Chapter 9

Wishing You Were Here part 2 (Love Affair)

"How does this look?" Tiffany asked as she stepped out of the fitting stall. She then spun a full circle to show her lover all the sides of her body in the dress she has chosen. It was a simple black strapless, short as Taeyeon has expected, and her back was barely covered with the see-through fabric.

Taeyeon was sitting on a chair waiting impatiently when she heard Tiffany's voice. She shifted her attention to her and could not stop staring. She observed Tiffany from head to toe. Beautiful, she thought. She continued to observe her girlfriend. Amazing, she thought to herself again.

"No." She finally responded and turned Tiffany's smile upside down. It was not until then that she was able to take her eyes off of the stunning girl in front of her.

"Why not?!"

"Too revealing." She explained casually. "If I can't even take my eyes off of you, there is no way the other erted guys at the club can." She mumbled to herself.



And the same exact conversation happened over and over again for the next five dresses that Tiffany tried on.

"And, what about this one?" Tiffany asked once again. She has already expected a "no." This one was a simple white dress with straps. No revealing backs.

"No." Taeyeon replied.

"But you said that about the last five! This is already the 6th one. It's not that revealing. It's just a bit short." Tiffany reasoned. "Please?" She requested softly, cutely along with her secret weapons, a pair of puppy eyes.

"Fine, take it." Taeyeon gave in and sighed. Honestly, she liked all of the dresses that Tiffany tried on. She looked great in all of them, and that is the reason why she did not approve any of them. "Well, we should go find the other girls."

"Not that soon." Tiffany stated then looked at Taeyeon with a mischievous smile. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked suggestively.


"We need to pick out a dress for you too. Now, let's go!" Tiffany declared and dragged Taeyeon out of the fitting room with her chosen dress in the other hand.

"I am not going to wear a dress!" Taeyeon protested as her small body was yanked and pulled through the aisles of dresses.

"That's, what you think."

"Do you need help in there?" Yuri asked, not embarrassed by the looks of the other women there in the fitting room. She received no response until a minute later, when an angel in a yellow dress walked out of the stall. "Wow?" was all that left ; it was left opened.

"What do you think?" Jessica asked shyly and checked herself in the big mirror. She liked the way the dress showed her curves yet still looking as simple as ever. It wasn't too short or too long, just the perfect length according to her.

"You look?great?as always." Yuri complimented and walked closer to Jessica to take even a detailed look. But then she thought about it and quickly frowned. "You can't wear that to the club." She said.

"And why not? Didn't you just say that I look nice in it?" She checked herself in the mirror again, still finding it looking great on her.

"As your girlfriend, I find it rather dangerous to let you go to a club looking this?hot." Yuri explained. "Who knows what filthy animals might be staring at you."

"But if I look nice, people would come up to you and tell you that you have a beautiful girlfriend. Wouldn't you like that?" Jessica reasoned.

"No, that's not what they would tell me. They would probably tell me that I have a gorgeous friend, and then ask if I could introduce them to you." Yuri argued.

"Well then, you're just gonna have to keep an eye on me the whole night." Jessica slyly put it. "That way, your eyes don't wonder off."

Yuri shook her head. "Whatever you say, dear princess."

"So we're getting this one?" Jessica asked.

"If you like. Now, I should find a nice one for myself too so that I'd look compatible with you."

The girls have planned to meet at the food court at the mall after their shopping spree to have lunch together before they head home. Taeyeon and Tiffany arrived first, sweetly hand-in-hand with each other while Taeyeon's free hand held onto their two small shopping bags. They stood there at the front of the food court to wait for Yuri and Jessica.

"I can't believe you made me buy that dress." Taeyeon said.

"What, you look great in it. Beautiful, pretty, and just plain adorable." Tiffany described as her eyes faded away as her smile appeared.

Taeyeon sighed. They stood there for another minute or so when she noticed the two girls they've been waiting for.

Yuri and Jessica finally showed up. Unlike Taeyeon and Tiffany, who held each other's hands, Yuri's hands were holding onto numerous of shopping bags while Jessica walked a few inches ahead.

"Let's eat." Jessica said and made Taeyeon along Tiffany laugh lightly at the sight of Yuri and her busy hands.

That weekend finally ended and the girls resumed to their regular routine, school and tennis. The same ole happened as Jessica would wake up minutes before they needed to leave made the girls arrived right before the bell. As for tennis, Taeyeon and Tiffany became each other's double partners once again like the coach has said. At first, the other students were surprised by the sight of Taeyeon and Tiffany being so close to each other but they soon put the pieces together and figured out that they were dating. However, they were unsure of what Yuri and Jessica were since they never showed any signs of intimacy--at least not in public.

Weeks of school passed by and it was time for birthday party at popular club downtown in Seoul. Slowly one by one, the four girls exited the taxi; all looked stunning in their dresses and high heels. That's when Taeyeon finally noticed that Tiffany no longer had her short mushroom hair. Her hair was then long, straight, and just plain beautiful in Taeyeon's eyes.

"Unnies! You guys are here." Yoona excited welcomed with Seohyun along her side; she didn't look very comfortable being there.

"Why do all the people here all look so familiar?" Taeyeon asked as her eyes wondered around the crowd of people.

"Taeyeon unnie! You're in a dress! OMG!" Yoona said excitedly as she observed Taeyeon. "Oh and Hyoyeon unnie, the birthday girl, rented this whole place for her birthday." She explained.

"Wow, rich much?" Jessica commented.

"Hey guys." An unfamiliar voice greeted the girls.

"Guys, this is Hyoyeon unnie, the birthday girl." Yoona introduced.

"Hey~" Hyoyeon waved.

"Hey! I'm Tiffany. This is Taeyeon, Jessica, and Yuri." Tiffany quickly greeted. "Happy Birthday!" She added, in plain English.

Hyoyeon was held back a bit by the sudden attack of hyperactive Tiffany, she then smiled and greeted the three remaining girls who all told her "Happy Birthday." "Thank you guys. I have to go greet the other guests now. You guys enjoy yourselves." She said then properly excused herself.

"Well, let's go in guys!" Tiffany declared then started to drag Taeyeon along with her.

Once they were inside the club, their hearts pounded harder than usual due to the loud bass that was being blasted. It was dim lighted with disco lights moving around. Many people were there; some were sitting down with their friends to chit chat, or rather yell since the music was too loud for a regular conversation; some were dancing at the dance floor with their friends and lovers.

"There are so many people here." Tiffany excitedly said.

"What did you say?" Taeyeon screamed and leaned in closer to Tiffany.

"I said there are so many people here!" Tiffany yelled back.

"Hey ladies, can I get you guys something to drink?" A voice of a man entered their ears.

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked up and found a quite decent looking guy smiling at them.

"No, thanks." Taeyeon said coldly. "We can afford them ourselves." She added.

"Well, if you girls need one later, let me know." He said then gave Tiffany a wink before he walked away.

"Don't be rude, Tae-Tae ah." Tiffany lectured with a hint of her whining tone.

"He was hitting on you!"

"So? It just means I'm pretty."

"Pretty or not, you're mine." Taeyeon said firmly. "No other person can hit on you."

"You're a dork Tae-Tae-ah."


"I said you're an adorable little dork!" She screamed then quickly kissed Taeyeon's cheeks. "Let's dance!"

"Look at them, always so intimate." Yuri commented as she and Jessica watched Taeyeon and Tiffany from a meter away.

"That makes me sick." Jessica remarked.

"I wish we could be like them." Yuri murmured.

"What did you say?"

"Ah?I just said yeah it makes me sick too." Yuri said. Just then she looked up and saw a girl in a black dress walked by them. Her eyes stayed focus on the girl for another few seconds and were finally removed from the girl after she smiled back.

"Hey Yuri."

"Wait. Sunmi?!" Yuri asked and observed the girl in front of her again. "Wow, you look so pret- I mean different today." She commented then looked back at Jessica who has been squeezing her hand tightly--she grinned at the fake smile on Jessica's face.

"Oh hey Jessica." Sunmi greeted when she noticed Jessica was standing next to Yuri. "Well, Sunye is waiting for me over there, I'll catch up with you guys later." She said then slipped away towards the exit of the club.

"That hurts, you know?"

"Then keep your eyes off her." Jessica said coldly. "Anyways, I need to use the restroom, come with me."


"Why, do you want to stay here and look at the other girls?"

"Well, no but-"

"If she doesn't want to take you, I can." A familiar voice came from behind them.

"Hey Changmin oppa." Jessica greeted then smiled sweetly at him.

Yuri observed Jessica's change in expression and it did not make her feel at all happy. "No, I think she'll like it better if I went with her." She claimed coldly and gave Changmin the stay-away-from-her glare before she took off with Jessica without excusing themselves.

"Well, that was rude of you." Jessica remarked as they traveled to the restroom in the back of the club.


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Nikooool #1
Update plsss author-nim! Its been years already T_T
krish_09 #2
yea part 2 I need it
KimTaeNyHwang #3
I'm really desperate for a part 3 of this ?
KimTaeNyHwang #4
Please.... Please write a part three for this... I'm still waiting :)
snsd_soshi #5
Chapter 18: please~ update now~~ we were all waiting for it~ its been a long time though
gheibae #6
Chapter 18: I like your story. Update soon. I also like the way you wrote this story and the yulsic couple.
skysaber #7
Chapter 18: Please have a part 3 of this pleasee.. Im begging you.
Chapter 18: Please update soon author..
I will wait for it
Author please update this ? This story is good and i really really like a lot