Chapter 3

Rider 2


Bae had wandered into demon territory, a very dangerous kind of species that deal with all sorts of magic and spells that are illegal. He got off of his horse and went into a bar that was called the Witches Tavern. He walked in and sat down at the bar table and ordered a drink. He looked over at the demons that were eyeing him and smirked “any of you know how to take away someone’s element?” he wondered as he dropped some money onto the table “Who ever will help me do it, successfully, gets all of this.” He added. The demons gulped visibly at the sight of the gold coins rolling on the table. “There is a demon with sorcerer like powers named Gangor, he lives on the outskirts. I can take you there for less then half of what you have worth here on the table.” A demon spoke as he took a swing of his drink. Bae smirked and said “that’s what I like to hear, take me to him.” The demon smiled, “you have a deal, let’s go.” Bae and the demon left the bar and went off to find Gangor.


The dragons were flying and the D.Tamers  were on patrol, they had no idea where to start but, then ice’s growl got to Key’s attention “Hey, are you alright?” He asked. Ice hissed but nodded, “I don’t like this feeling I am getting. Do you feel it flame?” Ice growled. The other dragon nodded but, they continued their patrol. “We should land so we can ask some questions to the civilians.”  Onew suggested. The others nodded and they landed their dragons down in the forest. The D.Tamers got off of their dragons and left to head to the town that was just up ahead. The boys split into groups and made a meeting spot near the entrance. Jonghyun and Key walked around asking people if they had seen anything strange in particular. Taemin and Changmin walked around on the outside of the town to find any clues, while Onew and Minho were observing the peoples behavior.



Meanwhile, Bae and Gangor made their way into town and the older commanded “take their elements from them and give them to me understand.” The demon nodded and he began to find a beast control, he found one and gave it orders. The demon burst through town but, didn’t go unnoticed. Taemin and Changmin started attacking it. Key turned and pushed Jonghyun out of the way and dodged the attack. Key saw that Jonghyun got injured so he lured the serpent to him. The serpent followed Key out of the village. Key whistled for ice that appeared in an instant growling at the demon. The other tamers appeared but, then a demon appeared behind Key and grabbed him. Key concentrated his energy to make ice shards form from his body and pierce the demons body. Gangor growled and backed away from the tamer and then he smirked, “you fell into my trap, foolish boy.” Jonghyun’s eyes widened “Key move!” He widened but, it was too late; Gangor got a hold of Key’s body and began chanting his spell. Key felt his element being drained from his body. He groaned as the demon took his element. Ice was starting to panic because his master was loosing and now he was powerless, he gave his life to protect the one with the power of Ice and now, and he was an enemy dragon. Key made one final attempt his body turned into ice and broke the barrier that was his element. Key put his palms up and shot out some ice shards but, they didn’t do any damage. Changmin had enough, he surrounded the demon in darkness and tried to get Key’s element back but, nothing worked.


After the fight, Jonghyun cradled his lover, Key’s body was already covered in a thin layer of sweat. His element was gone; the only thing keeping him alive was Jonghyun’s bond. “Key, wake up baby.” Jonghyun cooed softly. The younger only groaned but his eyes didn’t open. Jonghyun looked to the others “What do we do? We can’t bring him back to the kingdom, it’s too far.” He said in desperation. Onew rubbed his nape and said “what land is closest to where we are, Changmin, Minho, Taemin?” Taemin thought for a moment and said “Land of Fire.”  The others nodded. Jonghyun looked at flame and said “I’ll be right back; I need to get him somewhere safe.” The others nodded. Jonghyun lifted the younger and got onto his dragon, flame. He smiled sadly and said “you know where to go.” The dragon nodded and opened his wings taking off.


They landed in the land of Fire that late afternoon, Jonghyun left his dragon not far from the gate. He got Key onto his back and walked into his town. “J-Jonghyun….I’m so s-sorry.” Key managed to gasp out. Jonghyun stopped in front of his house and said “don’t you dare say that Key, nothing is your fault.” Once inside, Jonghyun got Key into his room and under the covers of his bed. He looked at Key and held the boy’s hand. “Key, you’ll be ok; I’ll send flame right back here to look after you.” Key nodded. They shared a loving kiss and they broke apart. Jonghyun got onto his dragon and they took off, “flame this is a direct order from your master; when you bring me back to the others, go back to the land of Fire and take care of Key.” The dragon roared “I will obey master. That’s exactly what it did, after it dropped Jonghyun off it turned back and landed right in front of Jonghyuns house. He stuck his head into the window and saw Key. “Master, are you hurt?” He growled. Key looked at the dragon and pet it slowly and weakly “I’ll be ok.” He then drifted off to sleep with his lovers guardian dragon watching over him.

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mistressofsecrecy #1
hey! i really want to read the prequel to this, can you please post the link??? :)
until then...i will read this!!! :D
JonghyunnieHyung #2
aaaaw Key OAO
yes a sequel sooo excited!!!!!
JonghyunnieHyung #5
omg a sequel!!!!! ;A; <333333
youthrules #6
Omg! A sequel! I can't wait!