Chapter 7

Rider 2


Key and Kwangmin had been training together the entire day. They kept their guard up after the encounter with Gangor’s demon but, they didn’t have to for long because that night, all of the boys went in search of Gangor and the man who was responsible of taking Key’s element. They arrived at a clearing not far from Jonghyun’s village. They looked around and Jonghyun felt the presence of a demon and a human and it was a strong presence meaning they were close. Kwangmin looked at Key and noticed that he wasn’t trailing behind anymore, which meant that he is slowly regaining his strength. Taemin looked around and said, “they’re here, I’m sure of it.” Minwoo looked around and wondered, and said, “I don’t see anyone.” The older boy smirked and said, “There is a barrier here.” Onew placed his hands onto the earth and watched as the tree roots came to life and attacked the barrier. Kwangmin joined giving the full blast of his ice element. Pretty soon everyone joined in trying their hardest to break the barrier. Then the barrier cracked and broke revealing a cottage and Key’s dragon, dead. Key’s eyes widened and he collapsed on the ground “n-no.” Kwangmin also saddened, an elemental dragon is powerful but when it dies it’s almost as if the earth will cry for it. Jonghyun looked at his lover and saddened he walked over to Key and said, “Be strong, we found them finally so now we can destroy them and you’ll get revenge for ice.” Key nodded and stood next to his lover. Onew turned to the other six boys with them and said, “You guys take the demon we’ll get the mortal.” As if on cue, Gangor appeared and growled, “Try your best pathetic humans!” And just like that their battle started.




After a few hours Gangor was getting weaker but, so were his opponents. Kwangmin was injured pretty badly and couldn’t fight much longer but, he knew that the others were counting on him so with all of his strength he released an ice beam that also took his last ounce of energy so once Gangor fell to the ground, Kwangmin mimicked his movement. Youngmin’s eyes widened in horror as his brother hit the ground. “Kwangmin!” He exclaimed. He ran to his brother and held him he was heartbroken, even though that they are brothers it is possible for even brothers to create a bond and this was no exception.



Meanwhile, Onew and his group were surrounding the man who was at fault for everything. Key sensed something familiar about the man and he knew that Jonghyun sensed it too but, now was no time to get distracted, as soon as they found the man they attacked.


After many hours the battle was finally over, Key saw how Youngmin grieved for the loss of his brother. Key looked at Jonghyun and asked, “Did you feel like that too?” Jonghyun nodded and walked over to Youngmin and said, “We’ll burry him and give him prayers.” Youngmin nodded and agreed. When they arrived back to the kingdom, they buried Kwangmin and gave him proper prayers. They continued to fight and take care of the palace with the spirit of the ice watching over them.

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mistressofsecrecy #1
hey! i really want to read the prequel to this, can you please post the link??? :)
until then...i will read this!!! :D
JonghyunnieHyung #2
aaaaw Key OAO
yes a sequel sooo excited!!!!!
JonghyunnieHyung #5
omg a sequel!!!!! ;A; <333333
youthrules #6
Omg! A sequel! I can't wait!