Looking Forward

A Second Chance At Life


Much to Yuri’s dismay, Siwon was determined to have a word with Yunho to ensure that he acted appropriately from now onwards. Siwon arrived at the set the next day with Yuri by his side. Everyone else was taken aback by his sudden appearance but they could guess that it had something to do with what happened yesterday. Siwon and Yuri arrive outside of Yunho’s trailer and knocked on the door. Not before long, Yunho opened the door.

“Yunho, I would like to talk to you about how you’ve been treating my wife.” Siwon spoke in a solemn tone with his eyes glaring at Yunho, as though he was staring deep into his soul and trying to read this man. Yuri was scared that Siwon would do something rash so she grabbed on tightly to his arm by hooking hers through.

With a smirk on his face, Yunho walked out of his trailer to the open set where many staff was walking around and the couple followed suit. Yunho was cocky but deep inside he was scared that Siwon would hit him because this man looked angry enough to do anything. He thought it would be better to have them all out in the open so he could charge Siwon if he dared lay a hand on him.

“Speak.” Yunho spat.

Siwon placed a finger on Yunho’s chest and pressed him hard. “You better watch what you do from now onwards. If you dare lay a finger on my wife again, you’ll be sorry.”

“You can’t do anything to me.”

“I’ll do anything to protect her.”

Yuri was scared of the tone of their confrontation and afraid that it would escalate to a fight. She knew Siwon meant business and he wouldn’t hesitate to do anything to protect her. The wisest thing to do now would be to end this quickly and get Siwon out of here.

“I think that’s enough, let’s go.” Yuri tugged at Siwon’s jacket sleeve and looked at him with pleading eyes. Siwon turned to Yuri and nodded. As they made their way out of the set, every pair of eyes around them had witnessed the scene.


(Two months later)

Krystal and Minho were at the hospital having a look at their baby through the ultra-scan.

“Look at that. It’s his head.” The doctor pointed to one side of what resembled a peanut. “And those are his legs. Well I’m referring the baby as a boy for now but you ‘ll have to wait a couple more months to determine the of the baby.”

“Wow, Minho. Look at our baby.” Krystal was almost overwhelmed to tears by this point as she watched the life that was forming inside of her take shape. She squeezed on tightly to Minho’s hand and looked up at him with a proud smile on her face. It was truly a blessing for her to be able to carry a child for the man she loves. Even before Minho had come to her and asked for help to save his family’s company, Krystal was already deeply attracted to him. But there was always a small doubt inside of her that this man wasn’t in love with her as much as she was with him. She was hoping that this baby will bring them closer together and it seems like for now, it does.

Minho was fascinated by the sight he saw on the monitor of his baby. It was an unplanned pregnancy resulting from a drunken passionate night between them and initially Minho had a hard time accepting the conception of the baby. He didn’t want to have a kid yet, or maybe, he didn’t want to have a kid with a woman he wasn’t sure he loved. But seeing the baby for the first time made Minho felt a surge of happiness and bliss, something he hasn’t felt for a long time since his family felt apart.

“It’s beautiful.” Minho said before tenderly kissing Krystal on the forehead, something he seldom does. It took her by surprise by she liked what he did and wished he would be like that more often.

Minho knew he had to treat this woman well no matter what because she is going through so much to have a kid just for him. He would try to love her and hopefully grow to love her.


It was not long before Minho and Krystal’s big day arrived. It was a joyous occasion for everyone especially Krystal who was glowing and smiling so brightly through the night.

Siwon and Yuri arrived to the ballroom with Yeeun walking between them as they held on to her tiny hands.


Siwon gave Minho a big brotherly hug and whispered into his ear. “You’re a grown up now. I’m proud of you, brother.”

Yuri shook Minho’s hand and gave him a big smile. Many thoughts were running through their heads as their skin connected but those were memories of the past which they have buried behind. Minho still felt some affection for Yuri but he had told himself that he would forget her completely eventually and there was not going to be another woman other than Krystal for him.

Siwon and Yuri shook Krystal’s hand as well and praised her for being so beautiful.

Despite not being very close to each other, Yoona was invited to the wedding as well. She arrived to the wedding with Donghae by her side, earning the stares from admirers who felt that they looked so compatible together. Yoona introduced Donghae to Siwon and Yuri, who recognized him from their brief encounter many years ago. By now, Donghae had stopped working for the Lees and was an independent lawyer.

After casual polite conversation, Yuri made an excuse and dragged Yoona to the side to have a word with her.

“Yoona, why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone? You sneaky little thing…” Yuri teased as Yoona’s cheeks flushed red. Yuri was overjoyed for Yoona as well but she was a little disappointed that Yoona didn’t seem to want to share the joy with her at the first instance.

“I’m sorry Unnie, we just started a few months ago. I didn’t want to alert you until things were stable.” Yoona held on to Yuri’s hands and apologized sincerely.

“Well hopefully you will be the next one to walk down the aisle. It should be either you or Sulli.”

“I won’t beat her to that. She’s been with Taemin for so many years!”

The two sisters turned to look at Sulli and Taemin who were helping each other arrange their attire. Sulli was aligning Taemin’s bow tie while Taemin was helping Sulli adjust the flower pin on her hair. After they were done, Taemin sneaked a kiss on Sulli when she least expected it, earning him a playful smack on the shoulder.

The wedding commenced and everything went smoothly as planned. Krystal sobbed uncontrollably when Minho read his declaration of love to her on the stage while she presented him with a knitted sweater with his name on it as a token of her love. Siwon and Sulli were cheering like crazy the whole night, extremely happy for their brother to find his everlasting happiness. Mrs. Choi was much weaker than she used to be but she was still alert enough to understand what was happening. Unfortunately, Mr. Choi had passed away two years ago so he never got to witness this.

It was time to throw the bouquet and all the single ladies were told to gather for it. The bouquet aptly landed into Sulli’s hands even though she was right at the back of the crowd. Everyone congratulated her and hinted to Taemin that he ought to take some action soon. Siwon pretended to give a serious talk to Taemin to put some pressure on him but was scolded by Sulli for interfering in her personal matters.

“You’re not even married yet and you’re siding with your boyfriend over your brother?” Siwon exclaimed as his eyes shot wide open to tease Sulli who hit him continuously on the arm after that.

Everyone was getting high on the champagne as they celebrated through the night. Even Yeeun who was staying up way past her bed time was having a good time, bobbing her head to the music and trying to dance along.

When the slow music came up, the couples danced intimately with their other halves except for Siwon and Yuri who had to watch over Yeeun.

“Wish we could dance like that as well. Remember the first dance we had at our wedding? You stepped on my toe with your high heel and I had to keep smiling even though I was in great pain!” Siwon grimaced as he recalled the pain he felt at that instance but he didn’t want to embarrass Yuri so he kept it to himself and continued dancing.

Yuri stifled laughter. “Thanks honey, I know you didn’t want to make me look bad. But the expression on your face at that moment was hilariously priceless.”

Siwon grunted and turned his attention to Yeeun who was now falling asleep in her seat. “Poor Yeeun. She must be so tired.”

Siwon and Yuri decided to leave the wedding party after bidding farewell to the couple. After they got home, they tucked Yeeun in to bed immediately without waking her up because she was so soundly asleep.

“Now… Mr. Choi, there’s been something I’ve been thinking about the whole night.” Yuri placed her arms around Siwon and whispered into his ear.

“What would that be?” Siwon asked playfully as he felt Yuri’s lips murmuring at his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

“Maybe we could try for another baby…”

Before Siwon could reply, he felt Yuri’s hand tugging at his pants and ping it.


Siwon was exhausted after making love to Yuri but she insisted that they took a bath together before he was allowed to fall asleep to avoid stinking up her bed.

"Good night baby."

Siwon kissed Yuri on the forehead and they drifted off to sleep with a smile on their faces.


And something big is going to happen next chapter. Can you guess what it would be? :)

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Chapter 8: Update this
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 8: im waiting for the something big on the next chapter ^^ i hope you'll continue this story ^^ author hwaiting!
Chapter 2: i jumped to the last chapter ... wait wait o_o are you going to continue this story or not??? :< oh i hope u'll continue this story ^^
Chapter 1: aw the 1st chapter is really nice !! and im going to read the next chapter ^^ good job!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 8: minho deserve be happy, bcause in the past im really sad for minho, one sided love ...T.T

kyaaa yeeun so cute...
aissh i dont like yunho here...
yeaahh yulwon make another baby,.kekeke

hmm something big is going to
happen next chapter...cant wait please update soon :-)
nana111997 #7
i like chapter 8, can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon! i have been waiting for this since, this is one of my favorite series and i ship yulwon.
Chapter 8: Didn't really like the fact that Minho and Krystal got together.
But I guess Minho got to move on!
and suilli and Taemin's moment was really sweet!
haha! And Yoonhae!
Im so glad Siwon confronted Yunho!
And things seem to be fine between them!
But... O.o
something big!?
Is Yunho gonna announce something bad..? :/
or sooyoung...?
update soon!
ChoiAnna #9
Chapter 8: annyeong ^ ^
new reader.
I like your fanfict so much.
I'm Yulwon shipper.

Choi Siwon is very protective of yuri I know he really loves yuri. oh so sweet. they are the perfect couple. I hope filming yuri quickly ended.

what will happen in the next chapter? yuri is pregnant?
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,looking for the new chapter!Keep updating :)
It's nice though that Yuri and Siwon getting along right now!Very happy that Yoona and Donghae are together right now.