Lu Han

I'm Getting Arranged Married To Suho But I Love Lu Han

"Hello," Lu Han faintly waved. 

"Hi, nice to meet you....I'm Suho, Yuri's future husband," Suho said, saying the last three words whist pulling my waist next to his. What's he doing?

"Ohh, that's nice." Lu han faked a smile, making me quietly laugh at his effort to act like he's happy for us.

"What are you laughing at?" Suho asked.

"Nothing," I put on a poker face.

"Well.... Yuri and I have to go right now..." Suho said.

"No we don't!" I interrupted. I wanted to stay with Lu han as long as I could because we were never allowed to meet up, but this was an accident.

"You can go off with your girlfriend," I angrily blurted out. I slapped my face mentally for saying such thing. Why did I even say that, I know they're not and item, but i just couldn't help but blurt that out.

"She's not my girlfriend," Suho defended himself.

"Well, your friend that's a girl," I harshly retorted. I don't know why my voice was coming out this strong. It was like I was mad at him. 

"Fine, I will go off with my girlfriend," he put his hands up in a quote motion at the last word and left. 

I realized I was probably jelous of Meri being so close with Suho, but I don't have the time to think about that now. I just want to enjoy the time that I finally have with Lu han before it's over.

Lu han hugged me as Suho walked away to a seperate "room" if you will, of this cafe.

It felt good to have his arms wrapped around me and feel his warmth again.

"It feels so good to have you back for just one moment," he whispered into my ear. 

I smiled, "I'm sorry about this,"

"It's okay, I understand,"


Suho POV


Why was she with him? They seem more than friends by the way they embrased each other so warmly. They seemed like they wanted more than a hug. Like they were holding something back that they wish they could do, right here, but something was holding them back.


"You can off with your girlfriend," she said. Those words felt like bricks were thrown at my heart. She wasn't my girlfriend.

I was only talking to my ex-maid of 5 years who quit 4 years ago. I never saw her since so I caught up her life and she talked to me about mine. I guess Yuri thought of her as my girlfriend because of how close we looked and young her exterior seemed. Of cource I was close to her, she worked at my house for 5 years, she never left my side for that time, she helped me with everything but we just lost touch so we talked for a while. As for the baby face she has always had, it never changed even thought she was 35 but looked 20. I doubt that a woman that old compared to me who is also married with three kids would be going out. But Yuri doesn't know any of this.

"She's not my girlfriend," I replied.

"Well your friend that's a girl,"

"Fine I will," I walked away to Meri who was still here. She said hi again and we got back to our conversation. I laughed at a joke she said when I saw something in the corner of my eye. I turned my neck not too noticably but just enought to get a good view and watched as they hugged each other closely. It wasn't the friendly hug that you give to a friend like Meri and I but rather... more romantic.

I am SOOOOOO Sorry (I say that a lot) It's just i totally forgot about AFF and just remembered and I lost my story ideas too but recently found them. I know you're probably not going to accept this apology but I will still apoligize. I'm really sorry. Better late than never. Rite?

But on another note, I hope you guys liked this chappie(: short--I know I know, but better than nothing.




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bbeatrice #1
Awwww she will definitely falls in love with Suho! Omo our poor luhan :(( Update soon!
@kpopmuzic Thank you for liking my story and for subbing! keke
Nice story!~
new subscriber :D