The Other Side

A Second Chance At Life

Minho walked into the bedroom that he shared with Krystal and gave out a loud yawn. He took off the tie around his neck which he wore every day, a symbolism of him being strangled by the responsibilities and problems he faced at work. Every night when he gets home, he is more than happy to be finally being free and return to his personal self.

“Minho, come over here. Have a look at this wedding gown. Do you think it’ll look good on me?” Krystal asked in a bubbly, cheerful manner. Which girl wouldn’t be excited about her impending wedding, especially to a man she loves with all her heart?

Minho casually took a glance at the photograph on the magazine, grunted and then turned towards the bathroom. “It’s great.”

“Is that all you have to say, Choi Minho? It’s our wedding! Can you at least show more enthusiasm about it? I’ve been the one running around doing most of the preparations and I’m not even complaining! It’s tiring enough to be carrying your baby!” Krystal lost her cool and exploded at Minho for the first time in years. Krystal used to be a spoilt brat but she had tried to change her ways for Minho because she loves him so much.

Minho turned around, looked at Krystal exasperatedly and sighed. “You don’t know how hard it is at work every day. I’m tired; can’t you just let me have a break? We can talk about this on the weekends.”

Krystal sat down on the bed and wiped the tears that were falling down from her eyes. “I really don’t want to argue with you, Minho. But you have been hot and cold to me for the past few years. I can’t take it anymore. If not for the baby and pressure from my family, I wouldn’t even have expected you to propose.”

“You know that’s not true. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. You’re important to me.” Minho softened his tone and bent down to hug Krystal against his broad chest.

“I don’t want to lose you, Minho. I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

Minho has been asking himself for the past few years if he really did love Krystal or if it was mostly just him being indebted to her for saving the Choi Hotel Corporation. But one thing he knows for sure is that there was still someone whom he cannot forget, someone whom he cannot have.


After that night when Donghae sent Yoona home after dinner, they got a lot closer and Donghae invited her out for dinner a couple of times after that. Each time they had a great meal together with endless conversations and it was obvious that both enjoyed each other’s company. Yoona hoped that there was indeed something special between them but she didn’t dare to make any moves or carry too high hopes. Donghae was too good for her in her eyes. He was her boss, highly-educated and successful while she barely had any education and worked in a much lower position compared to him.

Yoona arrived to work one morning and discovered a big bouquet of flowers on her table. They were white lilies, her favorite flower which she had casually mentioned to Donghae the last time they had dinner. She tried to hide her elatedness as she opened the card that came along with it.


Meet me at the rooftop at 7pm.


Yoona grinned as she quickly hid the card in her handbag in case anyone else in the office sees it. Nobody knew how close the two of them had grown over the past month.

At 7pm sharply, Yoona made her way to the rooftop of their company building which stood at over forty stories high. The night view was amazing and Yoona deeply inhaled the fresh air before her eyes fell on Donghae who had set up a dining table near the edge of the building. Yoona approached him with a bright smile on her face as Donghae bashfully grin back at her.

“I hope you like this dinner I planned.”

Yoona nodded and took a seat after Donghae had pulled out the chair for her. He took the seat opposite her and removed the silver covers over two gigantic plates to reveal wagyu beef steak.


Yoona would never have guessed that Donghae had this side to him that he had been showing since they grew closer. He appeared to be an emotionless and quiet man during work hours and towards other employees. But since Yoona has been able to break the ice between them, Donghae has shown the softer and sweeter side to him.

“Thank you, Donghae.”

Donghae reached out and held on to her hand gently. This was the first time that he had done that. Yoona was elated as she had been waiting for this moment for some time but managed to keep her inner excitement to herself by keeping a straight face.

“Yoona, would you be my girlfriend?”

Without much thought, Yoona nodded. She didn’t need to think any further because everything between them felt so right.


Yuri and Yunho had been filming for the movie for the past month. So far, filming progress has been smooth and on schedule. Yuri tried her best to avoid Yunho and did not want to be alone with him whenever possible. However, the persistent guy did not take the hint and continued to aggressively pursue Yuri in a disrespectful manner. Yuri turned down all his advances politely but it was starting to get too much to bear. Even so, she did not dare to tell Siwon about Yunho because she did not want him to be worried or get angry.

The much-dreaded scene that Yuri and Yunho needed to film had arrived. This scene was the most intimate scene between their characters which required them to make out on the bed. Yuri only found out about it a few days ago and she was scared to break the news to Siwon.

After Yeeun was sound asleep, Siwon and Yuri retreated to their bedroom and cuddled in bed. Yuri wrapped her arms around Siwon and rested her head on his chest.

“Siwon, I have something to tell you.” Yuri said. She was terribly afraid as to how Siwon would react to the bad news that she was about to break to him.

“What’s wrong, Yuri? You sound worried and I realized you haven’t been acting yourself the whole night. Tell me what’s bothering you.” Siwon her hair and placed his chin on her head.

“I have to film a bed scene with Yunho. Of course there’s not going to be any but we have to make out…”

Yuri kept silent as she waited for Siwon to respond. He stayed quiet for a short moment which was beginning to frighten Yuri. She knew that Siwon had been protective of her and he gets easily jealous even when other men tried to hit on her. He would be furious to see her intimate with another guy.

“You know I trust you, Yuri. You love your job and if this is something that comes along with it, I have to support you.”

Yuri released her grip over Siwon and looked him into the eye. “Thank you.”

Siwon cupped her face with his hand and chuckled. “You’re such a silly girl to let this bother you. I’ll let you do the scene but I’m not going to allow anything more than kissing on the lips alright?”

Yuri nodded, giving him her word before leaning in and kissing him on the lips.


Yuri was starting to get nervous as she entered the set and watched as the production assistants set up the scene. Yunho was standing at the other end, conversing with the director who quickly signaled Yuri to join them when he spotted her.

“Yunho, Yuri. I know this is going to be awkward but I trust we can get this scene done right in one take. You will enter the room already engaged in a lip lock, Yuri will fall on the bed with Yunho on top and then Yuri will give Yunho a big slap after she comes to her senses.” The director instructed as he pointed to the door and towards the bed.

Yuri and Yunho nodded.

“I finally get to taste your lips,” Yunho whispered, which made Yuri shudder in disgust. She couldn’t wait for this to be over and she was going to imagine herself kissing Siwon instead to make it look like she was indeed enjoying it.

They got into position and Yunho instantly crushed his lips onto Yuri who initially resisted his advance but softened, albeit reluctantly.


They made their way towards the bed as their lips were still locked together. Yunho stretched his tongue and forced Yuri to part her lips as he gained entrance into . He explored every corner of it and was getting more aggressive as Yuri felt the soft mattress on her back. Yuri couldn’t wait for the moment to be over and was waiting for the right moment to slap him across the face. But out of the blue, Yuri felt a hand enter her blouses, slipping under her bra and squeezing her right . Yuri shot to her senses and instantly slapped Yunho tightly across the face, sending him away from her.

“Cut! Good take! We got it done in one shot!”

Yuri quickly adjusted her blouse and pointed at Yunho. “That wasn’t in the script!”

The director senses that something was amiss and quickly rushed over to settle the dispute.

“Yuri, it made sense for Yunho to do that in this scene. It was that action that jolted the character to her senses. There had to be a trigger. Yunho had suggested this to me and I agreed.” The director tried to explain to Yuri who was livid and about to break down into tears.

“But he should have asked my permission before that! I’m a married woman!” Yuri shouted at the director while keeping her finger pointed at Yunho who was smirking in one corner. Yuri had slapped him so hard that there was a little blood dripping from his lips.

The director gasped and quickly bowed in apology to Yuri. “I’m sorry. I believe there was some miscommunication. Yunho told me he would inform you beforehand.”

The cowardly director quickly retreated as he was afraid that Yuri would blow up at him. He knew Yunho was behind this and that Yunho was a man of bad character. But unless he wanted to risk offending the top male star in Korea now, it was better that he stayed out of this.

“It was just to make the scene more realistic. You’re an actress, you should be more professional.” Yunho commented arrogantly as he wiped off the blood from his lips. "Admit it, you enjoyed it. You should be glad that I even want to touch you." 

“You’re a lowlife scum.” Yuri commented before storming away. She broke down in tears in her trailer. Siwon had trusted her enough to let her do the scene but now she had betrayed his trust by getting molested by her co-star. He would be so ashamed to see his wife being taken advantaged off by another man. Yuri was also worried that Yeeun would think badly of her mother when she grows old enough to understand the movie. Yuri did not know how to tell Siwon about this incident and as always, she thought that keeping mum for the time being would be the best thing to do.


I haven't been writing this story for some time because I couldn't figure out how I wanted the story to progress. But I finally got the skeleton of the story mapped out so I will continue. I will never leave a story incomplete :) Thank you for the support. I'm not sure how many people are still reading this story but thanks to all of you anyway! 

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Chapter 8: Update this
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 8: im waiting for the something big on the next chapter ^^ i hope you'll continue this story ^^ author hwaiting!
Chapter 2: i jumped to the last chapter ... wait wait o_o are you going to continue this story or not??? :< oh i hope u'll continue this story ^^
Chapter 1: aw the 1st chapter is really nice !! and im going to read the next chapter ^^ good job!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 8: minho deserve be happy, bcause in the past im really sad for minho, one sided love ...T.T

kyaaa yeeun so cute...
aissh i dont like yunho here...
yeaahh yulwon make another baby,.kekeke

hmm something big is going to
happen next chapter...cant wait please update soon :-)
nana111997 #7
i like chapter 8, can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon! i have been waiting for this since, this is one of my favorite series and i ship yulwon.
Chapter 8: Didn't really like the fact that Minho and Krystal got together.
But I guess Minho got to move on!
and suilli and Taemin's moment was really sweet!
haha! And Yoonhae!
Im so glad Siwon confronted Yunho!
And things seem to be fine between them!
But... O.o
something big!?
Is Yunho gonna announce something bad..? :/
or sooyoung...?
update soon!
ChoiAnna #9
Chapter 8: annyeong ^ ^
new reader.
I like your fanfict so much.
I'm Yulwon shipper.

Choi Siwon is very protective of yuri I know he really loves yuri. oh so sweet. they are the perfect couple. I hope filming yuri quickly ended.

what will happen in the next chapter? yuri is pregnant?
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,looking for the new chapter!Keep updating :)
It's nice though that Yuri and Siwon getting along right now!Very happy that Yoona and Donghae are together right now.