The Meeting

I'm Getting Arranged Married To Suho But I Love Lu Han

"Let's go! We're late!"my mom yelled. We planned on going to a designer store for todays meeting with my future husband (sighhh~) The good thing was Lu han was going with us to help, and because I begged by mom. I told her : he's a guy, like my future husband, he knows what a guy wants!

We-Luhan and I sat in the back of the car. My mom and dad were in the front. 

The store was only five minutes away from home, so Lu Han and I played Kai Bai Bo! while I set my head on his shoulder.

"Kai Bai Bo!" we said in unison. I cheered for my self as I saw what Lu han was holding up with his hand, paper. I had scissors. 

"Kai Bai Bo!" he won with paper this time. I pouted as he cheered for himself like I did.

We walked into the designer store. Wahhh! So many choices!  My mom asked the lady who must've worked here (she had a uniform on) what dresses would look good with my figure. The lady took me to a body length tri mirror and made me stand on a small white box.. She took my measurements with a measuring tape. Usually, one would feel uncomfortable, but for me, I grew up in a rich family when I was 12 or so, but before that we were poor, so I was used to it after these years.

We waited for the results-the dresses I was going to get.

The lady walked up to us with 10 dresses on her arm and gave them to my mom, who after the lady left, shoved them into my hand and pushed me into the dressing room, forcing me to change. Then she left to go get herself a dress and my dad a nice new suit. 

I walked out of the dressing room with a black mini dress and modeled for Lu Han like I was walking down a runway show. (At a store like this, there was dressing rooms and plenty of space then a chair at the end for someone else, in this case Lu Han).

"y," he commented. I blushed. I went back into the dressing room and changed in a nice beige dress with polka dots that wasn't too fancy or casual.

"I like this one," I stated.

"I do too," he pulled my hand and I landed on his lap. He placed his chin on my shoulder and we both smiled. He was 22 but he had a great baby face that made him look 19.

"Tell me something," he paused, "How much do you love me?"

"Mmmmm, thiiiiiissss much!" I expanded my hands. Then he back hugged me.

"Promise me you won't fall for the other guy, okay?" I think he was talking about my future husband.

I nodded and we hooked pinkies. We sat there in that position for about five minutes until my mom interrupted us asking for our advice on her dress and dads suit and whether they looked like a cute couple. "So how do we look?"

"You look great," I smiled. My and dad were cute together.

"You guys really are a match," Lu Hand said. Mom looked at us with sympathetic eyes. 

"I'm rally sorry for the both of you," she sat on the arm rest of the chair and touched my back. "I know how much you love each other but this needs to happen." she said. Everyone's said Luhan and I are the cutest couple they have ever seen. And I agree, we are cute, it's hard to leave him.

"Omo, I have to change, I've only tried on two dresses!" I got up and jumped to the dressing room. I had only eight more dresses to go. 

I ended up getting three dresses, the black one, the polka dotted one and a cute beige one

We went back home and I got myself prepared so did my parents.

Now it was time to see my future husband. I hugged Luhan before I left. I stood outside the private dinner table at the restaurant. I took a deep breath before I stepped into the room and saw a table for six. The old man, (which I'm guessing to be the dad), and lady got up and welcomed us. We smiled to show respect. The guy got up too. My family for three sat down. The guy pulled out the chair for me and pushed me back into the table.

"Annyeong," the dad said. 

"Ohhh Annyeong! How are you you?" my dad asked.

"Good thank you for asking. How about you?" the dad smiled.

"Good thank you!"

"This is our son, Suho," he pointed at the guy who ever so politely pulled out my chair. He smiled a closed mouth, quickly.

"Omo, he's really good looking!" my mom complimented. I couldn't lie. He actually was. With brown hair that came below his eyebrows, a cute eye smile (that I could only get a glimpse off since he only smiled once for a second too), a small nose and thing lips. What was his name? Mmmmm, Suho, that's right. He's my future husband. (How lucky am I?)

Okay so Suho won, with 9 votes while our Bacon only got 3. That's sad, but I kind of already planned Suho and I wrote this chappie and I looked at the results and I was "YAYYYY! THEY CHOOSE HIM TOO!" because I was scared it was going to be Bacon so I was like, "I'm going to disappoint them" ): But yeahhh...

Comment please! Comments really make me happy, cause they let me know my hard work is appreciated. It's a win win situation, it makes me feel good and you get karma points~!

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bbeatrice #1
Awwww she will definitely falls in love with Suho! Omo our poor luhan :(( Update soon!
@kpopmuzic Thank you for liking my story and for subbing! keke
Nice story!~
new subscriber :D