Chapter 2


Sunggyu and I were set to meet in front of the doors of the school. Since I made it there first I sat on the edge of the school’s sign. A girl gave me a dirty look as she passed me. I looked at her with cold eyes and spit on the ground in front of her. She squealed and ran as if I were chasing her with a knife. I guess I should be honest. Sunggyu and I belong to an elite group of kids. Don’t be mistaken by the word ‘elite’ we were just a group of charity cases. We were kids from low-income families that were allowed to attend this expensive school on scholarship. The faculty, staff, and mostly the students looked down on us. Never mind that we attended almost every class and practically did nothing. We were labeled as troublemakers so most of the time we just act out because they have already judged us.

“Good Morning beautiful,” a sweet voice called out to me. I smiled forgetting that girl that kind of ruined my morning.

“Yah! Kim Sunggyu! Why you making me wait like this?” I yelled and jumped off the sign and into his arms. He caught me and swung me around.

“Sorry. Let’s go,” he said grabbing my hand and lacing it with his. We walked around the side of the school to our special group spot. It was an old abandoned clubroom. Since the school built newer fancier ones on the other side of the campus no one ever looked at these so we just took one.

There were ten students here at school on scholarship. Me, Sunggyu, Hoya, Sungyeol, Sungjong, Myungsoo (who goes by L), Dongwoo, Woohyun, LaLa (who was an international student), and Mihyo were all here for free just for being poor. An action of Goodwill taken by the school so that they would look better. When Sunggyu and I entered the room everyone was already in the room and talking amongst each other.

“Oh, here’s the lovely couple now!” Dongwoo yelled as we walked in. I smiled at him.

“Noona!” Sungjong yelled and ran over to me. I let go of Sunggyu’s hand and met him half way smothering him in a bear hug. Sunggyu kept walking unphased and sat down on the table next to Hoya who was texting on his phone.

“Good Morning my Sungjongie!” I said ruffling his hair he smiled and handed me a cinnamon roll. “OH! Yum!”

“Yah! Lee Sungjong you brat! You said you didn’t have anymore!” Sungyeol yelled. Sungjong stuck his tongue out at him.

“Why would I give the last one to you when Noona hasn’t even had one!” he said and returned to whatever he was doing. I broke the roll in half and threw it to Sungyeol.

“Sungyeol, think fast!” I said and hurled it at him. He caught it in his mouth and ate it instantly smiling with every chew.

“Thanks Eunji! You’re the best,” he said with his mouth full. The bell rang and none of us moved except for LaLa.

“! I gotta get going you guys. Our homeroom teacher got replaced with a total hottie yesterday!” she said and skipped quickly from the room everyone said goodbye and just kept relaxing. I stretched out in front of Sunggyu. Since he was on the table I snuggled in-between his legs.

“Yah, Gyu. Let’s go on a date this weekend. I want you to treat me to that good Ramen in Hongdae,” I said looking up at him. He smiled at me.

“Sure, I haven’t had Hongdae food in a while,” he said leaning down to kiss me. Everyone in the room groaned.

“Why do they have to be se sweet? The skinship is unnecessary,” Woohyun said. Sunggyu replied to this by shooting him the bird. Just then the bell to end homeroom rang and so we all grabbed our stuff and headed to our classes. Since Sunggyu and I were in the same grade we pretty much had all our classes together with the exception of a one or two. I grabbed his hand and led him out the door. A few minutes later we made it to class. I looked in the door to find that the teacher wasn’t in there yet. I smiled. And motioned to him that it was okay. I opened the door and walked in backwards facing Sunggyu, and immediately the classroom started whispering.

“Oh, so they did come to school today,” I rolled my eyes we came to school everyday we just don’t show up on time.

“Look at them, they are perfect for each other two troublemakers in love,” I was starting to get pissed. I didn’t have much patience for these comments. Sunggyu saw my face and leaned over his desk which was right behind mine; he whispered,

“Don’t listen to them, as long as we’re happy then I don’t really care what they say,” I turned my head slightly and kissed his cheek. He smiled and leaned back again kicking his feet up on the desk. I motioned that I was going to the bathroom and be right back. When I got up to go someone stuck their shoe out and before I could do anything to dodge it I was on the ground. When I looked back at the person it was the girl I spat at this morning.

“Omona! My brand new shoes! They were touched by filth!” she exclaimed exaggeratedly. I rolled my eyes as I got up off the floor and dusted my skirt.

“That’s it!” I said and yanked her hair pulling her backwards out of the chair. She screamed as she landed on the floor. The classroom erupted in a fit yelling and picture snapping.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled as I stood over her pulling her up by her collar.

“Don’t think you can mess with me. I’ll let that one slide, but next time your is mine,” I said.

“Ms. Choi!” the teacher yelled. “To the principal’s office now!” Of course she would come in at this exact moment. The rest of the students quickly and quietly went back to their seats. I threw the girl back down on the floor and grabbed my backpack. I rolled my eyes at the teacher.

“Whatever, I’m leaving,” I said and stormed out of the room. I left the door open as I turned to the right knowing full well the principal’s office was toward the left.

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Sorry i haven't been posting a lot. i've been discouraged writing this fic....hope you like this chapter!


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can't wait . . >.<
Musiclover3132 #2
Awww she died :'(
kimkaein #3
Love it:)

I want moreeee pleaseee
Musiclover3132 #4
Hi I'm new here too and can't wait to read your story ^_^