember her soon.
update soon :)
Gotcha Oh Se Hun... wahahaha! xD
i really love long chapter updates,,
but pls update soonnnnnn:D