Chapter 3



"Your mom came here last week and she pleaded me to look after you. Truthfully, she’s actually planning to buy a house close to here but since she’s my best friend, I suggested why not make you live with me. Don’t think of yourself as a bother, okay? Whoever her daughter is, is also my daughter. Don’t mind my sons, they’re usually like that. As long as you’re my daughter, they cannot lay a hand or throw bad words to you when I’m around."


Curtiana: A painful on my head made me realize I was just starring at space...again. I looked back, expecting the tall guy named Soo Hyuk to be there…well, I was right.

“It IS really your hobby, isn’t it? Spacing out and blocking the hallway, you know.” He said, irritated.
I tried to hold my anger in since I have no right to kick his own in his own house. I need to be at least considerate when I am dealing with him here.

“Oy Giant!” I called upon noticing him walking to the other way.

“You’re not going to pass-by this way so why do you have to hit me?!”

“Eyesore.” He coldly stated, “You’re just being a brat to your parent about wanting to live away from them. Did you ever think of getting our lives involved because of your demand?”
I am actually forcing my big mouth to stop throwing out words since I find his statement half-true, I repeat, only half-true! Yes I messed up their lives in all of a sudden but that has no connection with me being a stupid brat. The reason is more beyond that.

I looked away and prepared to walk to my room, today, let’s call it cease fire.

“I don’t want you to talk to me at school, moreover,”

I put my vision back to him to at least show respect that I listen to his statement, duh, I’m a good girl somehow.

“Don’t you ever tell anybody that we are living together…I don’t want to get associated with a brat like you and to your misfortunes in life.”

Okay, I won’t hold on to my big mouth, I will say anything I wanttttt!

“Aigoo!” I made face, “As if I wanted to be associated with a nutshell like you too.”

He just smirked like he took my joke seriously. “Nutshell?” he repeated.

He made few steps heading towards my direction without removing the odd smile plastered on his face.

“Y-yeah! Put your nickname together, giant plus nutshell, giant walking nutshell! Yay!” I continued to tease.

I started taking steps backwards to avoid us getting closer to each other. I never know this guy might suddenly grab me, hug me, kiss me, whatever, ugh, me, stab me, choke me, nobody knows. Did I go a little too overboard by calling him a giant walking nutshell? He’s just good looks, no manners, and such a terrible living organism! Just a nutshell…a giant one!

My steps stopped when my back finally touched the door on the end of the hallway. After just few seconds, our distance with each other became only few centimeters away.

“Do you…even know…who you are calling a nutshell?” He said in gritted teeth.


“Lee Soo Hyuk, second year student, rank-1 in the Engineering department.” He slammed his palm towards the door behind me while feeding me with scary-looking eyes.


“Okay, vital statistics? Height? Weight? Age? Birthday?” I asked in a very sarcastic manner. Since he seemed like he is proud of introducing himself, why not say everything about him? Arrogant giant nutshell!

“Soo Hyuk-ah…” I heard her mom called from downstairs. “Why are the lights up there in the hallway still ? Are you still awake?”

Eyes wide with panic, he realized that his mom is heading to our direction.

“Go inside!” he half-shouted, pointing my room behind me.

Oh! Oh! Oh! NO! NO! NO! I won’t follow this nutshell’s instruction easily. After all, he said I’m a brat why not stand as a real one? I smirked, happy that the events comply with me.

“No, sir. I’ll tell your mom that you accompanied me here, said good night and you kissed me. Wouldn’t that be more fun?”

“The hell?” He unbelievably threw back. “Just go in by yourself or else I’ll take you there by force.”

“Is it hard to say the word ‘please’? Like, ‘Curtiana~ please go in your room…good night~

Without wasting another minute, he twisted the door knob like crazy but luckily for me, YES I’M LUCKY, the door is locked! Oh heavens! Thank you! Amen!

“The keys…are here!” I raised two pair of keys which were given by his mom after we had dinner.

“Leo, is hyung not here?” his mom’s voice seemed to be closer to where we are.

I smiled as his face started to show that he is actually panicking. I don’t know but I just love the feeling of contentment inside me when I’m messing up with him. He has this cool aura around him like it’s saying that he is the most handsome and coolest person in the whole universe and among all the giant walking nutshells like him in the parallel world, if ever there is. That’s why I wanted to more. I wanted to break that stupid cool aura and prove that he is not actually cool and awesome. Oh, add the fact that he just told me that he is the rank-1 of our department.

“Why are you so unsettled? It’s not like we really kissed?” I teased.

“I just simply don’t want to be seen with you! Are you stupid for you not to understand that?” his face is already like a tomato, so red and so fun to smash! “Aish! Just go in that stupid freaking room!”

I immediately faced the door and held it with both of my hands, “Oh no! I’m sorry room! Don’t listen to his words! You’re not stupid don’t worry!” I made looked at him sharply and gasped, “Apologize to my room…don’t call him stupid!”

Well, I’m not having this sickness of being mentally retarded. I’m just blabbering about very random stuffs to consume more amount of time. Since he hates the two of us getting seen together, I must make it happen. I love to annoy people, that’s my forte and that’s my hobby when I’m bored. I’m already a pro when it comes to playing pranks and getting goofy around people who are fun to annoy!

I watched him as he close his eyes and tried to compose himself. Well, who cares, I’m just really waiting for the magic word. Saying please to a favor is his first step learning good manners and right conduct!

“PLEASE?” he finally said, his face…PRICELESS! HA HA HA!

I smiled…WOHOOOOOO!!!!! I WON THE EPIC BATTLE!I raised my palm and folded my index finger and my thumb, creating an ‘okay’ sign. I turned around and faced the door once again so that I could insert the keys and follow his command. BUT SINCE I am a brat, I decided to do everything is slow motion times two, times two, times two, while looking at him…just for additional and free annoyance! Yes! All for free! His face is extremely not human at all with his funny annoyed expression. I can’t help but to enjoy it! His jaw, dropped, eyes, wide, eyebrows, curled and almost touching each other! THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!

Well he is lucky because by the time I already closed the door, his mom arrived. She asked what he is doing in front of my room and of course he lied. He said that he was just turning the light off. I wanted to shout and tell his mom that he actually bullied me…or is it actually me who bullied him? Anyways, it’s still him who started the fuss; I was just the one who made it bigger. It’s still his fault. Bleh.

“Ya!” I heard him shout from the hallway, “I know you can hear me!”

“This is going to be the last time we’ll be talking to each other, got it?”

I nodded even though he can’t see me. Since I feel contented with the thought of his proposal, I can’t help but to nod gladly.

“Yes! Sir!” I said in a husky tone, copying the way the military says it.


As my foot stepped inside the classroom, all eyes automatically looked at me. Yeah, I am expecting this. I did something awesome yesterday and I guess for the record, I’m the first one who had the guts to go back to school after event. Even though I feel quite unwell because I lack so much sleep, I still attended school. It is because I know that we’ll be doing some adventure today! Since I started attending school in the middle of the semester, this team building boot camp welcomed my second day here. We will be staying at the camp for one week so yeah, that explains my heavy bag pack.

I went straight to my desk to sit first while waiting for our professor’s signal to gather in the lot where the bus is waiting. Fourth row, column one, just right beside the window, that’s where my desk is. As I was walking, the student who is sitting just right in front of me suddenly put his foot before my path to make me trip over. But DUH! I’m not blind!

“Next time, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to walk again.” I said and kicked his foot away from my sight.

I slumped myself on my chair, feeling annoyed early in the morning. I convince myself that I must stay calm and not get affected with this 5th graded kind of bullying. This is crazy! I convince myself to keep calm since I know that there will be lots ahead that will be happening so if I get annoyed this early, I lose.

“You came!” Su Hee exclaimed upon seeing me. She hurriedly sat on her chair just right beside me.

I gave her a what-the-fck look, “and what is so surprising about me being here in school?”

“Y-you…not scared?” was her question.

I just sighed heavily and rolled my eyes away from her.

“Class, let’s go downstairs and wait for your other classmates in the bus.” I heard our professor said.

I stood up and prepared to leave but Su Hee held me back.

“Um…” She started with this shy look on her face.

“Um, what?” I asked in an annoyed tone. I don’t even know why I am annoyed right now. Maybe I just don’t feel really well and I am not in the mood to talk to anyone.

“If you don’t mind…I’ll be sitting together with Jae Rin Oppa in the bus.” She said, blushing


She gasped in amazement, “Is it okay with you? I mean, to be alone?”

“I don’t remember asking you to sit with me, so I don’t care.” I stretched my arms and walked to the door.

Why does she have to ask for my permission? She’s crazy.

Well, I guess I should still try to enjoy myself today. One week away from the busy world of Seoul should be something to look forward to.

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Nour93 #1
Chapter 17: Update please!!!
bellarose #3
Chapter 17: update soon, I love this fanfic its amazing!
Athenaaa #4
Chapter 17: awwwwww! he did all of that for her? didnt come across my mind! REALLY! update soon!
ohshishus #5
PLEASE UPDATE SOON unnieeeeee! The story line is sooooo good! I'm excited to read what's going to happen next! :D
Infinitely4k #6
Chapter 17: Okay, I didn't expect this AT ALL!!
hyunnielover26 #7
Chapter 17: soohyuk start to fall for here.... this is good!!!!
Chapter 17: Oohh he's starting to like her! Now he should just actually show her that he does :)
ohshishus #9
jiyong?!!!!!! kwon jiyong? you mean gdragon?! O.O i bet my life, i really did not expect that coming!!! woooow! i knew it all along that he is going to fall(or whatever you call it) for her but not this wayyyyyyyyyy! i love how it happened! how she quietly does everything in his own! but in the end, i still hope he showed it to her!! i'm seriously sticking to this story! ♥ UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
hyunnielover26 #10
Chapter 16: whyyy is soo hyuk angry?!!!! please update soon!!