Moving On

A Second Chance At Life

4 Years Later

“Yeeun, be a good girl and open your mouth. Daddy’s going to be late for work if you don’t eat your breakfast!”

Siwon dangled the spoon filled with porridge at Yeeun’s mouth but she refused to open it and continued to stare wide-eyed at him. He sighed and shook his head.

“Let me try,” said Yuri who came from behind as she chuckled at Siwon’s helplessness. Siwon handed the bowl and spoon to her, before stepping back.

“Yeeun, here comes an airplane!” Yuri smiled widely at Yeeun as she moved the spoon towards Yeeun’s mouth in a quick motion. Yeeun grinned and swallowed the porridge.

Siwon crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Yeeun is always bullying me. She wouldn’t listen to me at times.”

Yuri pinched his cheek and smiled exasperatedly. “You have to keep trying dear. She’s much closer to me since I spend most of my time with her.”

“I wish I could as well, but I’m always so busy at work. I don’t even have enough time for you.” Siwon wrapped his arms around Yuri’s waist and pecked her on the lips.

“You better get going now or you’ll really be late.” Yuri laughed before kissing him on the lips again.


Siwon was sitting in their bed under the covers as he read a magazine. Yuri crept in next to him and yawned.

“I finally got Yeeun to bed. She didn’t want to sleep until the cartoon ended,” said Yuri as she leaned her head on Siwon’s shoulder.

Siwon put the magazine aside and placed his arm around her shoulder. “You’re such a great mother to my child. I knew I married the right woman.”

Siwon turned to kiss Yuri on the lips. As he tried to deepen the kiss and to hover over her as she lay on the bed, Yuri broke the kiss and stopped him from removing her nightgown.

“I have something to discuss with you first,” said Yuri in a serious tone as she playfully pushed Siwon away.

They sat up again and Yuri held on to Siwon’s hand.

“Siwon, I’ve been offered a lead role in this year’s top budget movie. I know you’ve always supported me to have a career again but I put it off time and time again to take care of Yeeun. Now that she is older, I really want to go into acting again. Will you be agreeable to that?”

Siwon seemed a little taken aback but he squeezed her hand tightly. “I said I would anytime. I’ll let you do what you want to do.”

“But I’m worried about Yeeun. I’m going to be working long, irregular hours. I was thinking we could get a nanny but you know how difficult it is to handle Yeeun…”

Siwon smiled reassuringly at Yuri. “I’ll close my clinic and stay at home with Yeeun. I have enough money to support the family for now. Along with your income for the movie, we should do alright.”

Yuri hugged Siwon and placed her head on his shoulder. “Thank you. You’re the best husband in the world. I know you’ll get closer to Yeeun once you spend more time with her. She told me she loves you a lot but she’s a little scared of you.”

“I just want you to be happy.” Siwon whispered into her ears before kissing her neck.

Yuri pushed Siwon onto the bed and straddled him. “And for that, you’re going to get lucky tonight.”


As he had promised, Siwon closed his clinic to prepare to be a stay-home father while Yuri began preparing for her role in the movie. Having worked for Siwon for the past four years, Yoona suddenly became jobless and was on the hunt for a new job.

“Good afternoon, I’m here for an interview for the position of secretary,” said Yoona to a receptionist at a Law Chamber.

Yoona was told to wait a moment before she was ushered into the office of her potential future boss. She knocked on the door gently and entered.

“Good afternoon, I’m Kwon Yoona. I’m here for the interview.”

She found herself looking at a young handsome man with a blank expression on his face. He signaled her to take a seat in front of his and she followed his instructions.

“Time is money so let’s make this quick. You have four years of experience in this position right?” He asked without even opening the file to look at her resume.

Yoona nodded. “Yes I do. I worked for my brother-in-law’s clinic as a secretary.”

“I see. You’re the younger sister of Kwon Yuri?”

“Yes.” Yoona looked a little wary and surprised by his question.

Donghae let out a small smirk as he sat back on his chair. “I had some dealings with her before. I was the one who processed her divorce papers with Mr Lee Sungmin.”

Yoona nodded, being not quite sure how to respond.

“Ok relax girl. You’re hired.”

Yoona gasped and covered with her hand. “Are you serious? But you haven’t even asked me the standard questions like why I want the job, why do I think I deserve it…”

“As I said, time is money. You’ll start work on Monday so I’ll see you then. Goodbye.”

Donghae stood up and offered a handshake to Yoona. Yoona was slightly trembling as she shook her hand, signifying the agreement to her employment. As she walked out of the room, she could not help but feel intrigued by her future boss.


Yuri was almost shaking in excitement as she stepped into the conference room in the movie production company. It has been so many years since the last time she had taken up a role in a movie. For her comeback role, she was delighted to be offered a controversial role that was sure to make some waves in the movie industry. Today the cast would meet with the producer and director to discuss about the movie.

Yuri took a seat near the head of the table where a sign with her name was placed. Across her seat, she saw Jung Yunho, a tall, dashing young man with slightly long brown hair. Yunho entered the film industry after Yuri’s departure but he has shot to fame as the top leading actor within these few years. Most of the movie’s budget was spent on his salary which was almost double of Yuri’s, despite her being the lead alongside him. Yunho shot her an arrogant smirk before his lips. Yuri nodded politely and smiled.

The producer entered the room and took a seat. “Good afternoon. Everyone in this room is the elite of his or her own expertise in the film industry. This is going to be the top budget movie of the year and investors expect it to be the top earner as well. We are delighted to be able to get Jung Yunho, Korea’s top male star, and Kwon Yuri, who will be making her comeback to the industry to play our leading roles.”

The room applauded as Yuri stood up and bowed to everyone out of respect. Yunho remained motionless on his seat and smirked.

After the meeting ended, Yunho walked up to Yuri as she was packing her bag and about to leave.

“It is such a pity that you’re married. I always have a habit of bedding my co-stars. You’re the first one to spoil my record. But then again, I’m not sure if you can resist me.”

Yuri shot him a disgusted look. “I’m sorry to disappoint you but I love my husband and I’m not going to betray him.”

“It’s just our first meeting. You might change your mind as time goes by.” Yunho winked at her cheekily before walking away to talk to a voluptuous production assistant.

Yuri shuddered at the thought of having to work with him for the next few months. She should have believed the tabloids which constantly spread news about Yunho’s arrogant behavior, which the public and mostly his adoring fans refused to believe.


Siwon was working out in the gym as he lifted weights in front of the mirror. Suddenly he heard his phone ring. He checked the screen and saw that the number was a strange one. After contemplating for a while, he answered the phone.

“Hello, Siwon speaking.”

“Hello Mr Choi. I’m calling from Rainbow Connection Play School. Your daughter, Yeeun, has gotten herself into some discipline trouble. We need you to come down immediately if it’s possible.”


Siwon rushed down to the Play School after he got changed. Along the way he called Yuri to see if she could come down as well. But Yuri’s phone was diverted to her voice box. Siwon reckoned that her meeting with the movie cast and production team was still underway. As he arrived at the Play School, he saw his daughter standing by the entrance holding the hand of a young lady. A young lady who looked all too familiar for his comfort.


Ok I'm sorry for disappearing for such a long time! But here's an update :)

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Chapter 8: Update this
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 8: im waiting for the something big on the next chapter ^^ i hope you'll continue this story ^^ author hwaiting!
Chapter 2: i jumped to the last chapter ... wait wait o_o are you going to continue this story or not??? :< oh i hope u'll continue this story ^^
Chapter 1: aw the 1st chapter is really nice !! and im going to read the next chapter ^^ good job!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 8: minho deserve be happy, bcause in the past im really sad for minho, one sided love ...T.T

kyaaa yeeun so cute...
aissh i dont like yunho here...
yeaahh yulwon make another baby,.kekeke

hmm something big is going to
happen next chapter...cant wait please update soon :-)
nana111997 #7
i like chapter 8, can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon! i have been waiting for this since, this is one of my favorite series and i ship yulwon.
Chapter 8: Didn't really like the fact that Minho and Krystal got together.
But I guess Minho got to move on!
and suilli and Taemin's moment was really sweet!
haha! And Yoonhae!
Im so glad Siwon confronted Yunho!
And things seem to be fine between them!
But... O.o
something big!?
Is Yunho gonna announce something bad..? :/
or sooyoung...?
update soon!
ChoiAnna #9
Chapter 8: annyeong ^ ^
new reader.
I like your fanfict so much.
I'm Yulwon shipper.

Choi Siwon is very protective of yuri I know he really loves yuri. oh so sweet. they are the perfect couple. I hope filming yuri quickly ended.

what will happen in the next chapter? yuri is pregnant?
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,looking for the new chapter!Keep updating :)
It's nice though that Yuri and Siwon getting along right now!Very happy that Yoona and Donghae are together right now.