Chapter 5

Rider 2


Flame was still unsure of completely leaving the boy alone so he stayed near by but, once he got the feeling that something was wrong, he took off to find Jonghyun. He landed in front of the boy’s and growled, “Master, something is wrong, I can’t get master Key to wake.” Jonghyun’s eyes widened he turned to the others. “Let’s go back we can think of a plan while we are at Jonghyun’s house.” Onew said. They nodded and mounted their dragons and headed to the land of fire.




When they arrived, Jonghyun immediately rushed to his house and ran upstairs to his room. He opened the door to his room and saw Key sleeping in his bed. He walked over to Key, “Key wake up.” He said as he panted for air. No response from the younger. Jonghyun sat down on the bed and lifted the younger, cradling him, “Key wake up.” He spoke again as a sob broke through his voice. The other boy’s watched as Jonghyun held the younger trying to figure out a way to wake Key. Taemin then thought of something, “Do you think that he lost his entire element?” Jonghyun’s eyes widened Onew gave him a look that said ‘seriously?’ Jonghyun blinked he shook his head, “He couldn’t have lost all of it. Unless..” Changmin sighed and said, “This is getting dangerous we already lost one of our members and a dragon, the enemy is at a huge advantage but, there should be someone that can help us out a little.” Onew perked up, “What do you mean we lost a dragon?” Changmin replied, “When Key lost the majority of his element, his ice dragon couldn’t keep their bond together so it’s now an enemy dragon.” At this moment, flame stuck his head through the window and said, “Master, there are a group of tamers in the area that might be willing to help, they are elemental tamers as well.” Onew looked at the dragon and said, “Assemble them here; we’ll need all the help we can get.” The dragon nodded and flew off.




As the boys waited for their help, they couldn’t help but, mourn the loss of their comrade but, then a knock came at the door. Jonghyun sensed the heat of a fire element. He opened the door and in front of him stood six boys, they looked fairly young but, what was interesting the group had twin brothers. “We heard you needed some assistance.” One of them said smiling. Jonghyun nodded, “Yes we do.” The boy smiled, “My name is Donghyun, and I am the leader of this group, we are known as the solid tamers, we are the living elements that you are so famously known for.” He said. Jonghyun nodded and let the other boy’s inside. One of the twins felt a certain tug to one of the rooms. He looked up and began to trek up the stairs, “Kwangmin! Don’t snoop that’s rude.” The older twin said. Kwangmin ignored him though, and followed his element that led him to a door. Jonghyun immediately appeared in front of the twin and growled, “Back off.”  Kwangmin eyed the shorter boy and said, “Your loved one is suffering, let me help.” The others blinked and Jonghyun looked at him and opened the door and allowed Kwangmin inside. The others followed the two. Kwangmin walked over to Key’s bed and sat down at the edge of the bed. The older twin looked at Kwangmin, “Can you help him?” he asked. Kwangmin looked at the sleeping boy as if examining him, “He’s very weak, I can try to help him but, for that I’ll need everyone to leave the room.” Jonghyun looked at the younger boy, “I’m staying, I don’t care what you say.” Kwangmin shrugged, “if you say so, its going to be painful to watch.” Kwangmin parted Key’s lips and leaned in; he opened his mouth and breathed out. A hissing and crackling sound like ice cracking was heard as it entered the older boy’s body. Jonghyun gripped his lovers hand and hoped for the best. However, when Kwangmin finished the element transfer, Key’s eyes opened and he attacked the younger. The older twin immediately placed a barrier around his brother to protect him. Key fell back into the covers and looked at Jonghyun who smiled, “Key, are you alright?” The younger nodded and sat up and glared at Kwangmin who smirked and stood up from the bed and mumbled, “that’s a nice way to say thank you.” He then left the room and went downstairs. Onew caught up with the younger and said, “Please don’t be upset, he doesn’t really-“ Kwangmin didn’t let him finish, “No worries, just be sure that he dosen’t over work the element its only temporary until he gets his actual element back.” 

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mistressofsecrecy #1
hey! i really want to read the prequel to this, can you please post the link??? :)
until then...i will read this!!! :D
JonghyunnieHyung #2
aaaaw Key OAO
yes a sequel sooo excited!!!!!
JonghyunnieHyung #5
omg a sequel!!!!! ;A; <333333
youthrules #6
Omg! A sequel! I can't wait!