Ice Cream

I'm Getting Arranged Married To Suho But I Love Lu Han

I sat there quietly observing Suho when I got the chance. I was really nervous and clicked my fingers together under the table. I looked up and saw Suho. He smiled with his mouth closed. It was a reassuring smile that made my heart beat faster, yet calm down.

I smiled back and hit, and nodded.

My parents though, were talking about something else--arrange marriage.

"Awww look at them exchanging glances and smiled," my mom said. I gave her a death stare while Suho just laughed.

Soon the meeting was over, but they sent me and Suho to get a dessert--walking. They went their own way though--in a car. Thanks mom and dad, remind me to pay you back for this amazing opportunity.

It was awkward as we looked around in the directions both of us were facing until I broke the silence. 

"So what should we get?"

"Mmmm," it sounded like he was thinking, "what's your favorite dessert?"

"That's hard...I like cream puffs, but my parents don't" I said.

"Oh, what do they like?" he asked.

"They like coconut popsicles!" 

"Let's go get some," he said. He grabbed my hand and led me because I explained to him how I've never been in this area.

On my cheek, I felt a drop of.....rain?

"I think it's raining?" I stated. He looked up at the sky and faced his palm into the sky. I guess he felt it too because he took me to a wall with a small extended roof. He was still holding my hand. The rain started pouring harder. 

"Here," he took off his jacket.

"No! It's okay," I tried to stop him. He continued taking off the jacket. I blushed and nodded my head.

"Thanks," I shyly said as he gently covered my torso in his jacket. I never slipped my arms through the sleeves though.

He smiled, "Let's go to a warmer place."

I nodded. He held the sleeve of his jacket. He led me into a small soup kitchen. My hand was attempting to cover my head as we started to run there.

The worker, who was an ahjumma, welcomed us and told us we could stay until the rain stops.

"Thanks we said in unison. We both covered our mouths in shock that we both said. Then my vision went blank--or more like black.

"S-suho?" I was scared. I squatted on the floor, because that's what I do when I'm scared.

"I'm right here," he was squatted next to me, "It was just a blackout," he held my hands that were on my knees. I felt better. "Are you okay?"

"Uhh, yeah. I'm fine." I lied. But I wasn't. I don't like the dark--at all.

"You sure?" he asked.

"No," I blurted out.

"What? You're scared of the dark?" he guessed. I nodded, but then I realized he couldn't see me, "Its okay," (how did he know?). He squeezed my hands tighter. I felt secure with his hands holding mine. We were in that position for a few minutes.

Later he cupped his hands around my face. I blushed in the dark. Is he....

The lights . We went to our normal positions and it got awkward. "Uhhh... do you want something from here?" he asked. I shook my head.

"We have to get the ice cream," I reminded him. "Ohh yeahh," he remembered.

The rain hadn't stopped but got a whole lot lighter. I still had his jacket to protect me from the rain. I carried it over my head. I tried to get him to wear it but he rejected, then I suggested that we share it, that we could both be protected by his jacket, which he accepted. 

We walked to the small ice-cream shop and walked up to the counter. He asked me what I wanted and I got cookies and cream. He took out his wallet but I tried to pay.

"No no let me pay," he refused.

"No, you already gave me your jacket, so I owe you anyways," I tried.

"But we're sharing it," 

"Oh well...Still..." I crossed my arms. Then I remembered something---I left my wallet in the car with the bag I decided not to bring. I mentally face palmed myself for not only not bringing it, but also saying I'll pay for the ice cream even though I had no money.

"I didn't bring my wallet," I filled him in on my facial actions that I was doing as I was mentally face palming myself. He smiled.

"So I'll pay,"

I pouted. Suho smiled ( from my cuteness? Ohohohh). On the way home, they ate their ice cream cones that they recently bought.

Making jokes and explaining their personal encounters with the things around them that reminder them of the encounters, laughing they walked home. Their parents welcomed them as Yuri handed out the popsicles (in the small package that kept the ice cream temperature cold). They ate as they talked. 

Yuri and Suho were next to each other, blushing when their parents told their baby stories. Then they got on the topic of their marriage.

"So when should the wedding be held?" asked Suho's mom.

"That's a good question. How about in two weeks? I heard it would be great weather. Oh and where should it be held?" my mom pondered.

"I know this magnificent place," Suhos mom answered. They continued their conversation about the wedding and had it all planned out. We were to get ready in the next two weeks.

For the course of the next week, we got ready for the wedding. My parents were out looking at the place Suhos mom recommended. While Suho and I were getting ready with our choice for the wedding dress and suits (of course, we did it on our own time, he never saw me, and vise versa). 

I was with Lu Han in a Bridal shop. Lu Han judged the dresses for me as he did before. I asked him what he thought about the dress I liked the most. 

"That's beautiful!" his eyes glowed. "I just wish you wore it for me for our wedding," he back hugged me. We stared into the tri-mirror. 

"I do too," I whispered.

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bbeatrice #1
Awwww she will definitely falls in love with Suho! Omo our poor luhan :(( Update soon!
@kpopmuzic Thank you for liking my story and for subbing! keke
Nice story!~
new subscriber :D