Press Confrence!

선셋 키스 || the sun hasn't set yet. || story began. || hiatus.


Sunset Kiss' Sub-Vocal and Lead Rapper, Cassie!

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by ForeverVIBx - 10:09 p.m. at May 2nd, 2012

After the very mysterious selca tweeted by Sunset Kiss' leader, Ashli Kim, We're know prvileged to know the Sub-Vocal/Lead Rapper of the up-and-coming group, Meet Cassandra Cheonsa Lee!

Cassandra's stage name is Cassie, and she's Sunset Kiss' Sub-Vocal and Lead Rapper. You may have seen her on a couple of ads for Calvin Klien and Tommy Hilfiger, as she's a model for the two companies. She's also been on numerous drama's including Dream High, The Wedding Scheme and Vampire Idol. So, She's a idol on her own anyways!

In other news about Sunset Kiss, The 4 members that have been revealed are set to be doing a press confrence later on today to talk about the other 3 members that haven't been revealed yet, their debut album and other things! So stay tuned for that!



Ashli hopped into Jongin's car, as they were going to pick up Eunju and Soomin for the press confrence. "Where's this new member, Jongin?" Ashli asked, pulling out her cell phone to check her Twitter. Jongin started to lecture her again about how she should be calling him 'oppa', but, he let it go. "She's at the S.M. building waiting for us. Her name is Cassie." He said, parking outside of Soomin's dorm and pulling out his cell to call Soomin and tell her that they were outside. "Wait...Cassandra Cheonsa Lee?" Ashli looked up from her cell. Jongin nodded, then talked into the reciever. "Soomin-ah? Neh, We're outside waiting for you. Arraseo. Bye." and he hung up. Then he looked back at Ashli. "Why?"

"I saw her a couple of times on Dream High!" Ashli said happily. "She's a good actress." Jongin nodded his head and Soomin hopped into the car. "Annyeong, oppa, unnie!" she said happily. Jongin smiled. "Annyeong Soomin-ah. You look nice." he sent her a wink before looking back at the road.

"Ehh...?" Ashli raised an eyebrow and looked at Soomin. Soomin shrugged and started gazing out of the window. After that, Eunju was picked up and the 4 were off to the press confrence.


Lead by Jongin, they all walked into the confrence room, being met by Lee Soo Man.

"Annyeong-haseyo, Soo-Man-oppa!" Eunju and Soomin said. Ashli just smiled and bowed her head. She knew she wouldn't say 'oppa', so, she just bowed her head instead. She couldn't risk getting in trouble with the owner. Soo-Man turned around and motioned with his hand for a girl to come here. She looked up, smiled, and stalked over to the group.

"Girls, This is Cassie Lee, Your Sub-Vocal and Lead Rapper." He said with a smile.

"Annyeong-haseyo, Cassie Lee at your service!" Cassie said with a slight giggle. The 3 girls all bowed their head.

"Annyeong, I'm Sunset Kiss' Beautiful Mistress, Ashli Kim." Ashli said, bowing her head.

"I'm Sunset Kiss' Unique Princess, Lee Soo-Min-iminida!" Soomin said happily.

"Annyeong-haseyo, I am Sunset Kiss' Ice Angel, Eunju-iminida!"

Cassie smiled at the 3 girls. "Nice to meet you all! I hope we can all work together perfectly! Sunset Kiss Fighting!" The 4 girls all smiled and went in for a group hug, like they were best friends.

Such a cute ... Jongin thought, staring at Soomin's behind while the 4 hugged. He snapped out of it when a CEO called out for everyone's attention. The press confrence was about to start. (Just so you all know, I'm writing this in Q and A form. (A) means Ashli is responding, (S) means Soomin is responding, (E) means Eunju's responding, (C) means Cassie is responding and (J) means Jongin is responding. Go go go~)


Q) Ashli, What do you have planned as being the leader of Sunset Kiss?

A.) (A) Well, I'm hoping that I can be able to control 6 girls all at the same time. *light laugh*

Q.) Eunju, Being from 2 diffrent labels before coming to S.M., Have you made any friends or rivals?

A.) (E) Well, I've certainly made some friends. As for rivals, That's only for me to know.

Q.) Do any of you know about the 3 remaining members to be revealed?

A.) (A) We're just as in the dark as you guys. We kind of meet eachother as we go along. And so far, We're getting along greatly.

Q.) We all do know that you all are still just a rookie group and you haven't even debuted yet, but, do you all have any crushes?

A.) (J) It's not exactly apprproriate for them to answer that yet, They're only rookies. (C) Oppa, That doesn't mean we can't like someone~ *giggles*



I know what your thinking. "What!? That wasn't the whole thing was it?!" Well, It wasn't. xD I'm just really sleepy right now and I didn't want to hold this off until another time, I wanted to get it done. Ahaha. Congratulations to prettyangel25 for being chosen (and thanks for taking the position! ^^) As usual, Click Here if you wanna read all of her application to see some things I couldn't add and all. I know you've noticed this little pedo thing going on with the manager and Soomin, right?

Well, What do you think? ^^; Until next time, mah loves <3

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Oh my gosh im so sorry that I saw this so late!!! Im actually in korea right now for a vacation ^^
anyway, I like the school setting a lot ^^ I cant explain it.... It just sounds...better :)
absentis #2
school setting FTW!!!
unnie... i need to go on a hiatus for a month... i'm Soo Min
I think that the school setting would be good. Like some of the applicants be friends with the other and they could go through problems with relationships. Ex/: One of the applicants can like another applicants love interest just to make the story more interesting.

It would make the story adapt more then
WGM. That's just my choice but I'm happy with whatever you end up with! And it's fine, I get that your busy. So no need to worry! ^^

Anyways hope that I could help! :3
iiLoveAPink #4
You can type your chapters into microsoft word, change the font and size, and paste it into the AFF .
i use google chrome.
i got used to it.... i just type in arial font and then when im done i change it to georgia font.
Errrrrr, I hope that gets fixed soon! 8D
Just redownload Firefox.
absentis #7
IK how you feel! When I was new here and when I first wrote my blog I was like WERE IS THE FONT CHANGER!!! FUUUUU
but I found it 8D xD
Seriously? I have Google Chrome and it works fine for me.
But hope you can still update!
Also, hope you can start changing the fonts! :D
Wow! Impressive rooms! :O
Even though I'm not a member, I'm all excited just seeing such dazzling pictures! xD Haha. Hwaiting to Sunset Kiss!