part IV: don't forget to quote han saehyun, the queen

don't spray perfume (because it's all about body spray~)


i was calm. totally calm. right. this wasn’t the most important day of my short life. it wasn’t. and i was calm. totally calm.
“…hannie…you’re shaking…” i heard aejung from behind me and i turned to her with a sheepish smile on my face.
“unnie, do we need to get the tranquilizer~?” hyunjae asked playfully, remembering my little incident with the dentist.
so i had to get tranquilized~ what about it~? i thought everyone got it!
i looked at her thoughtfully before saying just as playfully, “that would be nice~”
she quirked an eyebrow and i just smiled dorkily at her.
hyorin looked excited, ecstatic, and about to bounce off of walls. “we’re debuting, we’re debuting, holy crap, we’re debuting!” she latched onto aejung and held her in some sort of death trap hug. “are you ready? are you ready? omg, girls, are you ready?”
“rin…can you get off? you’re squishing me…” aejung complained, and of course hyorin didn’t listen. if anything, i think she squished harder.
poor aejung.
"hannie, hand." i heard hyunjae say this and i complied without another word.
i held my (shaking) hand out to the maknae that demanded for it, and she started to repeatedly hit at it.
and then i looked at aejung, who was still trapped by hyorin. the dancer was clenching and unclenching her fists, vaguely looking like she was about to throw up.
the leader herself looked excited, but also about to throw up.
wao, we were so calm and cool.
yeah, totally.
"eternity on in ten!!" i heard the pd call for us and i gaped, letting out a really squeaky, "really??" by accident.
chaos insued.
mics were getting checked, we were going through last minute run-throughs, make up and hair was being fixed, and we were all trying to calm the hell down.
nothing was working.
"psst...rin..." i heard some strange voice call out to hyorin, but when i turned to look, i only saw a curtain.
"...hyorinnie, i think the curtain wants to talk to you..."
she looked at me questioningly, and proceeded to talk to the curtain to humor me.
it's not like i really wanted her to talk to fabric. really.
i heard a voice, okay? the stress was not making me crazy~
"yes, curtain~? what would you like? i'm kind of busy right now~"
there was some kind of awkward pause before the curtain miraculously spoke once more.
"too busy to give me a hug?" the curtain was removed and out stepped a shy (…and creepy….?) changjo with a sheepish smile on his face.
oh. i totally knew it was changjo.
"baby~" she squealed and ran forward to hug him tightly around the neck.
the hug was received, as gentle (and masculine~) arms went around the leader’s waist and stopped there.
ah, the love~ <3
hehe, they were so cute.
“so are we going to disregard that changjo snuck into our waiting room and hid behind a curtain like someone creepy?” hyunjae asked, smiling widely at the dancer of teen top.
“noona, you can let this slide, right~?” asked changjo adorably.
he knew that hyunjae wouldn’t actually do anything.
that’s just the relationship they had.
hyunjae loved hyorin too much to actually do anything to changjo.
and speaking of which, hyorin and changjo were still hugging.
the stylists would start talking soon.
it seemed like aejung had the same thought, as she coughed gently and pried them apart.
“what, no hug for your other noonas?” she asked, her voice teasing (and apologetic towards hyorin).
aejung chingu to the rescue!
hyorin was pouting as her hug ended, and crossed her arms childishly.
“ah, sorry noona~” changjo went to hug all of us, but anyone could tell that the hugs he gave us three were totally different than the one he gave hyorin.
time to let him hug other girls so that other people won’t get suspicious~
hell yeah. we were trained.
our hug from him was quick, friendly, and meaningless.
changjo would have held hyorin for as long as he could. and although it was friendly, there was more in it, and every hug between them meant something.
that was easy to see.
but i really, really hope that no one realized this.
because a scandal this early would suuuuuuck.
well, any type of scandal would .
but just saying.
anyway, we conversed a bit more with changjo.
things were playful and cute for at least a little while.
and then we heard it.
“eternity on in five!”
there was a massive wave of panic as my trembling started up again, maknae started to hit things, and aejung started pacing back and forth.
but hyorin.
she looked perfectly fine, just talking contently with changjo.
see, right now would be the perfect time to have an amazing boyfriend that would be able to calm me down and make me happy.
they were so cute though. <3
we went through the real last minute practice before we would be thrown out into a sea of vicious cameras.
changjo left with a calm, “hwaiting, noonas!” at this time and left us all to panic and die.
“eternity get ready to go on stage!”
“i think i’m going to throw up.” i heard hyunjae say, as we walked mechanically towards the stage area as our sunbaes were finishing their performance.
“…that’s gross, jae. do you need me to hold up your hair?” hyorin looked at her sympathetically.
“that would be wonderful, unnie.”
the leader cleared and made a mini-speech saying, “i know i’m supposed to be awe-inspiring and wonderful right now, but i can’t think of anything to say. on the bright side, we’re about to debut and we’re in this as a group. on the bad side, we might be hated and destroyed. but at least we’re in this together!” she said this all without looking at us, as she was rushing towards the stage with the rest of us scurrying behind her.
“well, that was kind of inspiring.” said aejung with a quirk of a smile.
the speech was so hyorin that it made us all smile.
“eternity, on stage!”
and then we walked up there and the next four minutes were all a blur.
before we knew it, it was all over.
it was like we were all in a sparkly, all powerful, magical trance.
we even walked back to our room like we were in a trance.
i mean, yeah, we thanked people and bowed and smiled.
but it was like we were on auto-pilot or something.
we didn't even have the chance to panic.
we had to be settled in completely in our dressing room (by that, i mean we had to all be comfortable and fed) for the reactions to start.
hyorin started it.
“oh. my. hogod.”
and hyunjae continued it.
“what just happened?”
we all looked at each other, and while that was happening, a cd got passed to us.
a recording of our debut stage.
obviously, like the vicious animals we were (so beast~), we eagerly played the cd on maknae’s laptop.
we spent the next four minutes in silence, criticizing the performance harsher than anyone else could in our minds.
silence reigned after our song ended, before it was broken by aejung’s chiming laughter.
“i can’t believe we did it~”
“debut success!” hyorin started squealing, and their happy attitudes were infectious because both me and hyunjae started to jump around.
it didn’t take long for the four of us to get excited and crazy.
and then there was a sudden knock on the door that made us all compose ourselves.
“come in~?” aejung said this with her eyebrow raised.
who dared to interrupt our celebration~?
and then all of teen top came in and there was complete chaos.
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Keke. When I read Rin's comment I knew what the phrase was without looking at the poster. Keke. Niel does seem like he would be a rather...vicious kid? Crayons determined how many friends you had back then. LOL. It was like a symbol of status.
HAHA! I stayed up to catch up! >:D
I am loving it ^^ it's so cute!~ lol
I don't think you wanted that reaction. But yeah. It is~

and I see Junggie just had to put her catchphrase in the poster xD

Daniel... Is as expected as a child. Wae he be so sassyy?? xP
LMFAO. I love chapter 7~ xDD Haha. So funny! YJae and her crayons~ LOLOL.
LOLOLOL!! Chapter six was oo corny!! LOL. Oh Hyorin. Haha.
:D Yay! Keke. I remember this. <3
Lol, what the xD
You started a story on AFF! :DD