
A Second Chance At Life

It was daybreak and the newly-weds were enjoying their time together alone for the very first time since Yeeun was born.

“Can I just keep you in bed with me for the rest of the day?” Siwon asked dreamily with his arm wrapped around Yuri’s shoulder and her head leaning on his firm chest.

“No, we have a plane to catch in two hours,” replied Yuri as she his chin.

They were heading to Tokyo, Japan for their honeymoon which will last a week. Siwon initially planned to bring Yuri to America as he had previously promised her. But Yuri preferred to travel somewhere near to Korea in case anything happened to Yeeun and they needed to rush back.

“I’m going to miss Yeeun, I hope she could sleep well last night without me,” said Yuri with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

Siwon pouted. “I’m going to get jealous of our daughter soon. We haven’t had the chance to spend much time together and now you won’t stop thinking of her.”

“Alright, I’ll dedicate myself to you for the rest of the week. There’s not going to be anyone else on my mind except you.” Yuri shook her head and chuckled at Siwon’s foolishness.


Siwon and Yuri were having a great time in Tokyo. They visited the famous shrines and prayed for their family. Yuri went crazy shopping for clothes, bags, shoes, everything while Siwon was amazed by the wide array of high-tech gadgets available. They watched a Sumo wrestling match for the first times in their life and were amazed by the spectacular show. Today, they decided to spend a quiet day at a famous park in Tokyo with each other. They sat under a tree on a picnic mat with a picnic basket they had brought along.

“Feed me some sushi please?” Siwon asked excitedly with his mouth wide open as Yuri used her chopstick to pick a piece of sushi and cautiously placed it inside.

Siwon chewed it and his lips. “That’s the tastiest sushi I had ever eaten in my life!”

Yuri picked a piece up and tried it. “I think it’s passable.”

“It’s the tastiest sushi because my gorgeous wife fed it to me on our honeymoon. I’m going to remember this forever.”

Yuri smiled and placed her head on his shoulder. “I’m so lucky to have you. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you. You’re always so sweet to me. Thank you, Siwon.”

“I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy and feel loved.” Siwon played with her curly hair and looked at them with fascination. He loved everything about Yuri, every part of her.

“I’m going to start crying,” said Yuri as she took a piece of tissue to dab her eyes.

Siwon patted her on the head as Yuri tried to contain her tears of joy.

“Siwon, are you agreeable that I return to acting?” Yuri asked in a curious manner.

“If it’s what you want and it makes you happy, I’ll support you in anything you do.”

“But I’ll probably be unable to care for Yeeun and I won’t be able to spend as much time with you.” Yuri looked at him with a sad expression as she anticipated his reply.

Siwon pretended to be deep in thought. “Much as I would prefer to lock you up in our house and have you all to myself, I know I should not be selfish and spare a thought for your adoring fans. Just do what makes you happy. As for Yeeun, I’ll take care of her. I can always give up my clinic.”

“But that’s your passion, your career. I can’t make you give up what you love just so that I can accomplish my dream. It’s so unfair to you.”

Siwon laughed. “Don’t be silly. You’re the most important person in my life now, along with Yeeun. I’ll be happy as long as you’re happy.”

“You need to stop being so perfect,” replied Yuri before she kissed him on the lips. Siwon took the opportunity to grab her into his arms and pinned her under him as he deepened the kiss.


Yoona and Sulli were playing with Yeeun in their new house. They had just moved into a small apartment together about a month ago. Most of the stuff was still unpacked and scattered around the house. Sulli had way too much clothes to move from her old house, which was now occupied by Minho, Mrs Choi and occasionally Krystal would stay as well. Today Minho was scheduled to help deliver the last few boxes over.

“I’m going to miss Yeeun so much when Siwon and Yuri returns from Tokyo tomorrow,” said Sulli as she threw a squishy ball at Yeeun who crawled towards it. Yeeun was an incredibly intelligent baby who had learnt to crawl just a few weeks ago, much earlier than an average baby.

The doorbell rang and Yoona went to open it.

“Hey Minho!” Yoona greeted him with a polite smile as Minho nodded. She noticed that there was another young guy standing next to Minho, who was also carrying boxes. Yoona made way for them as they entered the house and placed the boxes on the floor.

“This is Taemin, my best friend since High School. He just came back from France two weeks ago.”

“Hi, I’m Yoona.”

“Taemin, this is my younger sister, Sulli.”

Sulli stood up from the floor and her eyes fell on Taemin.

‘Wow, he’s so cute!’

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Sulli offered out her hand and Taemin politely shook it. He held her hand and kissed it lightly. Sulli looked at him with a smitten expression, which could not escape the sharp eyes of Minho and Yoona.

Minho cleared his throat to break their awkward silence as they looked at each other, with Taemin still holding onto Sulli’s hand.  “Taemin is a fashion designer as well; I think you two will hit it off very well.”

Sulli’s heartbeat accelerated. “I’m a bridal gown designer at a local label. What do you design?”

“I’m mainly focused on costume design for movies or musicals. I’m currently working as the chief designer for a new movie in Seoul. They have signed a contract with me so I’m relocating back here from France.” Taemin explained as he slowly let go of Sulli’s hand as her cheeks flushed scarlet red. She twirled her hair with her finger nervously, trying to think of something to say.

Minho carried Yeeun up into his arms and cuddled her. “How are you doing, my pretty little niece?”

Yeeun looked at him curiously as she did not quite recognize him. Minho was usually too busy with the company to even spend time with Yeeun. This was the fourth time he had seen her since her birth.  She resembled Siwon and Yuri so much that it reminded him of the pain he felt when he found out about their relationship.

“I need to get going now,” said Minho as he handed Yeeun over to Yoona. “I have so much work to do at the office.”

“I’ll make a move as well; it’s been nice to meet you two lovely ladies. I don’t have many friends in Seoul anymore; maybe we can keep in touch and hang out someday.” Taemin took out his name card from his wallet and passed it to Sulli. She held it between her fingers and stared at them bashfully.

After Taemin and Minho had made their exit, Yoona started to tease Sulli. “You’re interested in him, aren’t you?”

“What are you talking about, I just think he’s cute, nice and we have a common interest.” Sulli replied hastily as she avoided looking into Yoona’s eyes.

Yoona shook her head and giggled. “You’re in denial, girl. It’s obvious he’s attracted to you as well. He didn’t give me that much attention.”


“Yeeun, we’re home!” Yuri carried Yeeun in her arms as they stepped into their apartment, with poor Siwon struggling with the luggage behind them.

“I should have stopped you when you went crazy shopping,” said Siwon jokingly as he brought the luggage into the house. The family of three sat on the couch together as Yuri kissed Yeeun.

“Yeeun, did you miss Mommy and Daddy? I’m so sorry I left you alone for a week. But I heard you were a good girl with Yoona and Sulli so Mommy is very proud of you!” Yuri held Yeeun high up in the air as Yeeun started to smile widely.

Siwon took Yeeun into his arms and touched her nose. “Yeeun, Daddy misses you as well. Daddy had a great time alone with Mommy though.”

“I’m so exhausted!” Yuri said as she stretched her arms up and yawned. “I’m going to run a hot bath.”

“You’re not having one without me, are you?” Siwon asked cheekily.

Yuri rolled her eyes playfully. As she got up from the couch, the doorbell sounded.

“I wonder who it is; it’s so late in the night.” Yuri opened the door and found a small parcel outside. It had her name written on it largely with a red marker. Yuri eyed the box suspiciously as she placed it on the coffee table.

Siwon looked at and it spoke with apprehension. “That’s a rather odd-looking parcel.”

“It’s probably from a fan. I used to get tons of these even at Sungmin’s residence.” Yuri tore open the seal and Siwon watched as Yuri took out a red rose in a glass cylinder.

“Wow!” The red rose looked fresh and was in full bloom. But the vibrant red color of the petal seemed a little too odd for Yuri’s comfort. It looked unnatural.  It looked like the color of blood.

“It must be a gift from a very big fan of yours,” said Siwon as he held it in his hand and studied it carefully.

“I had received one of this before. On the day I married Sungmin.”


Wonder who is behind that? Hmmm ^_^

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Chapter 8: Update this
Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 8: im waiting for the something big on the next chapter ^^ i hope you'll continue this story ^^ author hwaiting!
Chapter 2: i jumped to the last chapter ... wait wait o_o are you going to continue this story or not??? :< oh i hope u'll continue this story ^^
Chapter 1: aw the 1st chapter is really nice !! and im going to read the next chapter ^^ good job!
iloveyul #6
Chapter 8: minho deserve be happy, bcause in the past im really sad for minho, one sided love ...T.T

kyaaa yeeun so cute...
aissh i dont like yunho here...
yeaahh yulwon make another baby,.kekeke

hmm something big is going to
happen next chapter...cant wait please update soon :-)
nana111997 #7
i like chapter 8, can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon! i have been waiting for this since, this is one of my favorite series and i ship yulwon.
Chapter 8: Didn't really like the fact that Minho and Krystal got together.
But I guess Minho got to move on!
and suilli and Taemin's moment was really sweet!
haha! And Yoonhae!
Im so glad Siwon confronted Yunho!
And things seem to be fine between them!
But... O.o
something big!?
Is Yunho gonna announce something bad..? :/
or sooyoung...?
update soon!
ChoiAnna #9
Chapter 8: annyeong ^ ^
new reader.
I like your fanfict so much.
I'm Yulwon shipper.

Choi Siwon is very protective of yuri I know he really loves yuri. oh so sweet. they are the perfect couple. I hope filming yuri quickly ended.

what will happen in the next chapter? yuri is pregnant?
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update,looking for the new chapter!Keep updating :)
It's nice though that Yuri and Siwon getting along right now!Very happy that Yoona and Donghae are together right now.