Calling all [ chosen ] applicants for Sunset Kiss and Midnight Kiss!

선셋 키스 || the sun hasn't set yet. || story began. || hiatus.

Yes, You have the right to be angry with me.

I haven't updated in, what, forever? Mainly because I've been very busy lately and, to be honest, I've had writers block here forever. -_-"

So, Then, I came up with another idea. What I've decided to do is take all applicants from Sunset Kiss and Midnight Kiss and their love intrests and instead of writing this whole story of rising through obstacles as a group I'll just do it as couples!


I have two ideas in mind.

1.) It could be simply based around either 'We Got Married' or 'We Are Dating' and the members of Sunset Kiss and Midnight Kiss just be a bunch of upcoming idols (as trainees)

2.) Or, Just take away the whole fact that everyone's famous and use a school setting for it.



Those are my two ideas. What I need for you guys to do, my lovely lovely subscribers that have been with me through my stupid laziness, Is tell me which idea is best for you! I'll be posting a poll at the end of this and whichever gets the most votes by July 8th (It's July 6th here.) will be what I'm doing.

Once it's chosen, I'll have to delete both stories and set up the other story. I'd also like it if you guys gave me some title suggestions aswell.

I want to get this done as quick as possible because on July 15th, I'll be going to visit family and then go to a concert and I won't be back until August. So yeah. HURRY! c: Love you guys and thanks again!


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What happened to all of my subcribers? Where my comments at? D:


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Oh my gosh im so sorry that I saw this so late!!! Im actually in korea right now for a vacation ^^
anyway, I like the school setting a lot ^^ I cant explain it.... It just sounds...better :)
absentis #2
school setting FTW!!!
unnie... i need to go on a hiatus for a month... i'm Soo Min
I think that the school setting would be good. Like some of the applicants be friends with the other and they could go through problems with relationships. Ex/: One of the applicants can like another applicants love interest just to make the story more interesting.

It would make the story adapt more then
WGM. That's just my choice but I'm happy with whatever you end up with! And it's fine, I get that your busy. So no need to worry! ^^

Anyways hope that I could help! :3
iiLoveAPink #4
You can type your chapters into microsoft word, change the font and size, and paste it into the AFF .
i use google chrome.
i got used to it.... i just type in arial font and then when im done i change it to georgia font.
Errrrrr, I hope that gets fixed soon! 8D
Just redownload Firefox.
absentis #7
IK how you feel! When I was new here and when I first wrote my blog I was like WERE IS THE FONT CHANGER!!! FUUUUU
but I found it 8D xD
Seriously? I have Google Chrome and it works fine for me.
But hope you can still update!
Also, hope you can start changing the fonts! :D
Wow! Impressive rooms! :O
Even though I'm not a member, I'm all excited just seeing such dazzling pictures! xD Haha. Hwaiting to Sunset Kiss!