Chapter 4

Rider 2


Bae was pacing back and forth; he was back in Gangor’s home. “We got the power of the ice but, not all of it. We need to get all of it in order for my plan to work.” Bae spoke as he pondered. Gangor watched as his so called boss, thought of a plan. “Sir, what about his mate, ice mated with fire obviously the fire element has ice inside him from the bond.” Bae nodded taking in the information, “then in order to take the fire element we will need to get the fire element out of the flames mate. Heh, the kids barely alive anyway. Here is what we’ll do; we’ll get the fire that’s protecting the kid and then get the rest of it by taking the flame element that way we will get both ice and fire in the fire element.” Gangor nodded and the two left to find the Tamers.



When they found the Tamers, Bae and Gangor appeared in front of them, “hello boys.” Bae greeted. The Tamers stopped and got into fighting position. Bae stopped them; he snapped his fingers and showed them a mirror like image of Key. “I wouldn’t do anything stupid if I were you.” The others froze, Jonghyun was enraged, “Now, I need to borrow your elements for a little project I am doing called ‘take over the world.’”  “Why do you want our elements?”  Taemin asked. Bae snapped his fingers and the mirror of Key in bed began to move, it made Key groan out painfully and gasp out. Bae held out his palm and the boy’s saw that the fire element that was in Key providing him the last thing he had as a life line form in his palm. “Stop it! What the hell do you our elements for?!” Minho exclaimed. Jonghyun then gasped as he collapsed he began to pant as he felt his element begin to drain. “You see, even though this fire element is inside of ice boy here, it impacts you as well fire boy.” “D-don’t h-he’ll die w-with the element.” Jonghyun gasped. Bae smirked “exactly.” Onew placed his hand on the ground and caught Bae’s wrist with the tree roots. He then picked up his hand and the root mimicked the action by lifting Bae off the ground and then he made a throwing action with his hand which made the roots obey and throw Bae to the ground. When that happened the fire element returned to Key and that triggered an idea in Changmin’s mind. “Did you see that?” He asked. The others nodded and they began to fight to get Key’s element out of him.



Key lay in bed breathless, eyes tired and closing, his limbs felt slack and he felt just out right tired. Flame watched over the younger boy but, couldn’t do anything to help his pain. He couldn’t help but wonder where ice is and why he abandoned his master in his most vulnerable state. ‘I’m going to need to find ice and have a little chat with him.’ Flame thought. “Y-you can go.” Key muttered. Flame looked at the boy and shook its head, “I cannot abandon you master. I was ordered to take care of you.” Key slowly, with all of his strength lifted his arm to place his hand onto the creature, “go, I’ll take the blame.” The dragon was a little hesitant before it turned and flew off leaving Key alone. He sighed and closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, unaware that he just made a terrible mistake.

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mistressofsecrecy #1
hey! i really want to read the prequel to this, can you please post the link??? :)
until then...i will read this!!! :D
JonghyunnieHyung #2
aaaaw Key OAO
yes a sequel sooo excited!!!!!
JonghyunnieHyung #5
omg a sequel!!!!! ;A; <333333
youthrules #6
Omg! A sequel! I can't wait!