
선셋 키스 || the sun hasn't set yet. || story began. || hiatus.

The real you~


AFF Username:

AFF Userlink:

What should I call you?: (Give me something like a nickname.)

How often are you online? (10 meaning all of the time and 1 meaning almost never)


Basic Information~

Character Name:


Age: (16-23)

Date of Birth: (Only Month and Day, please)

Place of Birth:

Ethnicity: (Atleast 50% Korean)

Height: (in cm)

Weight: (in kg)

Blood Type: (not really required)

Langages Spoken: (5+, And state wether fluent, conversational, basic or minimal.)


Oh my GAWD! ... You are so freaking PRETTY!

Ulzzang Name:

Ulzzang Pictures: (4+, HQ Please)

Back-up Ulzzang Name:

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: (2+, HQ Please)


Tell me about yourself, babeh(;

Personality: (Make it detailed! Atleast 1 or 2 paragraphs! Don't just give me a one liner.)

Family Background: (PLEASE do not give me some sad sobstory about how both of your parents died and you were raised by the streets...Well, I'm over exaggerating there but no super-duper sad sob stories, nae? xD Again, No one-liners!)

Family Members: (Relation, Age, Occupation and How close they are to you. Maximum of 1 Idol Sibling)

Likes: (6+)

Dislikes: (6+)

Hobbies: (5+)

Habits: (5+)

Trivia: (As many as you would like, Just not over 10.)

Saranghae!!! Saranghae!!!

Love Intrest:

His Personality: (Doesn't have to be long, But give me enough to work with.)

Back-up Love Intrest: (Not required)

His Personality: (Again, Not required.)

How you both met: (Be realistic! Don't say something crazy like, You both met on a rainbow on your way to candyland...Again, Exaggeration..)

How he acts around you:

Relationship Status: (Single, Single and Crushing, Taken, Going through a breakup, ect.)


Let me tell ya 'bout my best friend~

Best Friend: (Name, Age, Band and how close you are. Maximum 2 for an OC character, Maximum 1 for an idol.)

How you and your best friend met:

Other Friends: (Name, Age, Band and how close. Again, Max. 2 for OCs and Max. 1 for idols.)


You think you can make it in this industry, kid?

How long you've been trained: (Max. 7 years.)

Labels Trained On:

Trainee Years: (Give me a quick, descriptive paragraph on how awesome or rough your years as a trainee was.)

Any Rivals?: (Max. 2.)


My second side~

Stage Name:

Persona: (Be unique!)

Position: (Chose from the list in the foreword, please.)

Singing Link(s): (2+)

Dancing Link(s): (2+)

Rapping Link(s): (2+)

Extra: (Do you MC? Have you appeared on a Korean Drama? Have you been featured in an Idol Show?)

Wait! Before you go!


Any scenes you want to request?: (Between friends, lovers, rivals, Anything that comes to your mind!)

Suggestions?: (Any ideas for fanclub name/color? Or any suggestions for the story? Or the debut song?)

Anything else?:


A Murmur from Mimi

Did you have fun? I hope you did with my random inputs and such. xD Please comment when you have finished with this and thanks in advance for applying! Secret Kiss Hwaiting!


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What happened to all of my subcribers? Where my comments at? D:


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Oh my gosh im so sorry that I saw this so late!!! Im actually in korea right now for a vacation ^^
anyway, I like the school setting a lot ^^ I cant explain it.... It just sounds...better :)
absentis #2
school setting FTW!!!
unnie... i need to go on a hiatus for a month... i'm Soo Min
I think that the school setting would be good. Like some of the applicants be friends with the other and they could go through problems with relationships. Ex/: One of the applicants can like another applicants love interest just to make the story more interesting.

It would make the story adapt more then
WGM. That's just my choice but I'm happy with whatever you end up with! And it's fine, I get that your busy. So no need to worry! ^^

Anyways hope that I could help! :3
iiLoveAPink #4
You can type your chapters into microsoft word, change the font and size, and paste it into the AFF .
i use google chrome.
i got used to it.... i just type in arial font and then when im done i change it to georgia font.
Errrrrr, I hope that gets fixed soon! 8D
Just redownload Firefox.
absentis #7
IK how you feel! When I was new here and when I first wrote my blog I was like WERE IS THE FONT CHANGER!!! FUUUUU
but I found it 8D xD
Seriously? I have Google Chrome and it works fine for me.
But hope you can still update!
Also, hope you can start changing the fonts! :D
Wow! Impressive rooms! :O
Even though I'm not a member, I'm all excited just seeing such dazzling pictures! xD Haha. Hwaiting to Sunset Kiss!