Moving In Together

선셋 키스 || the sun hasn't set yet. || story began. || hiatus.

Ashli, Yuki, Min and Cassie all sat in the "Sunset Kiss" van, while their manager drove them to go pick up the other 3 members. Today, the 7 were to be taken to their dorm, where they'd all be living together!

"I'm so excited to meet the others!" Cassie said, clapping her hands. Min nodded her head in agreement.

"I hope Hayeon's okay. Did you guys see all of the comments and the mentions she got on Twitter? It's terrible!" Yuki added.

"Well, Thats just how it is in the K-Pop business. Sometimes, You gotta it up and keep on truckin'." Ashli said, taking off her sunglasses and ruffling her black hair a little.


They arrived at the residence of Sunset Kiss' maknae, Eunji. Jongin pulled out his cell phone, dialing Eunji's number and letting her know that they were outside.

"She lives in such a quiet town for a loud girl." Ashli commented, looking around the quiet neighborhood.

"How do you know Eunji, unnie?" Min asked, turning to Ashli.

"I was introduced to her by Kai. Since she's Kai's little sister. She can be such a brat sometimes, I dunno how Kai deals with it."

"Ashli!!" Jongin called from the front, glaring at her from the review mirror. "Be nice." Ashli rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

Just then, Eunji imerged from her family home, waving goodbye to her parents, she trotted over to the van. Jongin popped the trunk open for the girl, so she could put her suitcases away, and Eunji climbed into the van.

"Annyeong!!" Yuki and Min both said in unison, startling the "devilish maknae". "Er..Annyeong?" Eunji replied.

"Sorry. They both can be a bit too happy at times." Cassie explained with a light chuckle. Eunji nodded her head, then smiled at the 4 girls she'd be now living with. Now, They were off to the Lead Vocal's place.


Sunhee (I'm just gonna call her Sol, kay?) stood outside on her balcony, looking back at the pond behind her house. She smiled lightly and the cute ducklings and turtles splashing about in the water. She would be giving up this serene peacefulness for the crazy life of an idol. Which was all fine in her world, besides the fact that she probably wouldn't be able to just sit on the balcony anymore. Those days were long gone, now. There was a beep from the front, interrupting Sol's thought. That must be Jongin-oppa. she thought, stretching her arms.

"Goodbye, cute little ducklings! Make sure to listen to your mother!!" she yelled out to the ducklings at the pond. They paused for a second and looked around, trying to see where the noise came from. Sol laughed lightly and headed back into her "former" home, grabbing her suitcases.

"And Goodbye my little house. Even though I've only lived here for about 6 months now." she looked around, shrugged, leaving the keys on the counter, she headed out to the van.


Meanwhile, At Hayeon's place, she was seriously starting to regret being put into Sunset Kiss. She was dressed, yes, but she just sat in bed, staring at her computer screen across from her. The words people said...They hurt. Bad. If being a member of Sunset Kiss meant that she had to deal with the must cruel and hurtful comments she had ever come across from, Hayeon couldn't do it. She wasn't like her sister. She heard the beep out from the front and her cell phone ring. She looked over. Kim Jongin her screen said, as the cell phone vibrated. With a shaky hand, Hayeon picked up the phone.

"Yoboseyo...?" Hayeon said, her voice quiet and scruffy.

"Hayeon-ah? We're outside! Hurry out, It's starting to get late and I want to show you all your rooms." Jongin said.

Hayeon sighed. "J-Jongin-oppa...I can't..I can't do it." she muttered.


"What's going on, oppa?" Eunji asked.

"Hayeon's saying she can't be a member of Sunset Kiss." Jongin looked at his cell phone in disbelief, as Hayeon had hung up on her. Everyone in the car groaned in protest.

"I knew it'd get to her." Sunhee added, leaning back in her seat.

Yuki ran her fingers through her hair, then started climbing over Eunji and Cassie, trying to get to the door. "What are you doing?" Ashli asked, covering her face, as Yuki's was in the air.

"I'm going to go talk to her. She can't give up on us now, We've worked too hard." Yuki hopped out of the car. "Ahh~! We need a bigger van." she muttered, walking up the door of Hayeon, knocking on it.


Hayeon looked up, hearing a dainty knock on the door. Hayeon? It's Yuki! Please open the door, I wanna talk to you~! Hayeon heard Yuki's voice from outside of the door. Hayeon sighed heavily, crawling out of bed, she wobbled over to the door, opening it.

"Hey there." Yuki smiled brightly at Hayeon.

Hayeon just continued to look at her, face blanked.

"Er..Can I come in?" Yuki gestured to the door. Hayeon sighed, opening it wider so that she would walk in. Yuki looked around, smiling, she hopped on the dark brown leather couch in the living room.

"I could see why you wouldn't wanna leave the house...What a comforatable couch! I hope we have one like this in our dorm!" Yuki said, rolling around in it.

"There is no 'we', I'm not going." Hayeon muttered, starting to head back into her room. Yuki then threw a pillow at her. "Yah!" Hayeon turned around, picking up the pillow and throwing it back. "Don't throw stuff at me!"

"Get your behind back here, We need to talk." Yuki gestured to the couch. Hayeon sighed again, wobbling to the couch and plopping down on it. "What is it?" Hayeon's voice seemed monotone. It had none of the happy, peppy-ness it had when they had first met.

"What are you talking about, You can't do it?" Yuki started on her lecture. "Do you know how long all of us have been training for this moment? Alltogether, All of us have trained 32.5 years to be in this group. You can't just give up on your dream, Hayeon."

Hayeon knew Yuki was right. All of them had worked hard, fought to the top of the trainee list to be put into Sunset Kiss. "But...The things they said...How can I be apart of Sunset Kiss when I barely have any fans?" Hayeon argued.

Yuki smiled lightly. "Thats the struggle of an idol. We'll all have our individual anti's. They'll always be people who don't like you, Hayeon, But you have to ignore them and keep on going. They're just obstacles, you need to jump over. All we need to worry about is being ourselves and fufilling our dream of being idols. You know what some netizens are saying? They're saying that at "debut" point, We're getting more attention than Girls' Generation when they released "Gee"! Do you know how great that is? That means everyone's waiting for our debut! S.M.Town is counting on us! Our manager is counting on us! All we need is you, Hayeon, and we're complete." Yuki smiled. "You can't just let a few bad comments get you down in life."


"What's taking them so long~~~~~?!" Eunji whined, squirming around in her seat. "Don't be a brat, Eunji, Gah~" Ashli rolled her eyes. Cassie snickered into her hand while Jongin glared at Ashli, yet again. "Ashli, Be nice." he threatned again.

"I am being--" "Look! Here they come!" Min pointed outside, Yuki and Hayeon both walking out, suitcases in hand. "Heh, She got her to come out." Jongin smiled lightly, popping the trunk. "It's obviously because of Yuki's epic persuasive skills." Min joked, making Sunhee laugh.

The two girls climbed into the van. "Welcome back, Hayeon." Jongin joked, smiling at her. Hayeon giggled lightly. "Let's go see our new place, huh?" Yuki said, and with that, the girls were off to their new home.


About an hour later, they arrived in downtown Seoul, about 3 miles away from the S.M. executive building was the dorm that they'd be staying in from now on. The 7 girls all looked up at the huge building, mouths agape. "Welcome to your new home, girls." Jongin said, getting out of the car and opening the back door for the girls.

"The building's so big, oppa." Sunhee said, still staring at the towering building. "The rooms have got to be even bigger~!" Eunji said, clapping her small hands together in excitement. Jongin chuckled lightly and lead them into the huge apartment.

Jongin had arranged that Sunset Kiss have access to their own floor, so that there would be no problems with anything. They'd have everything they needed on one floor, really. They all approached the 3 elevators.

"Let's all meet on floor 7, okay?" Jongin said, heading into the 1st elevator. Yuki, Hayeon and Sunhee headed into the second while Cassie, Ashli and Eunji headed into the third, leaving Min in the 1st elevator with Jongin. The 3 doors closed and they all headed up to the 7th floor.

Jongin pressed the "7", the button lighting up bright yellow. Min leaned against the wall next to him, puffing her cheeks while the elevator carried the two up. Jongin looked over at Min, smirking lightly. Min hadn't realized that Jongin was undressing her with his eyes. She was in her own little world until Jongin grabbed Min's hand, making her look at him. Min looked over at him, her eyes widening slightly at how close he was to her. He leaned in to her ear, whispering, "You look really y in shorts.."

The bell dinged, signaling that they were on the 7th floor. The doors slid open and Jongin stepped out, as if nothing had happened. Min stood there, eyes wide, she gulped. She ran out of the elevator before the doors slid back closed, she ran behind Sunhee. Jongin pulled out the apartment key, opening the door to their new home.

Living Room:


Ashli and Cassie's Room:

Yuki, Hayeon and Min's Room:

Eunji and Sunhee's Room:

1st Bathroom:

2nd Bathroom:

3rd Bedroom:

Game Room:

Indoor Pool:

Hang-Out Room:

(I'm hoping that's everything. If it isn't comment me and I'll add it. LOL.)

"This place is heaven." Eunji said, skipping circles in the living room. "Crazy maknae." Sunhee added, with a light laugh. Jongin handed Ashli the keys to the place. "Tomarrow, I'll come pick you all up. We start filming your MV for Lovey Dovey." he informed them all. "So, Get a good nights sleep! We'll be out for a while."

The 7 girls all nodded their heads. Jongin waved goodbye, and now it was just them. "I don't know about you guys, But, I'm sleepy." Cassie said, stretching her long, toned arms. "Me too." Sunhee said. "We should all get to bed."

Ashli nodded her head in agreement. "Start fresh in the morning?" Yuki said. Everyone nodded their heads sleepily. The 7 girls are seperated into their rooms. "Wait, What about unpacking?" Hayeon asked, gesturing to her suitcase.

Yuki looked at them, then yawned. "We'll do it later on. I just need to..." Before anyone could say anything else, Yuki was passed out on her bed, already in a deep sleep. Hayeon and Min all laughed. "Goodnight girls!!" Sunhee and Eunji called out from their rooms. "You too!" Cassie yelled. And with that, everyone fell into a deep and well-needed sleep.



Gah, That took me FOREVER. D: Anyways, How do you guys like your new home? I think it's pretty boss. LOL.

If there was something you think I missed, Comment or something, I'll add it. I hope the rooms don't look too child-like or anything. :3

it. I need sleep. D: Love you guys, as always, Sunset Kiss hwaiting. <3


NowPlaying: Stay-MBLAQ

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Oh my gosh im so sorry that I saw this so late!!! Im actually in korea right now for a vacation ^^
anyway, I like the school setting a lot ^^ I cant explain it.... It just sounds...better :)
absentis #2
school setting FTW!!!
unnie... i need to go on a hiatus for a month... i'm Soo Min
I think that the school setting would be good. Like some of the applicants be friends with the other and they could go through problems with relationships. Ex/: One of the applicants can like another applicants love interest just to make the story more interesting.

It would make the story adapt more then
WGM. That's just my choice but I'm happy with whatever you end up with! And it's fine, I get that your busy. So no need to worry! ^^

Anyways hope that I could help! :3
iiLoveAPink #4
You can type your chapters into microsoft word, change the font and size, and paste it into the AFF .
i use google chrome.
i got used to it.... i just type in arial font and then when im done i change it to georgia font.
Errrrrr, I hope that gets fixed soon! 8D
Just redownload Firefox.
absentis #7
IK how you feel! When I was new here and when I first wrote my blog I was like WERE IS THE FONT CHANGER!!! FUUUUU
but I found it 8D xD
Seriously? I have Google Chrome and it works fine for me.
But hope you can still update!
Also, hope you can start changing the fonts! :D
Wow! Impressive rooms! :O
Even though I'm not a member, I'm all excited just seeing such dazzling pictures! xD Haha. Hwaiting to Sunset Kiss!