part II: in the mind of park hyorin, the leader

don't spray perfume (because it's all about body spray~)


i found myself sulking more and more often as the days go by.
yeah, we’ll be debuting soon, and that is something amazing, but i guess i am being the typical stressed girlfriend.
changjo has been getting busier and busier and my excuse to call him is to ask whether or not he’s cheating on me with some other noona, someone his age, or someone younger.
that’s pathetic.
i know.
but what else can i do?
anyway, the four of us.
you know, eternity.
we get to ditch school today. hehe.
our school is pretty lucky, i think. having two full idol bands attend that school.
after we debut, we’ll be the hottest school ever.
wait, i think we’re the hottest school now.
…alright, backtrack park hyorin.
as i said beforehand, our debut is getting closer and closer. because of that, we need to be ready and perfect to wow the kpop scene with our talent, skill, and strong image.
we’re going to be thrown into the media in eleven short days.
and it , because i’m the leader. i have responsibility to the group. i dislike that. but oh well.
we’re sitting here, taking our break because we honestly do not want to do this damn dance anymore.
“rin~? what’s with the face?” i felt aejung poke my cheek and i had to crack a small smile at her. “it’s nothing, aejung.” i kind of shrugged her off, but these thoughts were my own.
she cares a lot for all of us, and we know.
we just don’t show it as much as we could.
i cleared my throat and clapped my hands twice. “alright, we have to practice one more time. aej, hannie, maknae. positions.”
hannie and hyunjae grumbled and got up begrudgingly from their place on the ground of our practice room floor.
i hated forcing them to practice.
hell, I didn’t even like to practice.
i sighed and allowed my girls to get ready.
“ready?” aejung was our lead dancer, so it makes sense for her to lead when we’re dancing.
i sighed again, and before i knew it, the next six hours were a blur.
we collapsed onto the ugly, dirty, stupid floor in a heap of overworked teenage girl.
hannie wormed her way (yes, literally) to me and asked in her usual way, “how are you~?”
that question.
if it wasn’t hannie asking, i probably would not like that question at all.
but since we’re about to be idols, we’ll have to fake our emotions a lot more.
i felt myself shrug again, and just gave her a small smile. she, in turn, looked at me curiously but decided to let it go.
she knew that i would tell her when i wanted to.
i love hannie for that.
one of the choreographers opened the door at that time, and told us that we would need to give up the room for right now because another artist needed to use it.
something about their room having a busted door…?
(crazy fckin fangirls.)
we all shared a glance and proceeded to clear the room. it’s not like we were in the mood to practice anyway.
…actually, we were never in the mood.
and then shinee came in and it was like saehyun and hyunjae were injected with drugs.
what happened to the heap of overworked teenaged girl, huh?
you see, saehyun adored jinki oppa. i can see why. sweet voice, talented, adorable, cute smile.
yeah, I can definitely see why. i gave them a feigned look of interest, because honestly, i just didn’t ship.
if they were to ever happen, they would be too perfect. like, the bothersome type of perfect.
it’s different from the perfect that changjo and i are, because we still fight and argue and get completely angry with each other.
but we still love each other.
(yes, i did use the word love, damn it.)
with them, i thnk that they would be too…tame…ideal…
and that’s not a perfect relationship at all, in my opinion.
i mean, it is perfect to some people, i guess, but wouldn’t it be preferable to have someone that argues with you? someone that makes things interesting and unpredictable?
doesn’t it get boring when things are tame and happy all the time?
whatever. it’s not like i have much of a decision in that.
moving on!  maknae has a little crush on the maknae of shinee.
and i use the term crush lightly.
none of us know how much she is actually into taemin like that.
but i can also see why.
amazing dancer, cute and hot, adorable, and way too playful for his own damned good.
it’s almost like he wants to send hyunjae the wrong message.
alas, it’s cute anyway. i’ll agree with anyone that says so, but i’m not feeling it all that much.
i honestly think that he is interested in someone else.
but what do i know?
i’m only the leader of these girls after all.
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Keke. When I read Rin's comment I knew what the phrase was without looking at the poster. Keke. Niel does seem like he would be a rather...vicious kid? Crayons determined how many friends you had back then. LOL. It was like a symbol of status.
HAHA! I stayed up to catch up! >:D
I am loving it ^^ it's so cute!~ lol
I don't think you wanted that reaction. But yeah. It is~

and I see Junggie just had to put her catchphrase in the poster xD

Daniel... Is as expected as a child. Wae he be so sassyy?? xP
LMFAO. I love chapter 7~ xDD Haha. So funny! YJae and her crayons~ LOLOL.
LOLOLOL!! Chapter six was oo corny!! LOL. Oh Hyorin. Haha.
:D Yay! Keke. I remember this. <3
Lol, what the xD
You started a story on AFF! :DD