Chapter 5


Sunggyu’s POV

I saw it all. I saw everything. A package delivery truck was turning onto the one way street we were crossing. He tried not to hit either of us but it was too late. Eunji pushed me out of the way but didn’t have enough time to get herself out of the way. That delivery truck plowed right into her smashing her between a parked car. I ran over to her.

“Eunji!” I yelled. I began to panic. I took out my cell phone and dialed for an ambulance. “Eunji! Please! Just keep breathing!” I held her in my arms. Her body was limp and her face was paling. Before I knew it I was crying. Tears falling on her face and clothes. I can’t say that I’ve ever cried like this before.

“Eunji, I-I’m so sorry. I’m sorry!” I said as I brushed the hair from her face. There was blood coming from her head making her hair sticky. I kissed her face. “I love you! I love you more than anything! Don’t leave me! Please!” I begged even though I sort of knew it was useless. I saw the corners of turn up slowly and weakly, and then fall again.

When the ambulance came I was still crying. I picked Eunji up in my arms and carried her to the car. I laid her on the stretcher and she was immediately taken to the hospital. I turned around and a police officer led me over to his car. I sat on the hood of it and gave him my information and what happened. After a few minutes, he gave me ride in the front of his car to the hospital where they took Eunji. When I arrived I burst through the front doors. I saw Eunji’s mom and ran to her.

“Ms. Choi!” I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and wet streaks on her face. She shook her head and laid it on the glass window. I looked at the glass window where I saw them placing a clean white sheet over Eunji’s face.

“Eunji!” her mom yelled. I started to cry all over again. They just fell though. My face stayed plain and emotionless.

“I’m s-sorry Ms. Choi, I’m so sorry!” I said she just looked at me. She didn’t say anything but just looked at me.

“She was all I had,” she wiped more tears from her face. “My husband left me. My mom and dad are dead. I’m an only child. She’s my only little girl. My only flesh and blood, and she’s gone,” she slowly turned from me and headed down the hall. I turned back to the window where the doctors left Eunji. I hole started to form in my heart.

Eunji sacrificed herself for my sake. She willingly threw herself in front of that delivery van. That STUPID delivery van. I slid down to the floor and placed my head in my hands. This is all my fault. This is all my fault.

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Sorry i haven't been posting a lot. i've been discouraged writing this fic....hope you like this chapter!


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can't wait . . >.<
Musiclover3132 #2
Awww she died :'(
kimkaein #3
Love it:)

I want moreeee pleaseee
Musiclover3132 #4
Hi I'm new here too and can't wait to read your story ^_^