The Wedding

A Second Chance At Life

5 Months Later

After Yeeun was born, Yuri started her dieting program to regain her slim figure before she would agree to a wedding. Siwon wanted to throw an elaborate wedding party for Yuri, much to her disagreement, with the help of Yoona. The wedding date was set and the wedding preparations were on the way.

“Yoona, what do you think of the gown?”

Yuri steps out from behind the curtain with the sales assistant holding on to the long train behind the wedding gown. Yoona gasped in awe as she admired her sister’s gorgeous appearance. Yuri was wearing a sleeveless wedding dress with elaborate flower patterns on the cloth and a long train. Her hair was long and wavy. Yuri flipped her hair behind her back as though she was a model in a shampoo commercial and grinned at Yoona.

“Unnie, you look stunning!”

Yuri blushed and pinched Yeeun’s cheek, who was sitting up in her stroller with a wide smile on her face.

“Yeeun, what do you think of this gown?” Yuri asked.

Yeeun continued to stare wide-eyed at her Mommy and smiled. She made some movement with her head, as though she was nodding in approval.


Yuri heard her husband-to-be’s voice and turned around to be greeted by the sight of him in his tuxedo. Siwon adjusted his bowtie and smiled at Yuri with his hands wide open.

“How do I look?” He asked with an arrogant smirk on his face.

“Great.”  Yuri went over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek as he wrapped his arm around her tiny waist. Even though Yuri had just given birth five months ago, she had regained her slim figure and looked no different from before. She was still youthful and beautiful but her eye bags were slightly darker due to the sleepless nights caused by Yeeun’s crying.

“Aren’t you lucky to be marrying such a beautiful bride?” Yoona asked in a teasing manner.

Siwon looked at Yuri and nodded.

“I’m so glad that I found Yuri. She’s everything I dreamt of.”

“Don’t be so mushy in public!” Yuri blushed and hit Siwon lightly on the arm.

Siwon shrugged and laughed. “I’m just speaking the truth.”

Siwon picked up Yeeun and cradled her in his arms. “How is Daddy’s little girl doing?”

Yuri watched as Siwon started talking in a baby-like voice to Yeeun.  Yuri felt so lucky to that she was finally going to be married to the man she loves. Even though this was the second time she had put on a wedding gown, it felt much different as now she will be saying her vows to someone she really wants to spend the rest of her life with. Truth be told, her relationship with Siwon was going so well that the absence of a wedding certificate would probably not change anything in their lives. But Siwon wants to keep his promise to Yuri and make sure she gets the wedding of her dreams.


“No, those flowers should be placed at the side of the stage not the front! … No, no I told you I wanted the balloons to be heart shaped not ordinary ones!”

Yoona was agitatedly talking to the wedding assistant, who was panicking on the other side of the line. Her hair was getting styled by a professional hair stylist. As the bridesmaid wedding planner, Yoona was having a hell of a stressful day.

“Yoona, relax and just enjoy. These details don’t really matter,” said Yuri as the stylist placed a flower crown in her hair and sprayed more hair spray.  Yuri looked into the mirror and felt satisfied with her appearance.

Yoona put down her cellphone and sighed.

“I just want you to have the best wedding. You deserve it, Unnie.”

Today was the long-awaited wedding day of Choi Siwon and Kwon Yuri. Being public figures, the media took great interest in their wedding and wanted to do some coverage of it. Thus, Yoona felt that she has to make sure everything goes well so that they will not be embarrassed by the media.

“I have to give Sulli a call and run through the media guest list again.”

Yoona started to dial Sulli’s number. Sulli was also involved in planning the wedding. Yuri’s wedding gown and Yoona’s bridesmaid dress were designed by her. Yoona and Sulli were both so enthusiastic about the wedding, even more so than the main stars themselves. In the process, they hit it off and became good friends.

Siwon entered the dressing room with Yeeun in his arms. Yeeun was dolled up as well, dressed in a light pink dress with squeaky white shoes lined with sparkling glitter.

“You’re so gorgeous.” Siwon’s mouth was left hanging open and his eyes were wider than usual as he gawked at his bride-to-be.

Yuri stood up and twirled around in her wedding gown. “I guess I do look my best today.”


The wedding party began. Siwon and Yuri stood at the doorway of the ballroom as the cameras flashed rapidly. Photographers were yelling out for their attention and the couple gladly posed for them with affectionate poses. There was still much public interest in Yuri as she had announced that she will make her long-awaited comeback to the film industry once Yeeun gets older. Her wide legion of fans were greatly anticipating her comeback and genuinely happy for her to find her prince charming.  Many people in Seoul believe they are a match made in heaven. 

After the media were seated, the other guests started to stream in. Siwon and Yuri were busy welcoming the guests and accepting their heartfelt congratulatory messages.  Siwon was looking out for someone whom he really hopes will turn up for the wedding. But as more and more of the guests arrived, Siwon started to lose hope.

Yuri held his hand and smiled. “Relax; Minho said she seemed willing to come.”

Just at this moment, Siwon spotted a frail old woman walking between Minho and a young woman. His mother had aged considerably since he last saw her in the hospital. They had not been on speaking terms ever since and Siwon was afraid to even send the wedding invitation to her. But Minho, her new favorite son, had managed to convince her to come because Siwon really wanted her blessings.

“Omma!” Siwon greeted her in a respectful tone.

She nodded and grunted, before making her way into the ballroom by herself.

Minho held on to the young woman’s hand and introduced her to Siwon.

“Hyung, this is my girlfriend. Her name is Krystal Jung.”

Siwon looked at the young woman who looked around Sulli’s age. She had black straight hair with orange tips. Siwon reckoned she must be the rich best friend who saved the Choi Hotel Corporation. But he was shocked to learn that Minho was attached to her, something that Minho had not mentioned to him before.

“Siwon Oppa, Yuri Unnie, congratulations! I’m so excited to meet you both and I have heard so much about what you went through! Yuri Unnie, I really love your movies and I can’t wait to see you return to acting! You’re so beautiful and talented; I really wish I can be like you!” Krystal chirped excitedly with wild gestures.

“Thank you very much,” said Yuri with sparkling eyes as they shook hands. Siwon shook Krystal’s hand as well and smiled.


The wedding went smoothly as Yoona and Sulli had planned. Siwon and Yuri gave a speech and thanked the audience for sharing this special moment with them. Siwon gave Yuri a surprise by singing her favorite song, which left her in tears. They cut the wedding cake and for a short moment, Yeeun was onstage with them. They tried to keep her out of the media spotlight most of the night as they were afraid that the bright flashes will scare her. But Yeeun was calm onstage and extremely cheerful, which made her very well-liked. The rest of the events went smoothly and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted.

After the party, Mrs Choi spent some time with Yeeun who seemed to like her a lot. Mrs Choi was overjoyed to be able to carry the first grandchild of the Choi family.

“I’m sorry, Omma,” said Siwon as he kneeled down in front of her.

Mrs Choi placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m happy for you. I’m sure your father will give you his blessings too. Much as you have disappointed us, you will always be the eldest son of the Choi family."

Yuri kneeled down in front of Mrs Choi as well. “Please accept my apologies. I’m sorry for being the cause of everything.”

Mrs Choi smiled. “It’s all over now. I wish you happiness with Siwon.”

Mrs Choi made her way out of the ballroom with Minho and Krystal. Yuri embraced Siwon and patted him on the back.

“Unnie, I hope you like the party.” Yoona came towards Yuri with Sulli by her side.

“Thank you so much for all your help. I really enjoyed myself,” said Yuri as she hugged Yoona and Sulli.

Yoona and Sulli made their way home with Yeeun. Siwon and Yuri were departing for their honeymoon the next morning and the two young ladies had volunteered to take care of Yeeun for the time being. They kissed Yeeun goodbye and Yuri felt a little sad to be separated from her daughter for the first time since she was born.

Siwon wrapped his arms around Yuri’s shoulder as they made their way to the hotel suite they have booked for the night. “So it’s just you and me, alone, for the first time in a long while.”

“I’m going to miss Yeeun so much,” replied Yuri as she pouted sadly.

“She’s in good hands for now.” Siwon said as they opened the hotel suite door.

Yuri nodded. Before she could respond, Siwon had captured her lips with his and his arms were tightly entwined around her waist.

“You’re all mine tonight,” he spoke in a cheeky voice before they continued their tongue battle as he marched her towards the bed.  


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Chapter 8: Update this
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 8: im waiting for the something big on the next chapter ^^ i hope you'll continue this story ^^ author hwaiting!
Chapter 2: i jumped to the last chapter ... wait wait o_o are you going to continue this story or not??? :< oh i hope u'll continue this story ^^
Chapter 1: aw the 1st chapter is really nice !! and im going to read the next chapter ^^ good job!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 8: minho deserve be happy, bcause in the past im really sad for minho, one sided love ...T.T

kyaaa yeeun so cute...
aissh i dont like yunho here...
yeaahh yulwon make another baby,.kekeke

hmm something big is going to
happen next chapter...cant wait please update soon :-)
nana111997 #7
i like chapter 8, can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon! i have been waiting for this since, this is one of my favorite series and i ship yulwon.
Chapter 8: Didn't really like the fact that Minho and Krystal got together.
But I guess Minho got to move on!
and suilli and Taemin's moment was really sweet!
haha! And Yoonhae!
Im so glad Siwon confronted Yunho!
And things seem to be fine between them!
But... O.o
something big!?
Is Yunho gonna announce something bad..? :/
or sooyoung...?
update soon!
ChoiAnna #9
Chapter 8: annyeong ^ ^
new reader.
I like your fanfict so much.
I'm Yulwon shipper.

Choi Siwon is very protective of yuri I know he really loves yuri. oh so sweet. they are the perfect couple. I hope filming yuri quickly ended.

what will happen in the next chapter? yuri is pregnant?
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,looking for the new chapter!Keep updating :)
It's nice though that Yuri and Siwon getting along right now!Very happy that Yoona and Donghae are together right now.