Chapter 6

Rider 2


The next morning, Key awoke to someone training outside. He looked out the window and saw the kid that gave him his element. He left the house and watched the younger train. He walked over and said, “Hey, do you mind if I train with you?” Kwangmin nodded and waited until Key was facing him. They got into fighting position and Key charged, Kwangmin blocked it and grabbed the older boy’s wrist and flung him to the ground. “You’re a DTamer? Seriously? You can’t even touch me.” Kwangmin teased. Key coughed a little and stood up and was about to attack but, another one of Gangor’s beasts appeared.



Youngmin awoke in an instant when he felt a tug at his gut; he ran out of the house and saw the beast. He turned and ran back inside to wake everyone up. “What is that thing?” Kwangmin asked. Key backed away and said, “That’s the thing that took my element.” Kwangmin stood in fighting position and attacked, trying to freeze the beast’s legs. Key joined in but, nothing was working. Youngmin reappeared with the others and saw that the two started fighting. “What in the hell is that?!” Donghyun asked. Jonghyun gulped, “that’s the thing that took Key’s element.” Key collapsed and started panting, “What are you doing get up!” Kwangmin said appearing by Key’s side. “I can’t I’m still weak.” Kwangmin panted and said, “You’re only weak if you think you are, get up!” The beast swung its tail and wrapped around Kwangmin’s leg. At this point, Key stood and was trying his best to help the younger but; the beast was too fast he threw Kwangmin out into the clearing. Kwangmin looked at the approaching beast he backed away slowly. Then a fire ball hit the monster. Kwangmin turned and saw his brother trying to distract the beast. Key took this opportunity and attacked the beast.



The man looked at his ice element that he had taken from Key and saw that it was fading. “What’s this?” he wondered completely intrigued. Gangor looked at the element and back to the man and asked, “What does it mean?” Bae growled lowly and said, “Someone revived ice boy, and now his actual element is going back to its owner, find this nuisance who is trying to foil with my plans and kill him.”

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mistressofsecrecy #1
hey! i really want to read the prequel to this, can you please post the link??? :)
until then...i will read this!!! :D
JonghyunnieHyung #2
aaaaw Key OAO
yes a sequel sooo excited!!!!!
JonghyunnieHyung #5
omg a sequel!!!!! ;A; <333333
youthrules #6
Omg! A sequel! I can't wait!