The Hardest Choice

The Race for Love

You got up realizing it was still a day until you met with Seunghyun, and you were all prepared too.  After a little pouting and laughing at yourself you watched tv and waited for something interesting to happen.  Maybe secretly dating two famous stars won't be the best was really screwing with your social life and your head.  You sat for a long time thinking about cancelling your plans with Seunghyun and start to slowly get back to normal life.  It was either this or risk being somewhat famous. And you hated having cameras in your face.  You thought about it for a long time and decided it was the best idea to end all of this.  You started by calling Seunghyun and telling him that you wanted him to meet you at your place.  He sounded very happy about this, you hoped the hadn't gotten the wrong idea about what you asked.  Shortly after, when you had tensed down, you called Dongwook and asked him the same thing.  He didn't sound as happy, but you could still easily tell that he was excited about this.  Since you didn't want to do this for what would seem like no reason, you had to arrange the place to make it seem like there were problems going on for you at the time.  You messed up the room and made it seem like you were busy, and then went through the rest of the rooms and messed them up.  This really made you feel weird since you had just cleaned up.  When you were done you realized it was almost midnight, and you didn't even feel tired.  But still, as soon as you laid down, you passed out.  The sound of a distant doorbell woke you up.  You realized Seunghyun was here and you jumped up and straightened out a little bit and then ran to the door.  Opening it revealed a smiling Seunghyun.  Now all you had to do was follow what you had planned.  Would it work out? Only time will tell...                      


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marshmellowlove #1
Both please hehe;) update soon
love-lo #2
update soonn.. :D
MangoKittyCat #3
=) <3
LeeJinah007 #4
I like it a lot! :D
manders #5