Chapter 10

Wishing You Were Here part 2 (Love Affair)

Loud bass pumped in their ears. Their feet danced along with the rhythm. Their arms moved with the music. The two couples had their fun times on the dance floor with each other. Smiles and laughter were visible on their faces as they move with the beat with their partners. Side to side. Spun. Then spun again back into the arms of the so-called "guy of the relationship."

Tiffany smiled as she faced the love of her life. They were content to have each other.

"TaeTae-ah, are you tired? Do you want to go in?" Tiffany said as she leaned towards Taeyeon's ears. It was too loud for her to hear Tiffany.

"If you want." She responded.

"Yeah, let's go in. I'm thirsty."

Their hands were tightly gripped to each other's as they weaved out of the dance floor. Seeing two empty seats at the bar, they quickly migrated towards them and sat down.

"Are you having fun?" Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany nodded and her eyes disappeared showing the extent of her content.

"Two more Tequila shots, please." Said a girl who was sitting next to them.

"But miss, you've had a lot already." The bartender replied, concerned about his customer.

"I'm fine. Just give me the drinks."

"Eunjung!" Tiffany spoke, recognizing the girl.

"Oh, Tiffany and Taeyeon! How nice to see you two." Eunjung greeted. She hiccupped and covered only to display her drunken state. "Oops I'm sorry."

"Are you okay? Where?s Hyomin?"

Eunjung didn't say much. She chuckled lightly, took another Tequila shot from the bar then turned back to Tiffany. "She's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?" Tiffany asked, concerned.

"She's gone. She left. That?s all there is to it." Eunjung answered. "She just left. Without a word." Her voice faded.

Not wanting to provoke Eunjung any further, Tiffany decided that it would be best if she stopped questioning. She turned to the bartender. "Two Tequila shots for us too,please."

"Tiffany, you don't drink." Taeyeon said.

"It's ok, TaeTae-ah. We?re going to drink with Eunjung tonight!" Tiffany responded and smiled to her lover to insure her that everything is okay. After the drinks were set down in front of her, she grabbed one and turned to Eunjung. "Cheers!"

Tiffany knew it was the perfect excuse for her to drink without any suspicions on her well being and she took the chance. That night she drank a lot. Taeyeon couldn?t stop her. Jessica couldn't stop her. No one could.


Tiffany was completely knocked out by the time the four and Eunjung arrived back at the university. Since Eunjung was alone, the group decided to take her back before anything bad happens to her.

"Jessica, can you take Tiffany to the room for me?" Taeyeon requested. "I want to go look for medicine for her hangover."

"Yeah, I'll take her.?"

"I guess I'll take Eunjung back to her dorm." Yuri said.

The group agreed and split up as planned. Jessica will take Tiffany back to the dorm room, Taeyeon will go buy medicine, and Yuri will take Eunjung back to her dorm.


"Aish, why the heck did you drink so much?" Jessica complained as she dragged the drunken Tiffany into her room.

Suddenly, Tiffany broke free of Jessica's grip and ran into the bathroom.

"Well at least you still know where the bathroom is." Jessica remarked then quickly followed her. "That's what you get for drinking so much your first time drink." She said as she pat Tiffany's back allowing her to throw up as much of the alcohol as possible. After Tiffany was done puking, Jessica helped her towards the sink where she washed her face and used a towel nearby to wipe her face.

"Seriously, why did you drink so much?" Jessica asked again as she helped Tiffany walk towards the bed.

Too intoxicated, Tiffany was neither conscious enough to hear the question nor answer the question.

"Taeyeon-ah~" Tiffany called in her drunken state. "I love you very much."

"I know you do, now just zip it and lay down." Jessica commanded as she set Tiffany down on the bed.

"Taeyeon-ah, I'm sorry. I?m so sorry."

"What did you do this t__"

Jessica's sentence was cut off. Her eyes were widened. Tiffany had then just kissed her. And she hadn't pushed her away either. She felt the soft pressure Tiffany created against her lips and she liked it.

The "fun" stopped and so did her heart when a figure showed up in the corners of her eyes. She quickly pushed Tiffany away; the girl was still not conscious.


"Take care of her." Yuri directed, forced out a smile then went to their rooms through the bathroom doors.

Jessica sat there, disgusted at the act she has just committed. She wanted to follow Yuri back. She wanted to explain what has just happened. But she knew. There was no explanation.

She turned back to the girl in front of her. She stared at the face she has once loved in the past...and possibly still do. No. I love Yuri. Not Tiffany. She thought to herself as she looked at the unconscious girl. But she knew. She knew that deep down inside, she wasn't completely sure of what she had just said to herself.

She didn't want to think of it anymore. She let Tiffany lay down on the bed. She heard the door unlocked and was both relieved and afraid. Relieved, that Taeyeon is finally back and can take care of Tiffany; afraid, that she now has to face Yuri back in their room.

"Hey." Taeyeon said. "Thanks for taking care of her."

"Not a problem." Jessica responded. "I guess I'll leave her to you now."

"Yeah. You should head to bed soon."

"Yeah. Goodnight."


Taeyeon was unsure of why Jessica was acting a bit odd that night, but she was more concerned about the girl lying on her bed. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to where Tiffany was lying. Her hand caressed her lover's face.

"Babo." She said then leaned in and kissed her forehead.


When Jessica came in the room, the lights were dimmed, and Yuri was already in bed facing the opposite direction. She felt uneasy and lost. After she changed into her pajamas she lie down on the bed next to Yuri. She knew Yuri was still awake but didn't dare to speak. Even if she had the guts to, she wouldn't know how to start or what to say.

Suddenly, Yuri repositioned and turned over to face Jessica. She looked into Jessica's watery eyes and used her fingers to wipe away the soon-to-be droplets of tears.

"Yuri-yah, I_"

"It's okay." She said and wrapped arms around the one person she loves so much. "I understand."

"I'm sorry." Jessica cried and held onto Yuri's body. "I'm sorry." She repeated herself.


It was only 9:00 AM when Jessica woke up. It was a Saturday morning; she didn't need to wake up early, but for some reason she felt the urge to wake up "early" that day. She moved her arms around to sense for Yuri's presence but she felt nothing. She opened her eyes and found herself alone on the bed, alone in the room. She quickly got up and panicked.

"Yuri?" She called as she got up from the bed. She went into the bathroom and found no one there. She eyes quickly shifted to the doors when she heard rumbling noises. Her heart felt relieved when Yuri?s face appeared as the door opened. Quickly, she ran towards her and hugged her tightly. "Yuri-yah."

"What?s wrong?" Yuri asked, concerned as she closed the door behind her. "What's wrong? Hmm? Tell me."

"I was scared. I thought you've left me." Jessica explained; now drown into Yuri's arms.

She looked at the girl she?s hugging. She remembered the only time when she has seen Jessica so helpless before was because of Tiffany. She suddenly felt a slight happiness in her heart. Seeing Jessica so helpless and scared like this because she is afraid of losing me, I know my love and effort have not been wasted, she thought.

"Don't be silly. I would never leave you." Yuri said as she lifted Jessica's head up. "That would be a total waste of all the time, effort, and not to mention money that I've spent on you." She remarked jokingly.

"Yah!" Jessica yelled and punched Yuri lightly. When she felt Yuri's arms around her waist, she looked up into her lover's eyes. "I love you." She said slowly and sincerely.

"I love you too."

They exchanged thoughts then slowly moved in towards each other and shared a passionate kiss. The passionate kiss soon turned into something more. With Yuri pushing forward and Jessica pulling her back, they finally landed on their bed with Yuri lying on top of Jessica.

"Yuri-yah, they might come in." Jessica protested and halted their make out session.

"Yah...Jessica. You just had to ruin the mood." She complained and pouted.

"Next time." Jessica said and gave Yuri a peck on her lips. "And besides, you smell."

"I just went for a jog so of course I smell."

"Well, then go shower!" Jessica commanded.


"In your dreams."

"It already happened in my dreams!"



"Tae-Tae-ah" Tiffany called as she gained conscious. She felt her body being wrapped around and it made her feel happy and safe.

"Yes?" Taeyeon answered and hugged her lover.

Tiffany opened her eyes and found Taeyeon staring at her. She smiled sweetly and gave her a light kiss. "I just wanted to know if you?re here next to me."

"I'll always be next to you, silly."

"My head hurts." She whined and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well of course, since you drank so much last night." Taeyeon responded and rubbed her temple.

Tiffany tried to remember last night and when she remembered of what happened between her and Jessica, she quickly spun up on of bed. "Oh crap!" She yelled loudly in English then hit herself with the palm of her hand.

"What's wrong?" Taeyeon asked and rubbed Tiffany's forehead, where she had just hit herself.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon, debating on whether or not she should tell her the truth.

"Oh nothing. I just remembered how drunk I was. That's all." She said and smiled innocently.

"Well, I got you hangover medicine if you need it."

"Thanks, Tae-Tae-ah. You are the best!" Tiffany claimed and kissed Taeyeon's cheeks before she got up out of bed.

"Even so...I only got a kiss on the cheeks in return." Taeyeon sighed.


Tiffany, we need to talk. Tiffany reread the text she received from Jessica earlier in the day. She had agreed to meet with Jessica and was waiting for her at a nearby coffee shop.


"Oh...hey...Jess?How are you?"

"Cut the crap, I'm not here for that." Jessica said clearly.

"Look, if it's about last night...I was drunk! I didn't mean to!" Tiffany quickly defended herself.

"It is about last night. But not what you're thinking about."

"Oh. Well. Then what?"

"I know something?s up with you. I've known you pretty much all your life and I can tell there's something going on. Now, spill it before I tell Taeyeon about what happened yesterday." She threatened.

"Yah! How can you do that to your BEST friend?!" Tiffany protested.

"Yeah, well can you do what you did last night to your LOVER?"

"Yah..." Tiffany thought about it. She has always wanted to tell someone about it to help relieve her stress but since it was too important, she was never able to.

"So...tell me."

She thought about it again and finally agreed. "Okay, fine. But you must promise not to tell anyone and especially Taeyeon."


"'s like this..."

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Nikooool #1
Update plsss author-nim! Its been years already T_T
krish_09 #2
yea part 2 I need it
KimTaeNyHwang #3
I'm really desperate for a part 3 of this ?
KimTaeNyHwang #4
Please.... Please write a part three for this... I'm still waiting :)
snsd_soshi #5
Chapter 18: please~ update now~~ we were all waiting for it~ its been a long time though
gheibae #6
Chapter 18: I like your story. Update soon. I also like the way you wrote this story and the yulsic couple.
skysaber #7
Chapter 18: Please have a part 3 of this pleasee.. Im begging you.
Chapter 18: Please update soon author..
I will wait for it
Author please update this ? This story is good and i really really like a lot