Chapter 4


It was finally the weekend and I was really excited about my date with Sunggyu. I always like to say that we go on dates often but in reality it’s just us two hanging out and doing random things. Honestly I don’t really care what I’m doing as long as I’m with him.

I turned to the mirror and fixed my hair. I thought about wearing it up but then decided against it and wore it down with a black headband. I ran my fingers through my long brown locks and did a small spin. I looked great. After thirty minutes the doorbell rang and my mom opened to door to let Sunggyu in.

“Eunji!! Sunggyu’s here!” she yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled and ran out of my room and down the stairs. When I entered the room he was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea chatting with my mom. In a matter of three seconds my mom had prepared tea and was talking his ear off.

“MOM! We’re going on a date why would you offer him tea?!” I exclaimed.

“Well he didn’t say he didn’t want it!” she said back.

“Well, he’s not going to turn it down!” I said taking the cup from him. I gave it to my mom. She gave me a wry smile and waved us out.

“Have fun kids!” she said all dreamily. When we were outside and I had closed the door he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I heard my mom giggle from behind the window.

“Sometimes I think she loves you more than I do,” I said. He laughed and grabbed my hand. "But she can't have you!"  We walked to the end of the street where there was a bus stop and waited for the next bus.

“So, have you decided what you want to eat once we get to Hongdae?” Sunggyu asked. I thought about it for a second and then answered.

“I just wanna eat street food. Maybe, some Shabu Shabu, or BBQ,’ I said happily. Sunggyu nodded his head approvingly.

“Whatever you say babe. I’m treating you to whatever today,” he said throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. He smelled like aftershave and soap. I took in a deep breath. Pure happiness. After 10 minutes the bus came and we rode all the way to Hongdae. When we arrived the first thing we shared was some Ddokbeogi. It was delicious! Then he got a couple sticks of Odang and we ate that. One thing about me and Sunggyu was that we could keep up with each other. I ate about as much as he ate so when we did have dates they were always centered around eating.

“Okay, now I really want some BBQ,” he said to me as we were leaving a cute little boutique. I nodded my head.

“But first I want to go to the river and play with the ducks!” I said. He smiled and grabbed my hand. We came up to a street. We could see the river just on the other side of a line of cars.  There was a sick feeling in the pit of my stomache so I stopped. Sunggyu began to trot across the street. He didn’t notice me stop. He was halfway across when he looked back to me.

“C’mon babe! It's a one way street and no one’s coming!” he yelled. He looked down the road and pointed. I smiled softly and began to walk. In that short period of time, a car who was in the turning lane from the intersection to the road. Sunggyu heard the car but didn’t look to see where it was going. I started to run, and run faster.

“SUNGGYU-AH!!!” I yelled and pushed him out of the road; he fell backwards. Just out of the way of the car that was now coming my way….


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Sorry i haven't been posting a lot. i've been discouraged writing this fic....hope you like this chapter!


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can't wait . . >.<
Musiclover3132 #2
Awww she died :'(
kimkaein #3
Love it:)

I want moreeee pleaseee
Musiclover3132 #4
Hi I'm new here too and can't wait to read your story ^_^